HTML Color Codes And Names - Computer Hope

HTML color codes and names Updated: 02/04/2024 by Computer Hope Color codes

HTML color codes are hexadecimal triplets representing the colors red, green, and blue (#RRGGBB). For example, in the color red, the color code is #FF0000, which is '255' red, '0' green, and '0' blue. There are 16,777,216 possible HTML color codes, and all are visible on a 24-bit display.

These color codes can change the color of the background, text, and tables on a web page. They can also reference exact colors in photo editing programs like Adobe Photoshop.

  • Major hexadecimal color codes.
  • Color code chart.
  • HTML color code tool.
  • How to change the font type, size, and color on a web page.
  • All questions relating to CSS and HTML colors.
  • All color-related terms.
  • HTML help.

Major hexadecimal color codes

Below are some common color names and codes. With these colors, the color name can also be used. For example, in HTML (hypertext markup language) tags and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) that use color codes, you could use "red" instead of "#FF0000."

Color Name Color Code Color Name Color Code
Red #FF0000 White #FFFFFF
Cyan #00FFFF Silver #C0C0C0
Blue #0000FF Gray or Grey #808080
DarkBlue #00008B Black #000000
LightBlue #ADD8E6 Orange #FFA500
Purple #800080 Brown #A52A2A
Yellow #FFFF00 Maroon #800000
Lime #00FF00 Green #008000
Magenta #FF00FF Olive #808000
Pink #FFC0CB Aquamarine #7FFFD4

See the W3C color names for a full list of color names or look for (W3C) in the table below.

Color code chart

Blacks - Grays - Blues - Greens - Yellows - Browns - Orange - Reds - Pinks - Purples

Code Color names
#000000 Black (W3C)
#040720 Black Blue
#0C090A Night
#34282C Charcoal
#3B3131 Oil
#3A3B3C Stormy Gray
#454545 Light Black
#4D4D4F Dark Steampunk
#413839 Black Cat
#3D3C3A Iridium
#463E3F Black Eel
#4C4646 Black Cow
#504A4B Gray Wolf
#565051 Vampire Gray
#52595D Iron Gray
#5C5858 Gray Dolphin
#625D5D Carbon Gray
#666362 Ash Gray
#696969 DimGray or DimGrey (W3C)
#686A6C Nardo Gray
#6D6968 Cloudy Gray
#726E6D Smokey Gray
#736F6E Alien Gray
#757575 Sonic Silver
#797979 Platinum Gray
#837E7C Granite
#808080 Gray or Grey (W3C)
#848482 Battleship Gray
#888B90 Sheet Metal
#8C8C8C Dark Gainsboro
#8D918D Gunmetal Gray
#9B9A96 Cold Metal
#99A3A3 Stainless Steel Gray
#A9A9A9 DarkGray or DarkGrey (W3C)
#A8A9AD Chrome Aluminum
#B6B6B4 Gray Cloud
#B6B6B6 Metal
#C0C0C0 Silver (W3C)
#C9C1C1 Steampunk
#C9C0BB Pale Silver
#C0C6C7 Gear Steel Gray
#D1D0CE Gray Goose
#CECECE Platinum Silver
#D3D3D3 LightGray or LightGrey (W3C)
#DADBDD Silver White
#DCDCDC Gainsboro (W3C)
#E0E5E5 Light Steel Gray
#F5F5F5 WhiteSmoke (W3C)
#EEEEEE White Gray
#E5E4E2 Platinum
#BCC6CC Metallic Silver
#98AFC7 Blue Gray
#838996 Roman Silver
#778899 LightSlateGray or LightSlateGrey (W3C)
#708090 SlateGray or SlateGrey (W3C)
#6D7B8D Rat Gray
#657383 Slate Granite Gray
#616D7E Jet Gray
#646D7E Mist Blue
#71797E Steel Gray
#566D7E Marble Blue
#737CA1 Slate Blue Gray
#728FCE Light Purple Blue
#4863A0 Azure Blue
#2F539B Estoril Blue
#2B547E Blue Jay
#36454F Charcoal Blue
#29465B Dark Blue Gray
#2B3856 Dark Slate
#123456 Deep Sea Blue
#151B54 Night Blue
#191970 MidnightBlue (W3C)
#000080 Navy (W3C)
#151B8D Denim Dark Blue
#00008B DarkBlue (W3C)
#15317E Lapis Blue
#0000A0 New Midnight Blue
#0000A5 Earth Blue
#0020C2 Cobalt Blue
#0000CD MediumBlue (W3C)
#0041C2 Blueberry Blue
#2916F5 Canary Blue
#0000FF Blue (W3C)
#0002FF Samco Blue
#0909FF Bright Blue
#1F45FC Blue Orchid
#2554C7 Sapphire Blue
#1569C7 Blue Eyes
#1974D2 Bright Navy Blue
#2B60DE Balloon Blue
#4169E1 RoyalBlue (W3C)
#2B65EC Ocean Blue
#0059FF Dark Sky Blue
#306EFF Blue Ribbon
#157DEC Blue Dress
#1589FF Neon Blue
#1E90FF DodgerBlue (W3C)
#368BC1 Glacial Blue Ice
#4682B4 SteelBlue (W3C)
#488AC7 Silk Blue
#357EC7 Windows Blue
#3090C7 Blue Ivy
#14A3C7 Cyan Blue
#659EC7 Blue Koi
#87AFC7 Columbia Blue
#95B9C7 Baby Blue
#6495ED CornflowerBlue (W3C)
#6698FF Sky Blue Dress
#56A5EC Iceberg
#38ACEC Butterfly Blue
#00BFFF DeepSkyBlue (W3C)
#3BB9FF Midday Blue
#5CB3FF Crystal Blue
#79BAEC Denim Blue
#82CAFF Day Sky Blue
#87CEFA LightSkyBlue (W3C)
#87CEEB SkyBlue (W3C)
#A0CFEC Jeans Blue
#B7CEEC Blue Angel
#B4CFEC Pastel Blue
#ADDFFF Light Day Blue
#C2DFFF Sea Blue
#C6DEFF Heavenly Blue
#BDEDFF Robin Egg Blue
#B0E0E6 PowderBlue (W3C)
#AFDCEC Coral Blue
#ADD8E6 LightBlue (W3C)
#B0CFDE LightSteelBlue (W3C)
#C9DFEC Gulf Blue
#D5D6EA Pastel Light Blue
#E3E4FA Lavender Blue
#DBE9FA White Blue
#E6E6FA Lavender (W3C)
#EBF4FA Water
#F0F8FF AliceBlue (W3C)
#F8F8FF GhostWhite (W3C)
#F0FFFF Azure (W3C)
#E0FFFF LightCyan (W3C)
#CCFFFF Light Slate
#9AFEFF Electric Blue
#7DFDFE Tron Blue
#57FEFF Blue Zircon
#00FFFF Cyan or Aqua (W3C)
#0AFFFF Bright Cyan
#50EBEC Celeste
#4EE2EC Blue Diamond
#16E2F5 Bright Turquoise
#8EEBEC Blue Lagoon
#AFEEEE PaleTurquoise (W3C)
#CFECEC Pale Blue Lily
#B3D9D9 Light Teal
#81D8D0 Tiffany Blue
#77BFC7 Blue Hosta
#92C7C7 Cyan Opaque
#78C7C7 Northern Lights Blue
#7BCCB5 Blue Green
#66CDAA MediumAquaMarine (W3C)
#93E9BE Aqua Seafoam Green
#AAF0D1 Magic Mint
#93FFE8 Light Aquamarine
#7FFFD4 Aquamarine (W3C)
#01F9C6 Bright Teal
#40E0D0 Turquoise (W3C)
#48D1CC MediumTurquoise (W3C)
#48CCCD Deep Turquoise
#46C7C7 Jellyfish
#43C6DB Blue Turquoise
#00CED1 DarkTurquoise (W3C)
#43BFC7 Macaw Blue Green
#20B2AA LightSeaGreen (W3C)
#3EA99F Seafoam Green
#5F9EA0 CadetBlue (W3C)
#3B9C9C Deep Sea
#008B8B DarkCyan (W3C)
#00827F Teal Green
#008080 Teal (W3C)
#007C80 Teal Blue
#045F5F Medium Teal
#045D5D Dark Teal
#033E3E Deep Teal
#25383C DarkSlateGray or DarkSlateGrey (W3C)
#2C3539 Gunmetal
#3C565B Blue Moss Green
#4C787E Beetle Green
#5E7D7E Grayish Turquoise
#307D7E Greenish Blue
#348781 Aquamarine Stone
#438D80 Sea Turtle Green
#4E8975 Dull Sea Green
#1F6357 Dark Green Blue
#306754 Deep Sea Green
#006A4E Bottle Green
#2E8B57 SeaGreen (W3C)
#1B8A6B Elf Green
#31906E Dark Mint
#00A36C Jade
#34A56F Earth Green
#1AA260 Chrome Green
#3EB489 Mint
#50C878 Emerald
#22CE83 Isle Of Man Green
#3CB371 MediumSeaGreen (W3C)
#7C9D8E Metallic Green
#78866B Camouflage Green
#848B79 Sage Green
#617C58 Hazel Green
#728C00 Venom Green
#6B8E23 OliveDrab (W3C)
#808000 Olive (W3C)
#555D50 Ebony
#556B2F DarkOliveGreen (W3C)
#4E5B31 Military Green
#3A5F0B Green Leaves
#4B5320 Army Green
#667C26 Fern Green
#4E9258 Fall Forest Green
#08A04B Irish Green
#387C44 Pine Green
#347235 Medium Forest Green
#27742C Racing Green
#347C2C Jungle Green
#227442 Cactus Green
#228B22 ForestGreen (W3C)
#008000 Green (W3C)
#006400 DarkGreen (W3C)
#056608 Deep Green
#046307 Deep Emerald Green
#355E3B Hunter Green
#254117 Dark Forest Green
#004225 Lotus Green
#026C3D Broccoli Green
#437C17 Seaweed Green
#347C17 Shamrock Green
#6AA121 Green Onion
#8A9A5B Moss Green
#3F9B0B Grass Green
#4AA02C Green Pepper
#41A317 Dark Lime Green
#12AD2B Parrot Green
#3EA055 Clover Green
#73A16C Dinosaur Green
#6CBB3C Green Snake
#6CC417 Alien Green
#4CC417 Green Apple
#32CD32 LimeGreen (W3C)
#52D017 Pea Green
#4CC552 Kelly Green
#54C571 Zombie Green
#89C35C Green Peas
#85BB65 Dollar Bill Green
#99C68E Frog Green
#A0D6B4 Turquoise Green
#8FBC8F DarkSeaGreen (W3C)
#829F82 Basil Green
#A2AD9C Gray Green
#B8BC86 Light Olive Green
#9CB071 Iguana Green
#8FB31D Citron Green
#B0BF1A Acid Green
#B2C248 Avocado Green
#9DC209 Pistachio Green
#A1C935 Salad Green
#9ACD32 YellowGreen (W3C)
#77DD77 Pastel Green
#7FE817 Hummingbird Green
#59E817 Nebula Green
#57E964 Stoplight Go Green
#16F529 Neon Green
#5EFB6E Jade Green
#00FF7F SpringGreen (W3C)
#00FF80 Ocean Green
#36F57F Lime Mint Green
#00FA9A MediumSpringGreen (W3C)
#12E193 Aqua Green
#5FFB17 Emerald Green
#00FF00 Lime (W3C)
#7CFC00 LawnGreen (W3C)
#66FF00 Bright Green
#7FFF00 Chartreuse (W3C)
#87F717 Yellow Lawn Green
#98F516 Aloe Vera Green
#B1FB17 Dull Green Yellow
#ADF802 Lemon Green
#ADFF2F GreenYellow (W3C)
#BDF516 Chameleon Green
#DAEE01 Neon Yellow Green
#E2F516 Yellow Green Grosbeak
#CCFB5D Tea Green
#BCE954 Slime Green
#64E986 Algae Green
#90EE90 LightGreen (W3C)
#6AFB92 Dragon Green
#98FB98 PaleGreen (W3C)
#98FF98 Mint Green
#B5EAAA Green Thumb
#E3F9A6 Organic Brown
#C3FDB8 Light Jade
#C2E5D3 Light Mint Green
#DBF9DB Light Rose Green
#E8F1D4 Chrome White
#F0FFF0 HoneyDew (W3C)
#F5FFFA MintCream (W3C)
#FFFACD LemonChiffon (W3C)
#FFFFC2 Parchment
#FFFDD0 Cream White
#FAFAD2 LightGoldenRodYellow (W3C)
#FFFFE0 LightYellow (W3C)
#F5F5DC Beige (W3C)
#F2F0DF White Yellow
#FFF8DC Cornsilk (W3C)
#FBF6D9 Blonde
#FAEBD7 AntiqueWhite (W3C)
#FFF0DB Light Beige
#FFEFD5 PapayaWhip (W3C)
#F7E7CE Champagne
#FFEBCD BlanchedAlmond (W3C)
#FFE4C4 Bisque (W3C)
#F5DEB3 Wheat (W3C)
#FFE4B5 Moccasin (W3C)
#FFE5B4 Peach
#FED8B1 Light Orange
#FFDAB9 PeachPuff (W3C)
#FBD5AB Coral Peach
#FFDEAD NavajoWhite (W3C)
#FBE7A1 Golden Blonde
#F3E3C3 Golden Silk
#F0E2B6 Dark Blonde
#F1E5AC Light Gold
#F3E5AB Vanilla
#ECE5B6 Tan Brown
#E8E4C9 Dirty White
#EEE8AA PaleGoldenRod (W3C)
#F0E68C Khaki (W3C)
#EDDA74 Cardboard Brown
#EDE275 Harvest Gold
#FFE87C Sun Yellow
#FFF380 Corn Yellow
#FAF884 Pastel Yellow
#FFFF33 Neon Yellow
#FFFF00 Yellow (W3C)
#FEF250 Lemon Yellow
#FFEF00 Canary Yellow
#F5E216 Banana Yellow
#FFDB58 Mustard Yellow
#FFDF00 Golden Yellow
#F9DB24 Bold Yellow
#EED202 Safety Yellow
#FFD801 Rubber Ducky Yellow
#FFD700 Gold (W3C)
#FDD017 Bright Gold
#FFCE44 Chrome Gold
#EAC117 Golden Brown
#F6BE00 Deep Yellow
#F2BB66 Macaroni and Cheese
#FFBF00 Amber
#FBB917 Saffron
#FDBD01 Neon Gold
#FBB117 Beer
#FFAE42 Yellow Orange or Orange Yellow
#FFA62F Cantaloupe
#FFA600 Cheese Orange
#FFA500 Orange (W3C)
#EE9A4D Brown Sand
#F4A460 SandyBrown (W3C)
#E2A76F Brown Sugar
#C19A6B Camel Brown
#E6BF83 Deer Brown
#DEB887 BurlyWood (W3C)
#D2B48C Tan (W3C)
#C8AD7F Light French Beige
#C2B280 Sand
#C6BA8B Soft Hazel
#BCB88A Sage
#C8B560 Fall Leaf Brown
#C9BE62 Ginger Brown
#C9AE5D Bronze Gold
#BDB76B DarkKhaki (W3C)
#BAB86C Olive Green
#B5A642 Brass
#C7A317 Cookie Brown
#D4AF37 Metallic Gold
#E1AD01 Mustard
#E9AB17 Bee Yellow
#E8A317 School Bus Yellow
#DAA520 GoldenRod (W3C)
#D4A017 Orange Gold
#C68E17 Caramel
#B8860B DarkGoldenRod (W3C)
#C58917 Cinnamon
#CD853F Peru (W3C)
#CD7F32 Bronze
#CA762B Pumpkin Pie
#C88141 Tiger Orange
#B87333 Copper
#AA6C39 Dark Gold
#A97142 Metallic Bronze
#AB784E Dark Almond
#966F33 Wood
#906E3E Khaki Brown
#806517 Oak Brown
#665D1E Antique Bronze
#8E7618 Hazel
#8B8000 Dark Yellow
#827839 Dark Moccasin
#8A865D Khaki Green
#93917C Millennium Jade
#9F8C76 Dark Beige
#AF9B60 Bullet Shell
#827B60 Army Brown
#786D5F Sandstone
#483C32 Taupe
#4A412A Dark Grayish Olive
#473810 Dark Hazel Brown
#493D26 Mocha
#513B1C Milk Chocolate
#3D3635 Gray Brown
#3B2F2F Dark Coffee
#49413F Western Charcoal
#43302E Old Burgundy
#622F22 Red Brown
#5C3317 Bakers Brown
#644117 Pullman Brown
#654321 Dark Brown
#704214 Sepia Brown
#804A00 Dark Bronze
#6F4E37 Coffee
#835C3B Brown Bear
#7F5217 Red Dirt
#7F462C Sepia
#A0522D Sienna (W3C)
#8B4513 SaddleBrown (W3C)
#8A4117 Dark Sienna
#7E3817 Sangria
#7E3517 Blood Red
#954535 Chestnut
#9E4638 Coral Brown
#A05544 Deep Amber
#C34A2C Chestnut Red
#B83C08 Ginger Red
#C04000 Mahogany
#EB5406 Red Gold
#C35817 Red Fox
#B86500 Dark Bisque
#B5651D Light Brown
#B76734 Petra Gold
#A55D35 Brown Rust
#C36241 Rust
#CB6D51 Copper Red
#C47451 Orange Salmon
#D2691E Chocolate (W3C)
#CC6600 Sedona
#E56717 Papaya Orange
#E66C2C Halloween Orange
#FF6700 Neon Orange
#FF5F1F Bright Orange
#FE632A Fluro Orange
#F87217 Pumpkin Orange
#FF7900 Safety Orange
#F88017 Carrot Orange
#FF8C00 DarkOrange (W3C)
#F87431 Construction Cone Orange
#FF7722 Indian Saffron
#E67451 Sunrise Orange
#FF8040 Mango Orange
#FF7F50 Coral (W3C)
#F88158 Basket Ball Orange
#F9966B Light Salmon Rose
#FFA07A LightSalmon (W3C)
#F89880 Pink Orange
#E9967A DarkSalmon (W3C)
#E78A61 Tangerine
#DA8A67 Light Copper
#FF8674 Salmon Pink
#FA8072 Salmon (W3C)
#F98B88 Peach Pink
#F08080 LightCoral (W3C)
#F67280 Pastel Red
#E77471 Pink Coral
#F75D59 Bean Red
#E55451 Valentine Red
#CD5C5C IndianRed (W3C)
#FF6347 Tomato (W3C)
#E55B3C Shocking Orange
#FF4500 OrangeRed (W3C)
#FF0000 Red (W3C)
#FD1C03 Neon Red
#FF2400 Scarlet Red
#F62217 Ruby Red
#F70D1A Ferrari Red
#F62817 Fire Engine Red
#E42217 Lava Red
#E41B17 Love Red
#DC381F Grapefruit
#C83F49 Strawberry Red
#C24641 Cherry Red
#C11B17 Chilli Pepper
#B22222 FireBrick (W3C)
#B21807 Tomato Sauce Red
#A52A2A Brown (W3C)
#A70D2A Carbon Red
#9F000F Cranberry
#931314 Saffron Red
#990000 Crimson Red
#990012 Red Wine or Wine Red
#8B0000 DarkRed (W3C)
#8F0B0B Maroon Red
#800000 Maroon (W3C)
#8C001A Burgundy
#7E191B Vermilion
#800517 Deep Red
#733635 Garnet Red
#660000 Red Blood
#551606 Blood Night
#560319 Dark Scarlet
#3F000F Chocolate Brown
#3D0C02 Black Bean
#2F0909 Dark Maroon
#2B1B17 Midnight
#550A35 Purple Lily
#810541 Purple Maroon
#7D0541 Plum Pie
#7D0552 Plum Velvet
#872657 Dark Raspberry
#7E354D Velvet Maroon
#7F4E52 Rosy-Finch
#7F525D Dull Purple
#7F5A58 Puce
#997070 Rose Dust
#B1907F Pastel Brown
#B38481 Rosy Pink
#BC8F8F RosyBrown (W3C)
#C5908E Khaki Rose
#C48793 Lipstick Pink
#CC7A8B Dusky Pink
#C48189 Pink Brown
#C08081 Old Rose
#D58A94 Dusty Pink
#E799A3 Pink Daisy
#E8ADAA Rose
#C9A9A6 Dusty Rose
#C4AEAD Silver Pink
#E6C7C2 Gold Pink
#ECC5C0 Rose Gold
#FFCBA4 Deep Peach
#F8B88B Pastel Orange
#EDC9AF Desert Sand
#FFDDCA Unbleached Silk
#FDD7E4 Pig Pink
#F2D4D7 Pale Pink
#FFE6E8 Blush
#FFE4E1 MistyRose (W3C)
#FFDFDD Pink Bubble Gum
#FBCFCD Light Rose
#FFCCCB Light Red
#F7CAC9 Rose Quartz
#F6C6BD Warm Pink
#FBBBB9 Deep Rose
#FFC0CB Pink (W3C)
#FFB6C1 LightPink (W3C)
#FFB8BF Soft Pink
#FFB2D0 Powder Pink
#FAAFBE Donut Pink
#FAAFBA Baby Pink
#F9A7B0 Flamingo Pink
#FEA3AA Pastel Pink
#E7A1B0 Rose Pink or Pink Rose
#E38AAE Cadillac Pink
#F778A1 Carnation Pink
#E5788F Pastel Rose
#E56E94 Blush Red
#DB7093 PaleVioletRed (W3C)
#D16587 Purple Pink
#C25A7C Tulip Pink
#C25283 Bashful Pink
#E75480 Dark Pink
#F660AB Dark Hot Pink
#FF69B4 HotPink (W3C)
#FC6C85 Watermelon Pink
#F6358A Violet Red
#F52887 Hot Deep Pink
#FF007F Bright Pink
#FF0080 Red Magenta
#FF1493 DeepPink (W3C)
#F535AA Neon Pink
#FF33AA Chrome Pink
#FD349C Neon Hot Pink
#E45E9D Pink Cupcake
#E759AC Royal Pink
#E3319D Dimorphotheca Magenta
#DA1884 Barbie Pink
#E4287C Pink Lemonade
#FA2A55 Red Pink
#E30B5D Raspberry
#DC143C Crimson (W3C)
#C32148 Bright Maroon
#C21E56 Rose Red
#C12869 Rogue Pink
#C12267 Burnt Pink
#CA226B Pink Violet
#CC338B Magenta Pink
#C71585 MediumVioletRed (W3C)
#C12283 Dark Carnation Pink
#B3446C Raspberry Purple
#B93B8F Pink Plum
#DA70D6 Orchid (W3C)
#DF73D4 Deep Mauve
#EE82EE Violet (W3C)
#FF77FF Fuchsia Pink
#F433FF Bright Neon Pink
#FF00FF Magenta or Fuchsia (W3C)
#E238EC Crimson Purple
#D462FF Heliotrope Purple
#C45AEC Tyrian Purple
#BA55D3 MediumOrchid (W3C)
#A74AC7 Purple Flower
#B048B5 Orchid Purple
#B666D2 Rich Lilac
#D291BC Pastel Violet
#A17188 Rosy
#915F6D Mauve Taupe
#7E587E Viola Purple
#614051 Eggplant
#583759 Plum Purple
#5E5A80 Grape
#4E5180 Purple Navy
#6A5ACD SlateBlue (W3C)
#6960EC Blue Lotus
#5865F2 Blurple
#736AFF Light Slate Blue
#7B68EE MediumSlateBlue (W3C)
#7575CF Periwinkle Purple
#6667AB Very Peri
#6F2DA8 Bright Grape
#6A0DAD Bright Purple
#6C2DC7 Purple Amethyst
#822EFF Blue Magenta
#5539CC Dark Blurple
#5453A6 Deep Periwinkle
#483D8B DarkSlateBlue (W3C)
#4E387E Purple Haze
#571B7E Purple Iris
#4B0150 Dark Purple
#36013F Deep Purple
#2E1A47 Midnight Purple
#461B7E Purple Monster
#4B0082 Indigo (W3C)
#342D7E Blue Whale
#663399 RebeccaPurple (W3C)
#6A287E Purple Jam
#8B008B DarkMagenta (W3C)
#800080 Purple (W3C)
#86608E French Lilac
#9932CC DarkOrchid (W3C)
#9400D3 DarkViolet (W3C)
#8D38C9 Purple Violet
#A23BEC Jasmine Purple
#B041FF Purple Daffodil
#842DCE Clematis Violet
#8A2BE2 BlueViolet (W3C)
#7A5DC7 Purple Sage Bush
#7F38EC Lovely Purple
#9D00FF Neon Purple
#8E35EF Purple Plum
#893BFF Aztech Purple
#9370DB MediumPurple (W3C)
#8467D7 Light Purple
#9172EC Crocus Purple
#9E7BFF Purple Mimosa
#8686AF Pastel Indigo
#967BB6 Lavender Purple
#B09FCA Rose Purple
#C8C4DF Viola
#CCCCFF Periwinkle
#DCD0FF Pale Lilac
#C8A2C8 Lilac
#E0B0FF Mauve
#D891EF Bright Lilac
#C38EC7 Purple Dragon
#DDA0DD Plum (W3C)
#E6A9EC Blush Pink
#F2A2E8 Pastel Purple
#F9B7FF Blossom Pink
#C6AEC7 Wisteria Purple
#D2B9D3 Purple Thistle
#D8BFD8 Thistle (W3C)
#DFD3E3 Purple White
#E9CFEC Periwinkle Pink
#FCDFFF Cotton Candy
#EBDDE2 Lavender Pinocchio
#E1D9D1 Dark White
#E9E4D4 Ash White
#EFEBD8 Warm White
#EDE6D6 White Chocolate
#F0E9D6 Creamy White
#F8F0E3 Off White
#FAF0DD Soft Ivory
#FFF8E7 Cosmic Latte
#F8F6F0 Pearl White
#F3E8EA Red White
#FFF0F5 LavenderBlush (W3C)
#FDEEF4 Pearl
#FFF9E3 Egg Shell
#FEF0E3 OldLace (W3C)
#EAEEE9 White Ice
#FAF0E6 Linen (W3C)
#FFF5EE SeaShell (W3C)
#F9F6EE Bone White
#FAF5EF Rice
#FFFAF0 FloralWhite (W3C)
#FFFFF0 Ivory (W3C)
#FFFFF4 White Gold
#FFFFF7 Light White
#FBFBF9 Cotton
#FFFAFA Snow (W3C)
#FEFCFF Milk White
#FFFEFA Half White
#FFFFFF White (W3C)
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