RGB Color Codes Chart
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RGB color picker | RGB color codes chart | RGB color space | RGB color format and calculation | RGB color table
RGB color picker
RGB color codes chart
Hover with cursor on color to get the hex and decimal color codes below:
Hex: # |
Red: |
Green: |
Blue: |
RGB color space
RGB color space or RGB color system, constructs all the colors from the combination of the Red, Green and Blue colors.
The red, green and blue use 8 bits each, which have integer values from 0 to 255. This makes 256*256*256=16777216 possible colors.
RGB ≡ Red, Green, Blue
Each pixel in the LED monitor displays colors this way, by combination of red, green and blue LEDs (light emitting diodes).
When the red pixel is set to 0, the LED is turned off. When the red pixel is set to 255, the LED is turned fully on.
Any value between them sets the LED to partial light emission.
RGB color format & calculation
RGB code has 24 bits format (bits 0..23):
RED[7:0] | GREEN[7:0] | BLUE[7:0] | |||||||||||||||||||||
23 | 16 | 15 | 8 | 7 | 0 |
RGB = (R*65536)+(G*256)+B , (when R is RED, G is GREEN and B is BLUE)
Calculation examples
White RGB Color
White RGB code = 255*65536+255*256+255 = #FFFFFF
Blue RGB Color
Blue RGB code = 0*65536+0*256+255 = #0000FF
Red RGB Color
Red RGB code = 255*65536+0*256+0 = #FF0000
Green RGB Color
Green RGB code = 0*65536+255*256+0 = #00FF00
Gray RGB Color
Gray RGB code = 128*65536+128*256+128 = #808080
Yellow RGB Color
Yellow RGB code = 255*65536+255*256+0 = #FFFF00
RGB color table
Basic colors:
Color | HTML / CSS Name | Hex Code #RRGGBB | Decimal Code (R,G,B) |
Black | #000000 | (0,0,0) | |
White | #FFFFFF | (255,255,255) | |
Red | #FF0000 | (255,0,0) | |
Lime | #00FF00 | (0,255,0) | |
Blue | #0000FF | (0,0,255) | |
Yellow | #FFFF00 | (255,255,0) | |
Cyan / Aqua | #00FFFF | (0,255,255) | |
Magenta / Fuchsia | #FF00FF | (255,0,255) | |
Silver | #C0C0C0 | (192,192,192) | |
Gray | #808080 | (128,128,128) | |
Maroon | #800000 | (128,0,0) | |
Olive | #808000 | (128,128,0) | |
Green | #008000 | (0,128,0) | |
Purple | #800080 | (128,0,128) | |
Teal | #008080 | (0,128,128) | |
Navy | #000080 | (0,0,128) |
Color | Color Name | Hex Code #RRGGBB | Decimal Code R,G,B |
maroon | #800000 | (128,0,0) | |
dark red | #8B0000 | (139,0,0) | |
brown | #A52A2A | (165,42,42) | |
firebrick | #B22222 | (178,34,34) | |
crimson | #DC143C | (220,20,60) | |
red | #FF0000 | (255,0,0) | |
tomato | #FF6347 | (255,99,71) | |
coral | #FF7F50 | (255,127,80) | |
indian red | #CD5C5C | (205,92,92) | |
light coral | #F08080 | (240,128,128) | |
dark salmon | #E9967A | (233,150,122) | |
salmon | #FA8072 | (250,128,114) | |
light salmon | #FFA07A | (255,160,122) | |
orange red | #FF4500 | (255,69,0) | |
dark orange | #FF8C00 | (255,140,0) | |
orange | #FFA500 | (255,165,0) | |
gold | #FFD700 | (255,215,0) | |
dark golden rod | #B8860B | (184,134,11) | |
golden rod | #DAA520 | (218,165,32) | |
pale golden rod | #EEE8AA | (238,232,170) | |
dark khaki | #BDB76B | (189,183,107) | |
khaki | #F0E68C | (240,230,140) | |
olive | #808000 | (128,128,0) | |
yellow | #FFFF00 | (255,255,0) | |
yellow green | #9ACD32 | (154,205,50) | |
dark olive green | #556B2F | (85,107,47) | |
olive drab | #6B8E23 | (107,142,35) | |
lawn green | #7CFC00 | (124,252,0) | |
chartreuse | #7FFF00 | (127,255,0) | |
green yellow | #ADFF2F | (173,255,47) | |
dark green | #006400 | (0,100,0) | |
green | #008000 | (0,128,0) | |
forest green | #228B22 | (34,139,34) | |
lime | #00FF00 | (0,255,0) | |
lime green | #32CD32 | (50,205,50) | |
light green | #90EE90 | (144,238,144) | |
pale green | #98FB98 | (152,251,152) | |
dark sea green | #8FBC8F | (143,188,143) | |
medium spring green | #00FA9A | (0,250,154) | |
spring green | #00FF7F | (0,255,127) | |
sea green | #2E8B57 | (46,139,87) | |
medium aqua marine | #66CDAA | (102,205,170) | |
medium sea green | #3CB371 | (60,179,113) | |
light sea green | #20B2AA | (32,178,170) | |
dark slate gray | #2F4F4F | (47,79,79) | |
teal | #008080 | (0,128,128) | |
dark cyan | #008B8B | (0,139,139) | |
aqua | #00FFFF | (0,255,255) | |
cyan | #00FFFF | (0,255,255) | |
light cyan | #E0FFFF | (224,255,255) | |
dark turquoise | #00CED1 | (0,206,209) | |
turquoise | #40E0D0 | (64,224,208) | |
medium turquoise | #48D1CC | (72,209,204) | |
pale turquoise | #AFEEEE | (175,238,238) | |
aqua marine | #7FFFD4 | (127,255,212) | |
powder blue | #B0E0E6 | (176,224,230) | |
cadet blue | #5F9EA0 | (95,158,160) | |
steel blue | #4682B4 | (70,130,180) | |
corn flower blue | #6495ED | (100,149,237) | |
deep sky blue | #00BFFF | (0,191,255) | |
dodger blue | #1E90FF | (30,144,255) | |
light blue | #ADD8E6 | (173,216,230) | |
sky blue | #87CEEB | (135,206,235) | |
light sky blue | #87CEFA | (135,206,250) | |
midnight blue | #191970 | (25,25,112) | |
navy | #000080 | (0,0,128) | |
dark blue | #00008B | (0,0,139) | |
medium blue | #0000CD | (0,0,205) | |
blue | #0000FF | (0,0,255) | |
royal blue | #4169E1 | (65,105,225) | |
blue violet | #8A2BE2 | (138,43,226) | |
indigo | #4B0082 | (75,0,130) | |
dark slate blue | #483D8B | (72,61,139) | |
slate blue | #6A5ACD | (106,90,205) | |
medium slate blue | #7B68EE | (123,104,238) | |
medium purple | #9370DB | (147,112,219) | |
dark magenta | #8B008B | (139,0,139) | |
dark violet | #9400D3 | (148,0,211) | |
dark orchid | #9932CC | (153,50,204) | |
medium orchid | #BA55D3 | (186,85,211) | |
purple | #800080 | (128,0,128) | |
thistle | #D8BFD8 | (216,191,216) | |
plum | #DDA0DD | (221,160,221) | |
violet | #EE82EE | (238,130,238) | |
magenta / fuchsia | #FF00FF | (255,0,255) | |
orchid | #DA70D6 | (218,112,214) | |
medium violet red | #C71585 | (199,21,133) | |
pale violet red | #DB7093 | (219,112,147) | |
deep pink | #FF1493 | (255,20,147) | |
hot pink | #FF69B4 | (255,105,180) | |
light pink | #FFB6C1 | (255,182,193) | |
pink | #FFC0CB | (255,192,203) | |
antique white | #FAEBD7 | (250,235,215) | |
beige | #F5F5DC | (245,245,220) | |
bisque | #FFE4C4 | (255,228,196) | |
blanched almond | #FFEBCD | (255,235,205) | |
wheat | #F5DEB3 | (245,222,179) | |
corn silk | #FFF8DC | (255,248,220) | |
lemon chiffon | #FFFACD | (255,250,205) | |
light golden rod yellow | #FAFAD2 | (250,250,210) | |
light yellow | #FFFFE0 | (255,255,224) | |
saddle brown | #8B4513 | (139,69,19) | |
sienna | #A0522D | (160,82,45) | |
chocolate | #D2691E | (210,105,30) | |
peru | #CD853F | (205,133,63) | |
sandy brown | #F4A460 | (244,164,96) | |
burly wood | #DEB887 | (222,184,135) | |
tan | #D2B48C | (210,180,140) | |
rosy brown | #BC8F8F | (188,143,143) | |
moccasin | #FFE4B5 | (255,228,181) | |
navajo white | #FFDEAD | (255,222,173) | |
peach puff | #FFDAB9 | (255,218,185) | |
misty rose | #FFE4E1 | (255,228,225) | |
lavender blush | #FFF0F5 | (255,240,245) | |
linen | #FAF0E6 | (250,240,230) | |
old lace | #FDF5E6 | (253,245,230) | |
papaya whip | #FFEFD5 | (255,239,213) | |
sea shell | #FFF5EE | (255,245,238) | |
mint cream | #F5FFFA | (245,255,250) | |
slate gray | #708090 | (112,128,144) | |
light slate gray | #778899 | (119,136,153) | |
light steel blue | #B0C4DE | (176,196,222) | |
lavender | #E6E6FA | (230,230,250) | |
floral white | #FFFAF0 | (255,250,240) | |
alice blue | #F0F8FF | (240,248,255) | |
ghost white | #F8F8FF | (248,248,255) | |
honeydew | #F0FFF0 | (240,255,240) | |
ivory | #FFFFF0 | (255,255,240) | |
azure | #F0FFFF | (240,255,255) | |
snow | #FFFAFA | (255,250,250) | |
black | #000000 | (0,0,0) | |
dim gray / dim grey | #696969 | (105,105,105) | |
gray / grey | #808080 | (128,128,128) | |
dark gray / dark grey | #A9A9A9 | (169,169,169) | |
silver | #C0C0C0 | (192,192,192) | |
light gray / light grey | #D3D3D3 | (211,211,211) | |
gainsboro | #DCDCDC | (220,220,220) | |
white smoke | #F5F5F5 | (245,245,245) | |
white | #FFFFFF | (255,255,255) |
See also
- RGB to hex converter
- RGB to HSV converter
- RGB to HSL converter
- RGB to CMYK converter
- Color conversions
- Color wheel chart
- Screen color tester
- HTML color codes
- HTML character codes
- ASCII table
- Unicode characters
- Web safe colors
- Yellow color
- Gold color
Từ khóa » Html Color Codes Finder
Colors From Image - HTML-Color
HTML Color Codes
Color Picker Online | HEX Color Picker | HTML Color Picker
HTML Color Picker - W3Schools
Color Hex Color Codes
Color Picker - Color From Image, HEX, RGB, HTML | RedKetchup
HTML Color Codes - What's Your Color
HTML Color Codes And Names - Computer Hope
HTML Color Picker
HTML/CSS Color Codes - Net-Informations.Com
Images: Color Codes - LibGuides At Texas Wesleyan University
Color In HTML