Eun Yi Chung | Economics At Illinois

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Eun Yi Chung

Research Areas

Econometrics Edit Your Profile Associate Professor

Additional Campus Affiliations

Associate Professor, Economics DEI and Climate Officer, Economics

Recent Publications

Chung, E. Y., & Olivares, M. (Accepted/In press). Quantile-Based Test for Heterogeneous Treatment Effects. Journal of Applied Econometrics.

Bertanha, M., & Chung, E. (2023). Permutation Tests at Nonparametric Rates. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 118(544), 2833-2846.

Chung, E. Y., & Olivares, M. (2021). Permutation test for heterogeneous treatment effects with a nuisance parameter. Journal of Econometrics, 225(2), 148-174.

Chung, E. Y. (2017). Randomization-based tests for "no treatment effects". Statistical Science, 32(3), 349-351.

Chung, E. Y., & Romano, J. P. (2016). Asymptotically valid and exact permutation tests based on two-sample U-statistics. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 168, 97-105.

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