iaColSpan - Web APIs | MDN

  1. References
  2. Web APIs
  3. Element
  4. ariaColSpan
Article Actions
  • English (US)
    • Remember language
    • Deutsch
    • 日本語
  • Value
  • Examples
  • Specifications
  • Browser compatibility
  • See also
  1. Document Object Model (DOM)
  2. Element
  3. Instance properties
    1. ariaAtomic
    2. ariaAutoComplete
    3. ariaBrailleLabel
    4. ariaBrailleRoleDescription
    5. ariaBusy
    6. ariaChecked
    7. ariaColCount
    8. ariaColIndex
    9. ariaColIndexText
    10. ariaColSpan
    11. ariaCurrent
    12. ariaDescription
    13. ariaDisabled
    14. ariaExpanded
    15. ariaHasPopup
    16. ariaHidden
    17. ariaKeyShortcuts
    18. ariaLabel
    19. ariaLevel
    20. ariaLive
    21. ariaModal
    22. ariaMultiLine
    23. ariaMultiSelectable
    24. ariaOrientation
    25. ariaPlaceholder
    26. ariaPosInSet
    27. ariaPressed
    28. ariaReadOnly
    29. ariaRelevant Non-standard
    30. ariaRequired
    31. ariaRoleDescription
    32. ariaRowCount
    33. ariaRowIndex
    34. ariaRowIndexText
    35. ariaRowSpan
    36. ariaSelected
    37. ariaSetSize
    38. ariaSort
    39. ariaValueMax
    40. ariaValueMin
    41. ariaValueNow
    42. ariaValueText
    43. assignedSlot
    44. attributes
    45. childElementCount
    46. children
    47. classList
    48. className
    49. clientHeight
    50. clientLeft
    51. clientTop
    52. clientWidth
    53. currentCSSZoom
    54. elementTiming Experimental
    55. firstElementChild
    56. id
    57. innerHTML
    58. lastElementChild
    59. localName
    60. namespaceURI
    61. nextElementSibling
    62. outerHTML
    63. part
    64. prefix
    65. previousElementSibling
    66. scrollHeight
    67. scrollLeft
    68. scrollLeftMax Non-standard
    69. scrollTop
    70. scrollTopMax Non-standard
    71. scrollWidth
    72. shadowRoot
    73. slot
    74. tagName
  4. Instance methods
    1. after()
    2. animate()
    3. append()
    4. attachShadow()
    5. before()
    6. checkVisibility()
    7. closest()
    8. computedStyleMap()
    9. getAnimations()
    10. getAttribute()
    11. getAttributeNames()
    12. getAttributeNode()
    13. getAttributeNodeNS()
    14. getAttributeNS()
    15. getBoundingClientRect()
    16. getClientRects()
    17. getElementsByClassName()
    18. getElementsByTagName()
    19. getElementsByTagNameNS()
    20. getHTML()
    21. hasAttribute()
    22. hasAttributeNS()
    23. hasAttributes()
    24. hasPointerCapture()
    25. insertAdjacentElement()
    26. insertAdjacentHTML()
    27. insertAdjacentText()
    28. matches()
    29. prepend()
    30. querySelector()
    31. querySelectorAll()
    32. releasePointerCapture()
    33. remove()
    34. removeAttribute()
    35. removeAttributeNode()
    36. removeAttributeNS()
    37. replaceChildren()
    38. replaceWith()
    39. requestFullscreen()
    40. requestPointerLock()
    41. scroll()
    42. scrollBy()
    43. scrollIntoView()
    44. scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() Non-standard
    45. scrollTo()
    46. setAttribute()
    47. setAttributeNode()
    48. setAttributeNodeNS()
    49. setAttributeNS()
    50. setCapture() Non-standard Deprecated
    51. setHTMLUnsafe()
    52. setPointerCapture()
    53. toggleAttribute()
  5. Events
    1. afterscriptexecute Non-standard
    2. animationcancel
    3. animationend
    4. animationiteration
    5. animationstart
    6. auxclick
    7. beforeinput
    8. beforematch Experimental
    9. beforescriptexecute Non-standard
    10. beforexrselect Experimental
    11. blur
    12. click
    13. compositionend
    14. compositionstart
    15. compositionupdate
    16. contentvisibilityautostatechange
    17. contextmenu
    18. copy
    19. cut
    20. dblclick
    21. DOMActivate Deprecated
    22. DOMMouseScroll Non-standard Deprecated
    23. focus
    24. focusin
    25. focusout
    26. fullscreenchange
    27. fullscreenerror
    28. gesturechange Non-standard
    29. gestureend Non-standard
    30. gesturestart Non-standard
    31. gotpointercapture
    32. input
    33. keydown
    34. keypress Deprecated
    35. keyup
    36. lostpointercapture
    37. mousedown
    38. mouseenter
    39. mouseleave
    40. mousemove
    41. mouseout
    42. mouseover
    43. mouseup
    44. mousewheel Non-standard Deprecated
    45. MozMousePixelScroll Non-standard Deprecated
    46. paste
    47. pointercancel
    48. pointerdown
    49. pointerenter
    50. pointerleave
    51. pointermove
    52. pointerout
    53. pointerover
    54. pointerrawupdate Experimental
    55. pointerup
    56. scroll
    57. scrollend
    58. scrollsnapchange Experimental
    59. scrollsnapchanging Experimental
    60. securitypolicyviolation
    61. touchcancel
    62. touchend
    63. touchmove
    64. touchstart
    65. transitioncancel
    66. transitionend
    67. transitionrun
    68. transitionstart
    69. webkitmouseforcechanged Non-standard
    70. webkitmouseforcedown Non-standard
    71. webkitmouseforceup Non-standard
    72. webkitmouseforcewillbegin Non-standard
    73. wheel
  6. Inheritance
    1. Node
    2. EventTarget
  7. Related pages for DOM
    1. AbortController
    2. AbortSignal
    3. AbstractRange
    4. Attr
    5. CDATASection
    6. CharacterData
    7. Comment
    8. CustomEvent
    9. DOMError Deprecated
    10. DOMException
    11. DOMImplementation
    12. DOMParser
    13. DOMPoint
    14. DOMPointReadOnly
    15. DOMRect
    16. DOMTokenList
    17. Document
    18. DocumentFragment
    19. DocumentType
    20. Event
    21. EventTarget
    22. HTMLCollection
    23. MutationObserver
    24. MutationRecord
    25. NamedNodeMap
    26. Node
    27. NodeIterator
    28. NodeList
    29. ProcessingInstruction
    30. Range
    31. StaticRange
    32. Text
    33. TextDecoder
    34. TextEncoder
    35. TimeRanges
    36. TreeWalker
    37. XMLDocument
  • Value
  • Examples
  • Specifications
  • Browser compatibility
  • See also

The ariaColSpan property of the Element interface reflects the value of the aria-colspan attribute, which defines the number of columns spanned by a cell or gridcell within a table, grid, or treegrid.


A string which contains an integer.


In this example the aria-colspan attribute on the element with an ID of spanning-heading is set to "2". Using ariaColSpan we update the value to "3".

html<table> <tr> <th>Heading 1</th> <th>Heading 2</th> <th>Heading 3</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" aria-colspan="2" id="spanning-column">Spanning</td> <td>One</td> </tr> </table> jslet el = document.getElementById("spanning-column"); console.log(el.ariaColSpan); el.ariaColSpan = "3"; console.log(el.ariaColSpan);


Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) # dom-ariamixin-ariacolspan

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

  • ARIA: table role

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Từ khóa » Html Colspan Javascript