Color - Web APIs - MDN Web Docs
Có thể bạn quan tâm
- References
- Web APIs
- HTMLTableElement
- bgColor
- English (US)
- Remember language
- Deutsch
- 日本語
- Value
- Examples
- Specifications
- Browser compatibility
- See also
- HTMLTableElement
- Instance properties
- align Deprecated
- bgColor Deprecated
- border Deprecated
- caption
- cellPadding Deprecated
- cellSpacing Deprecated
- frame Deprecated
- rows
- rules Deprecated
- summary Deprecated
- tBodies
- tFoot
- tHead
- width Deprecated
- Instance methods
- createCaption()
- createTBody()
- createTFoot()
- createTHead()
- deleteCaption()
- deleteRow()
- deleteTFoot()
- deleteTHead()
- insertRow()
- Inheritance
- HTMLElement
- Element
- Node
- EventTarget
- Related pages for HTML DOM
- BeforeUnloadEvent
- DOMStringMap
- ErrorEvent
- HTMLAnchorElement
- HTMLAreaElement
- HTMLAudioElement
- HTMLBRElement
- HTMLBaseElement
- HTMLBodyElement
- HTMLButtonElement
- HTMLCanvasElement
- HTMLDListElement
- HTMLDataElement
- HTMLDataListElement
- HTMLDialogElement
- HTMLDivElement
- HTMLDocument
- HTMLElement
- HTMLEmbedElement
- HTMLFieldSetElement
- HTMLFormControlsCollection
- HTMLFormElement
- HTMLFrameSetElement Deprecated
- HTMLHRElement
- HTMLHeadElement
- HTMLHeadingElement
- HTMLHtmlElement
- HTMLIFrameElement
- HTMLImageElement
- HTMLInputElement
- HTMLLIElement
- HTMLLabelElement
- HTMLLegendElement
- HTMLLinkElement
- HTMLMapElement
- HTMLMediaElement
- HTMLMenuElement
- HTMLMetaElement
- HTMLMeterElement
- HTMLModElement
- HTMLOListElement
- HTMLObjectElement
- HTMLOptGroupElement
- HTMLOptionElement
- HTMLOptionsCollection
- HTMLOutputElement
- HTMLParagraphElement
- HTMLPictureElement
- HTMLPreElement
- HTMLProgressElement
- HTMLQuoteElement
- HTMLScriptElement
- HTMLSelectElement
- HTMLSourceElement
- HTMLSpanElement
- HTMLStyleElement
- HTMLTableCaptionElement
- HTMLTableCellElement
- HTMLTableColElement
- HTMLTableRowElement
- HTMLTableSectionElement
- HTMLTemplateElement
- HTMLTextAreaElement
- HTMLTimeElement
- HTMLTitleElement
- HTMLTrackElement
- HTMLUListElement
- HTMLUnknownElement
- HTMLVideoElement
- HashChangeEvent
- History
- ImageData
- Location
- MessageChannel
- MessageEvent
- MessagePort
- Navigator
- PageRevealEvent
- PageSwapEvent
- PageTransitionEvent
- Plugin Deprecated
- PluginArray Deprecated
- PromiseRejectionEvent
- RadioNodeList
- UserActivation
- ValidityState
- Window
- WorkletGlobalScope
- Value
- Examples
- Specifications
- Browser compatibility
- See also
Deprecated: This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes. Avoid using it, and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time.
The bgcolor property of the HTMLTableElement represents the background color of the table.
Note: Do not use this attribute anymore. Instead, use the CSS background-color property by modifying the element's style attribute or using a style rule.
A string representing a color value.
When set to the null value, that null value is converted to the empty string (""), so elt.bgColor = null is equivalent to elt.bgColor = "".
js// Set table background color to lightblue const t = document.getElementById("TableA"); t.bgColor = "lightblue";Specifications
Specification |
HTML Standard # dom-table-bgcolor |
Browser compatibility
BCD tables only load in the browser
See also
- background-color
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View this page on GitHub • Report a problem with this contentTừ khóa » Html Bgcolor Tag
HTML | Bgcolor Attribute - GeeksforGeeks
HTML Bgcolor Attribute - GeeksforGeeks
HTML Colors - W3Schools
How To Set Background Color In HTML? - Tutorialspoint
HTML Background-color - Javatpoint
HTML - Bgcolor - Tizag Tutorials
How To Add & Change Background Color In HTML - HubSpot Blog
HTML Background Color - HTML Color Codes
HTML Body Bgcolor Attribute - W3Schools
» - HTML"> » - HTML
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