Coastline Nghĩa Là Gì ? | Từ Điển Anh Việt EzyDict

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TÌM KIẾM ex. Game, Music, Video, PhotographyNghĩa của từ coastline

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coastline /'koustlain/

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Các câu ví dụ:

1. Hung Nghiep Formosa Ha Tinh, a steel production unit of Taiwan-based Formosa Plastics Group, was found responsible for the incident after an estimated 70 tons of dead fish washed ashore along more than 200 km (125 miles) of coastline in April 2016.

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2. Binh An Beach with a coastline of two kilometers is the place for swimming and relaxing.

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3. Vietnam's long coastline makes Vietnam particularly vulnerable to devastating storms and floods.

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4. military activity around its coastline.

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5. Some expressed concern that given Vietnam’s long coastline, it would be difficult to manage and ensure security and order, while others felt no visa exemption should be granted to foreigners entering coastal economic zones.

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Từ vựng liên quan

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