CB2 0QH (Cambridge) Postcode - Demographic & Neighbourhood ...

Có thể bạn quan tâm

What social class do the population of CB2 0QH belong to? What are the predominant ethnic groups? How deprived is CB2 0QH in Cambridge, how professionally qualified are the community, and how many hours a week do they work? All this, and more information and demographic statistics about CB2 0QH from the Census 2011.

  • 20%Children
  • 80%Adults

20% of people in this postcode area are children. Of the remainder, 12% are aged 76 or more.

  • 38.1%Male
  • 61.9%Female

From the last census, 38.1% of people in CB20QH male, and 61.9% female. Women outnumber men in Queen Edith's.

  • 64%AB
  • 29%C2/C2
  • 7%DE

According to census records, 64% of people here have a social grade of AB (highest), compared to the national average of 27%.

  • 22%SINGLE
  • 66%MARRIED

The percentage of people who are married in CB2 0QH is 22%. Single and 'other' people is 77%.

  • 85%WHITE
  • 15%NON-WHITE

85% of people class themselves as 'white', compared to a national UK average of 81.9%

  • 88.7%WORKING

1.9% are either unemployed or students in this area. The UK unemployment rate is 4%.

See all demographics for CB2 0QH

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