HTML Elements Reference - HTML: HyperText Markup Language
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Content sectioning elements allow you to organize the document content into logical pieces. Use the sectioning elements to create a broad outline for your page content, including header and footer navigation, and heading elements to identify sections of content.
Element | Description |
<address> | Indicates that the enclosed HTML provides contact information for a person or people, or for an organization. |
<article> | Represents a self-contained composition in a document, page, application, or site, which is intended to be independently distributable or reusable (e.g., in syndication). Examples include a forum post, a magazine or newspaper article, a blog entry, a product card, a user-submitted comment, an interactive widget or gadget, or any other independent item of content. |
<aside> | Represents a portion of a document whose content is only indirectly related to the document's main content. Asides are frequently presented as sidebars or call-out boxes. |
<footer> | Represents a footer for its nearest ancestor sectioning content or sectioning root element. A <footer> typically contains information about the author of the section, copyright data, or links to related documents. |
<header> | Represents introductory content, typically a group of introductory or navigational aids. It may contain some heading elements but also a logo, a search form, an author name, and other elements. |
<h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6> | Represent six levels of section headings. <h1> is the highest section level and <h6> is the lowest. |
<hgroup> | Represents a heading grouped with any secondary content, such as subheadings, an alternative title, or a tagline. |
<main> | Represents the dominant content of the body of a document. The main content area consists of content that is directly related to or expands upon the central topic of a document, or the central functionality of an application. |
<nav> | Represents a section of a page whose purpose is to provide navigation links, either within the current document or to other documents. Common examples of navigation sections are menus, tables of contents, and indexes. |
<section> | Represents a generic standalone section of a document, which doesn't have a more specific semantic element to represent it. Sections should always have a heading, with very few exceptions. |
<search> | Represents a part that contains a set of form controls or other content related to performing a search or filtering operation. |
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