Chang Chien-Ying - Chinese New Art - Chinesenewart

Chinese artists by Michel Nau - Chang Chien-Ying  张蒨英

Chang Chien-Ying


© Chang Chien-Ying  张蒨英   portrait et son mari Fei Chengwu  费成武


Chang Chien-Ying 张蒨英 pinyin Zhang Qianying


Chang Chien-Ying 张蒨英 ( 1913 - 2004 ) was born on May 25 in Wuxi, Jiangsu

Province China.

Her father was a customs official.


After high school in Wuxi, she studied Art, at Nanjing Central University,

where she met her husband Fei Cheng-Wu ( 1914-2001 ) student of Xu Beihong.

1947/ 1950

Thanks to a scholarship, they went to study in Great Britain, at The Slade School

of Fine Art, in London.

The couple settled permanently in London.

Numerous exhibitions at The Royal Society of Painters in Watercolors, The Royal Academy ,

the Society of Women Artists as well as in galleries in London.

She is famous :

- for her delicate birds and landscapes paintings,

- for her illustrations of books of poems,

- for the design of film costumes :

( The Inn of the Sixth Happiness 1958 - The World of Suzy Wong 1960 )

- for her contribution to the musical ( The World of Suzy Wong 1960 ),

- for her creations of silk patterns with swallows for the Maison Dior.


She died in January, at the age of 90.

According to the will of the two spouses, their ashes were scattered in Hampstead,

United Kingdom, in front of the magnolias of Kenwood House.

Danièle Sicard

Chang Chien-Ying  张蒨英 - Birds on Magnolia, ink and colour on paper

Chang Chien-Ying 张蒨英 - "Birds on Magnolia" ink and colour on paper

 Chang Chien-Ying  张蒨英 -1943年国立中央大学艺术系部分成员在青城山(左起) 徐悲鸿、费成武、陈晓南、张倩英(费成武夫人)、孙宗慰

1943 年国立中央大学艺术系部分成员在青城山 (左起) 徐悲鸿、费成武、陈晓南、张倩英(费成武夫人)、孙宗慰

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