HTML Th Scope Attribute - Dofactory
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The scope attribute on a <th> tag specifies how the header cell should be interpreted in the table. In other words, what does it convey?
A table header cells can be used as a header for row, column, colgroup, or rowgroup.
A scope attribute on <th> elements. The header cells are defined as column headers.
Name | Country |
Denice Templeman | Italy |
Paulo Cornell | USA |
Maria Larsson | Sweden |
Using scope
The scope attributes specifies how a table header cell is used.
Table header cells can be used as a header for row, column, colgroup, or rowgroup.
This attribute has no visual effect. It is used by screen readers, JavaScript, etc.
<th scope="col | row | colgroup | rowgroup">Values
Value | Description |
col | Header applies to a column. |
row | Header applies to a row. |
colgroup | Header applies to a group of columns (colgroup). |
rowgroup | Header applies to a group of rows (rowgroup). |
Browser support
Here is when scope support started for each browser:
Chrome | 1.0 | Sep 2008 |
Firefox | 1.0 | Sep 2002 |
IE/Edge | 1.0 | Aug 1995 |
Opera | 1.0 | Jan 2006 |
Safari | 1.0 | Jan 2003 |
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- scope Attribute
- Example
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