Driving Nghĩa Là Gì Trong Tiếng Việt? - English Sticky

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driving nghĩa là gì trong Tiếng Việt?driving nghĩa là gì, định nghĩa, các sử dụng và ví dụ trong Tiếng Anh. Cách phát âm driving giọng bản ngữ. Từ đồng nghĩa, trái nghĩa của driving.

Từ điển Anh Việt - Chuyên ngành

  • driving

    * kỹ thuật

    dẫn động

    đóng cọc


    sự dẫn động

    sự đào lò

    sự điều khiển

    sự đóng cọc

    sự lái

    sự lái xe

    sự truyền động

    xây dựng:

    sự đào hầm

    sự đóng (cọc)

    sự khoét hầm

Từ điển Anh Anh - Wordnet

  • driving

    the act of controlling and steering the movement of a vehicle or animal

    having the power of driving or impelling

    a driving personal ambition

    the driving force was his innate enthusiasm

    an impulsive force

    Synonyms: impulsive

    acting with vigor

    responsibility turned the spoiled playboy into a driving young executive


    drive: hitting a golf ball off of a tee with a driver

    he sliced his drive out of bounds

    drive: operate or control a vehicle

    drive a car or bus

    Can you drive this four-wheel truck?

    drive: travel or be transported in a vehicle

    We drove to the university every morning

    They motored to London for the theater

    Synonyms: motor

    drive: cause someone or something to move by driving

    She drove me to school every day

    We drove the car to the garage

    force: force into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically

    She rammed her mind into focus

    He drives me mad

    Synonyms: drive, ram

    drive: to compel or force or urge relentlessly or exert coercive pressure on, or motivate strongly

    She is driven by her passion

    repel: cause to move back by force or influence

    repel the enemy

    push back the urge to smoke

    beat back the invaders

    Synonyms: drive, repulse, force back, push back, beat back

    Antonyms: attract

    drive: compel somebody to do something, often against his own will or judgment

    She finally drove him to change jobs

    drive: push, propel, or press with force

    Drive a nail into the wall

    drive: cause to move rapidly by striking or throwing with force

    drive the ball far out into the field

    tug: strive and make an effort to reach a goal

    She tugged for years to make a decent living

    We have to push a little to make the deadline!

    She is driving away at her doctoral thesis

    Synonyms: labor, labour, push, drive

    drive: move into a desired direction of discourse

    What are you driving at?

    Synonyms: get, aim

    drive: have certain properties when driven

    This car rides smoothly

    My new truck drives well

    Synonyms: ride

    drive: work as a driver

    He drives a bread truck

    She drives for the taxi company in Newark

    drive: move by being propelled by a force

    The car drove around the corner

    drive: urge forward

    drive the cows into the barn

    drive: proceed along in a vehicle

    We drive the turnpike to work

    Synonyms: take

    drive: strike with a driver, as in teeing off

    drive a golf ball

    drive: hit very hard, as by swinging a bat horizontally

    drive a ball

    drive: excavate horizontally

    drive a tunnel

    drive: cause to function by supplying the force or power for or by controlling

    The amplifier drives the tube

    steam drives the engines

    this device drives the disks for the computer

    drive: hunting: search for game

    drive the forest

    drive: hunting: chase from cover into more open ground

    drive the game

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Từ khóa » Driver Là Gì Từ điển Tiếng Việt