"Go Back On His Promise" Nghĩa Là Gì? - Journey In Life

"Go back on his promise" nghĩa là gì? - Theo dõi journeyinlife.net trên Hứa lên hứa xuống bảo đến mà chưa thấy đâu! Photo by Felipe Balduino from Pexels "Go back on (one's) promise" nghĩa là nuốt lời, thất hứa. Ví dụ For a moment he was tempted to go back on his promise. If you call spreading rumors about how I went back on my promise to date her when I returned moving on. I guess it's better than her speading that we actually were steady. Promissory estoppel (bằng chứng liên quan đến lời hứa) is an equitable doctrine (học thuyết) designed to prevent the promisor going back on their promise where this would be inequitable (unfair) because the promisee has relied on it. She placed a hand on her shoulder. “Take it easy, baby. You can't go chickening out(bỏ dở) on me now. Remember, you promised me you would go out with me tonight.” “I know. I'm not going back on my promise,” she answered, shaking her head. Bài trước: "A promise made is a promise kept" nghĩa là gì? Tags: phraseVũ Thu Phương Bài viết liên quan

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