iaColSpan - Web APIs | MDN
Có thể bạn quan tâm
- References
- Web APIs
- Element
- ariaColSpan
- English (US)
- Remember language
- Deutsch
- 日本語
- Value
- Examples
- Specifications
- Browser compatibility
- See also
- Document Object Model (DOM)
- Element
- Instance properties
- ariaAtomic
- ariaAutoComplete
- ariaBrailleLabel
- ariaBrailleRoleDescription
- ariaBusy
- ariaChecked
- ariaColCount
- ariaColIndex
- ariaColIndexText
- ariaColSpan
- ariaCurrent
- ariaDescription
- ariaDisabled
- ariaExpanded
- ariaHasPopup
- ariaHidden
- ariaKeyShortcuts
- ariaLabel
- ariaLevel
- ariaLive
- ariaModal
- ariaMultiLine
- ariaMultiSelectable
- ariaOrientation
- ariaPlaceholder
- ariaPosInSet
- ariaPressed
- ariaReadOnly
- ariaRelevant Non-standard
- ariaRequired
- ariaRoleDescription
- ariaRowCount
- ariaRowIndex
- ariaRowIndexText
- ariaRowSpan
- ariaSelected
- ariaSetSize
- ariaSort
- ariaValueMax
- ariaValueMin
- ariaValueNow
- ariaValueText
- assignedSlot
- attributes
- childElementCount
- children
- classList
- className
- clientHeight
- clientLeft
- clientTop
- clientWidth
- currentCSSZoom
- elementTiming Experimental
- firstElementChild
- id
- innerHTML
- lastElementChild
- localName
- namespaceURI
- nextElementSibling
- outerHTML
- part
- prefix
- previousElementSibling
- scrollHeight
- scrollLeft
- scrollLeftMax Non-standard
- scrollTop
- scrollTopMax Non-standard
- scrollWidth
- shadowRoot
- slot
- tagName
- Instance methods
- after()
- animate()
- append()
- attachShadow()
- before()
- checkVisibility()
- closest()
- computedStyleMap()
- getAnimations()
- getAttribute()
- getAttributeNames()
- getAttributeNode()
- getAttributeNodeNS()
- getAttributeNS()
- getBoundingClientRect()
- getClientRects()
- getElementsByClassName()
- getElementsByTagName()
- getElementsByTagNameNS()
- getHTML()
- hasAttribute()
- hasAttributeNS()
- hasAttributes()
- hasPointerCapture()
- insertAdjacentElement()
- insertAdjacentHTML()
- insertAdjacentText()
- matches()
- prepend()
- querySelector()
- querySelectorAll()
- releasePointerCapture()
- remove()
- removeAttribute()
- removeAttributeNode()
- removeAttributeNS()
- replaceChildren()
- replaceWith()
- requestFullscreen()
- requestPointerLock()
- scroll()
- scrollBy()
- scrollIntoView()
- scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() Non-standard
- scrollTo()
- setAttribute()
- setAttributeNode()
- setAttributeNodeNS()
- setAttributeNS()
- setCapture() Non-standard Deprecated
- setHTMLUnsafe()
- setPointerCapture()
- toggleAttribute()
- Events
- afterscriptexecute Non-standard
- animationcancel
- animationend
- animationiteration
- animationstart
- auxclick
- beforeinput
- beforematch Experimental
- beforescriptexecute Non-standard
- beforexrselect Experimental
- blur
- click
- compositionend
- compositionstart
- compositionupdate
- contentvisibilityautostatechange
- contextmenu
- copy
- cut
- dblclick
- DOMActivate Deprecated
- DOMMouseScroll Non-standard Deprecated
- focus
- focusin
- focusout
- fullscreenchange
- fullscreenerror
- gesturechange Non-standard
- gestureend Non-standard
- gesturestart Non-standard
- gotpointercapture
- input
- keydown
- keypress Deprecated
- keyup
- lostpointercapture
- mousedown
- mouseenter
- mouseleave
- mousemove
- mouseout
- mouseover
- mouseup
- mousewheel Non-standard Deprecated
- MozMousePixelScroll Non-standard Deprecated
- paste
- pointercancel
- pointerdown
- pointerenter
- pointerleave
- pointermove
- pointerout
- pointerover
- pointerrawupdate Experimental
- pointerup
- scroll
- scrollend
- scrollsnapchange Experimental
- scrollsnapchanging Experimental
- securitypolicyviolation
- touchcancel
- touchend
- touchmove
- touchstart
- transitioncancel
- transitionend
- transitionrun
- transitionstart
- webkitmouseforcechanged Non-standard
- webkitmouseforcedown Non-standard
- webkitmouseforceup Non-standard
- webkitmouseforcewillbegin Non-standard
- wheel
- Inheritance
- Node
- EventTarget
- Related pages for DOM
- AbortController
- AbortSignal
- AbstractRange
- Attr
- CDATASection
- CharacterData
- Comment
- CustomEvent
- DOMError Deprecated
- DOMException
- DOMImplementation
- DOMParser
- DOMPoint
- DOMPointReadOnly
- DOMRect
- DOMTokenList
- Document
- DocumentFragment
- DocumentType
- Event
- EventTarget
- HTMLCollection
- MutationObserver
- MutationRecord
- NamedNodeMap
- Node
- NodeIterator
- NodeList
- ProcessingInstruction
- Range
- StaticRange
- Text
- TextDecoder
- TextEncoder
- TimeRanges
- TreeWalker
- XMLDocument
- Value
- Examples
- Specifications
- Browser compatibility
- See also
The ariaColSpan property of the Element interface reflects the value of the aria-colspan attribute, which defines the number of columns spanned by a cell or gridcell within a table, grid, or treegrid.
A string which contains an integer.
In this example the aria-colspan attribute on the element with an ID of spanning-heading is set to "2". Using ariaColSpan we update the value to "3".
html<table> <tr> <th>Heading 1</th> <th>Heading 2</th> <th>Heading 3</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" aria-colspan="2" id="spanning-column">Spanning</td> <td>One</td> </tr> </table> jslet el = document.getElementById("spanning-column"); console.log(el.ariaColSpan); el.ariaColSpan = "3"; console.log(el.ariaColSpan);Specifications
Specification |
Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) # dom-ariamixin-ariacolspan |
Browser compatibility
BCD tables only load in the browser
See also
- ARIA: table role
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View this page on GitHub • Report a problem with this contentTừ khóa » Html Colspan Javascript
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