CSP: Frame-src - HTTP - MDN Web Docs - Mozilla

  1. References
  2. HTTP
  3. Headers
  4. Content-Security-Policy
  5. CSP: frame-src
Article Actions
  • English (US)
    • Remember language
    • Deutsch
    • Français
    • 日本語
  • Syntax
  • Examples
  • Specifications
  • Browser compatibility
  • See also
  1. HTTP
  2. Guides
  3. An overview of HTTP
  4. A typical HTTP session
  5. HTTP messages
  6. MIME types (IANA media types)
  7. Compression in HTTP
  8. HTTP caching
  9. HTTP authentication
  10. Using HTTP cookies
  11. Redirections in HTTP
  12. HTTP conditional requests
  13. HTTP range requests
  14. Content negotiation
  15. Connection management in HTTP/1.x
  16. Evolution of HTTP
  17. Protocol upgrade mechanism
  18. Proxy servers and tunneling
  19. HTTP Client hints
  20. Security and privacy
    1. Practical security implementation guides
    2. HTTP Observatory
    3. Permissions Policy Experimental
    4. Content Security Policy (CSP)
    5. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
    6. Cross-Origin Resource Policy (CORP)
    7. Headers
  21. References
  22. HTTP headers
    1. Accept
    2. Accept-CH
    3. Accept-Encoding
    4. Accept-Language
    5. Accept-Patch
    6. Accept-Post
    7. Accept-Ranges
    8. Access-Control-Allow-Credentials
    9. Access-Control-Allow-Headers
    10. Access-Control-Allow-Methods
    11. Access-Control-Allow-Origin
    12. Access-Control-Expose-Headers
    13. Access-Control-Max-Age
    14. Access-Control-Request-Headers
    15. Access-Control-Request-Method
    16. Age
    17. Allow
    18. Alt-Svc
    19. Alt-Used
    20. Attribution-Reporting-Eligible Experimental
    21. Attribution-Reporting-Register-Source Experimental
    22. Attribution-Reporting-Register-Trigger Experimental
    23. Authorization
    24. Cache-Control
    25. Clear-Site-Data
    26. Connection
    27. Content-Digest
    28. Content-Disposition
    29. Content-DPR Non-standard Deprecated
    30. Content-Encoding
    31. Content-Language
    32. Content-Length
    33. Content-Location
    34. Content-Range
    35. Content-Security-Policy
    36. Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only
    37. Content-Type
    38. Cookie
    39. Critical-CH Experimental
    40. Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy
    41. Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy
    42. Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy
    43. Date
    44. Device-Memory
    45. DNT Non-standard Deprecated
    46. Downlink Experimental
    47. DPR Non-standard Deprecated
    48. Early-Data Experimental
    49. ECT Experimental
    50. ETag
    51. Expect
    52. Expect-CT Deprecated
    53. Expires
    54. Forwarded
    55. From
    56. Host
    57. If-Match
    58. If-Modified-Since
    59. If-None-Match
    60. If-Range
    61. If-Unmodified-Since
    62. Keep-Alive
    63. Last-Modified
    64. Link
    65. Location
    66. Max-Forwards
    67. NEL Experimental
    68. No-Vary-Search Experimental
    69. Observe-Browsing-Topics Experimental Non-standard
    70. Origin
    71. Origin-Agent-Cluster Experimental
    72. Permissions-Policy Experimental
    73. Pragma Deprecated
    74. Priority
    75. Proxy-Authenticate
    76. Proxy-Authorization
    77. Range
    78. Referer
    79. Referrer-Policy
    80. Refresh
    81. Report-To Non-standard Deprecated
    82. Reporting-Endpoints Experimental
    83. Repr-Digest
    84. Retry-After
    85. RTT Experimental
    86. Save-Data Experimental
    87. Sec-Browsing-Topics Experimental Non-standard
    88. Sec-CH-Prefers-Color-Scheme Experimental
    89. Sec-CH-Prefers-Reduced-Motion Experimental
    90. Sec-CH-Prefers-Reduced-Transparency Experimental
    91. Sec-CH-UA Experimental
    92. Sec-CH-UA-Arch Experimental
    93. Sec-CH-UA-Bitness Experimental
    94. Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version Deprecated
    95. Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version-List Experimental
    96. Sec-CH-UA-Mobile Experimental
    97. Sec-CH-UA-Model Experimental
    98. Sec-CH-UA-Platform Experimental
    99. Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version Experimental
    100. Sec-Fetch-Dest
    101. Sec-Fetch-Mode
    102. Sec-Fetch-Site
    103. Sec-Fetch-User
    104. Sec-GPC Experimental
    105. Sec-Purpose
    106. Sec-WebSocket-Accept
    107. Sec-WebSocket-Extensions
    108. Sec-WebSocket-Key
    109. Sec-WebSocket-Protocol
    110. Sec-WebSocket-Version
    111. Server
    112. Server-Timing
    113. Service-Worker
    114. Service-Worker-Allowed
    115. Service-Worker-Navigation-Preload
    116. Set-Cookie
    117. Set-Login Experimental
    118. SourceMap
    119. Speculation-Rules Experimental
    120. Strict-Transport-Security
    121. Supports-Loading-Mode Experimental
    122. TE
    123. Timing-Allow-Origin
    124. Tk Non-standard Deprecated
    125. Trailer
    126. Transfer-Encoding
    127. Upgrade
    128. Upgrade-Insecure-Requests
    129. User-Agent
    130. Vary
    131. Via
    132. Viewport-Width Non-standard Deprecated
    133. Want-Content-Digest
    134. Want-Repr-Digest
    135. Warning Deprecated
    136. Width Non-standard Deprecated
    137. WWW-Authenticate
    138. X-Content-Type-Options
    139. X-DNS-Prefetch-Control Non-standard
    140. X-Forwarded-For Non-standard
    141. X-Forwarded-Host Non-standard
    142. X-Forwarded-Proto Non-standard
    143. X-Frame-Options Deprecated
    144. X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies Non-standard
    145. X-Powered-By Non-standard
    146. X-Robots-Tag Non-standard
    147. X-XSS-Protection Non-standard Deprecated
  23. HTTP request methods
    1. CONNECT
    2. DELETE
    3. GET
    4. HEAD
    5. OPTIONS
    6. PATCH
    7. POST
    8. PUT
    9. TRACE
  24. HTTP response status codes
    1. 100 Continue
    2. 101 Switching Protocols
    3. 102 Processing
    4. 103 Early Hints
    5. 200 OK
    6. 201 Created
    7. 202 Accepted
    8. 203 Non-Authoritative Information
    9. 204 No Content
    10. 205 Reset Content
    11. 206 Partial Content
    12. 207 Multi-Status
    13. 208 Already Reported
    14. 226 IM Used
    15. 300 Multiple Choices
    16. 301 Moved Permanently
    17. 302 Found
    18. 303 See Other
    19. 304 Not Modified
    20. 307 Temporary Redirect
    21. 308 Permanent Redirect
    22. 400 Bad Request
    23. 401 Unauthorized
    24. 402 Payment Required
    25. 403 Forbidden
    26. 404 Not Found
    27. 405 Method Not Allowed
    28. 406 Not Acceptable
    29. 407 Proxy Authentication Required
    30. 408 Request Timeout
    31. 409 Conflict
    32. 410 Gone
    33. 411 Length Required
    34. 412 Precondition Failed
    35. 413 Content Too Large
    36. 414 URI Too Long
    37. 415 Unsupported Media Type
    38. 416 Range Not Satisfiable
    39. 417 Expectation Failed
    40. 418 I'm a teapot
    41. 421 Misdirected Request
    42. 422 Unprocessable Content
    43. 423 Locked
    44. 424 Failed Dependency
    45. 425 Too Early
    46. 426 Upgrade Required
    47. 428 Precondition Required
    48. 429 Too Many Requests
    49. 431 Request Header Fields Too Large
    50. 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons
    51. 500 Internal Server Error
    52. 501 Not Implemented
    53. 502 Bad Gateway
    54. 503 Service Unavailable
    55. 504 Gateway Timeout
    56. 505 HTTP Version Not Supported
    57. 506 Variant Also Negotiates
    58. 507 Insufficient Storage
    59. 508 Loop Detected
    60. 510 Not Extended
    61. 511 Network Authentication Required
  25. CSP directives
    1. CSP: base-uri
    2. CSP: block-all-mixed-content Deprecated
    3. CSP: child-src
    4. CSP: connect-src
    5. CSP: default-src
    6. CSP: fenced-frame-src Experimental
    7. CSP: font-src
    8. CSP: form-action
    9. CSP: frame-ancestors
    10. CSP: frame-src
    11. CSP: img-src
    12. CSP: manifest-src
    13. CSP: media-src
    14. CSP: object-src
    15. CSP: prefetch-src Non-standard Deprecated
    16. CSP: report-to
    17. CSP: report-uri Deprecated
    18. CSP: require-trusted-types-for Experimental
    19. CSP: sandbox
    20. CSP: script-src
    21. CSP: script-src-attr
    22. CSP: script-src-elem
    23. CSP: style-src
    24. CSP: style-src-attr
    25. CSP: style-src-elem
    26. CSP: trusted-types Experimental
    27. CSP: upgrade-insecure-requests
    28. CSP: worker-src
  26. CORS errors
    1. Reason: CORS disabled
    2. Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' does not match 'xyz'
    3. Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing
    4. Reason: CORS header 'Origin' cannot be added
    5. Reason: CORS preflight channel did not succeed
    6. Reason: CORS request did not succeed
    7. Reason: CORS request external redirect not allowed
    8. Reason: CORS request not HTTP
    9. Reason: Credential is not supported if the CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' is '*'
    10. Reason: Did not find method in CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods'
    11. Reason: expected 'true' in CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'
    12. Reason: invalid token 'xyz' in CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers'
    13. Reason: invalid token 'xyz' in CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods'
    14. Reason: missing token 'xyz' in CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' from CORS preflight channel
    15. Reason: Multiple CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' not allowed
  27. Permissions-Policy directives
    1. Permissions-Policy: accelerometer Experimental
    2. Permissions-Policy: ambient-light-sensor Experimental
    3. Permissions-Policy: attribution-reporting Experimental
    4. Permissions-Policy: autoplay Experimental
    5. Permissions-Policy: bluetooth Experimental
    6. Permissions-Policy: browsing-topics Experimental Non-standard
    7. Permissions-Policy: camera Experimental
    8. Permissions-Policy: compute-pressure Experimental
    9. Permissions-Policy: cross-origin-isolated Experimental
    10. Permissions-Policy: display-capture Experimental
    11. Permissions-Policy: document-domain Experimental
    12. Permissions-Policy: encrypted-media Experimental
    13. Permissions-Policy: fullscreen Experimental
    14. Permissions-Policy: gamepad Experimental
    15. Permissions-Policy: geolocation Experimental
    16. Permissions-Policy: gyroscope Experimental
    17. Permissions-Policy: hid Experimental
    18. Permissions-Policy: identity-credentials-get Experimental
    19. Permissions-Policy: idle-detection Experimental
    20. Permissions-Policy: local-fonts Experimental
    21. Permissions-Policy: magnetometer Experimental
    22. Permissions-Policy: microphone Experimental
    23. Permissions-Policy: midi Experimental
    24. Permissions-Policy: otp-credentials Experimental
    25. Permissions-Policy: payment Experimental
    26. Permissions-Policy: picture-in-picture Experimental
    27. Permissions-Policy: publickey-credentials-create Experimental
    28. Permissions-Policy: publickey-credentials-get Experimental
    29. Permissions-Policy: screen-wake-lock Experimental
    30. Permissions-Policy: serial Experimental
    31. Permissions-Policy: speaker-selection Experimental
    32. Permissions-Policy: storage-access Experimental
    33. Permissions-Policy: usb Experimental
    34. Permissions-Policy: web-share Experimental
    35. Permissions-Policy: window-management Experimental
    36. Permissions-Policy: xr-spatial-tracking Experimental
  28. HTTP resources and specifications
  • Syntax
  • Examples
  • Specifications
  • Browser compatibility
  • See also

The HTTP Content-Security-Policy (CSP) frame-src directive specifies valid sources for nested browsing contexts loading using elements such as <frame> and <iframe>.

Note: frame-src allows you to specify where iframes in a page may be loaded from. This differs from frame-ancestors, which allows you to specify what parent source may embed a page.

CSP version 1
Directive type Fetch directive
Fallback If this directive is absent, the user agent will look for the child-src directive (which falls back to the default-src directive).


httpContent-Security-Policy: frame-src 'none'; Content-Security-Policy: frame-src <source-expression-list>;

This directive may have one of the following values:


No resources of this type may be loaded. The single quotes are mandatory.


A space-separated list of source expression values. Resources of this type may be loaded if they match any of the given source expressions. For this directive, the following source expression values are applicable:

  • <host-source>
  • <scheme-source>
  • 'self'


Violation cases

Given this CSP header:

httpContent-Security-Policy: frame-src https://example.com/

The following <iframe> is blocked and won't load:

html<iframe src="https://not-example.com/"></iframe>


Content Security Policy Level 3 # directive-frame-src

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

  • Content-Security-Policy
  • <frame> and <iframe>
  • frame-ancestors

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