Jin - Tập 1 By Motoka Murakami - Goodreads

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Jin #1

Jin - Tập 1

Motoka Murakami, Nghi Nguyen (Translator)

4.24Want to readBuy on AmazonRate this bookMinakata Jin, bác sĩ khoa Ngoại Thần kinh thời hiện đại, trong lúc đang làm phẫu thuật cấp cứu cho bệnh nhân bị thương ở đầu, đã phát hiện ra một khối u não có hình dạng bào thai và đã lấy nó ra. Sau khi phẫu thuật, Jin nghe một giọng nói kỳ lạ thì thầm với anh: “Trả tôi về chỗ cũ đi”. Thêm vào đó, bệnh nhân được anh phẫu thuật có ý định bỏ chạy.Trong lúc giằng co với bệnh nhân đó, Jin bị cuốn về cuối thời kỳ Mạc phủ. Là một bác sĩ thời hiện đại cùng với dụng cụ y khoa hiện đại, liệu y thuật của Jin có được chấp nhận ở cuối thời kỳ Mạc phủ hay không?
    GenresMangaHistorical FictionComics

204 pages, Paperback

First published April 4, 2001

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Motoka Murakami

51 books4 followersMotoka Murakami (村上 もとか Murakami Motoka?, born June 3, 1951 in Setagaya, Tokyo) is a Japanese manga artist who writes primarily shōnen manga. He won the Kodansha Manga Award for shōnen for Gakuto Retsuden in 1982 and the Shogakukan Manga Award twice, for shōnen for Musashi no Ken in 1984 and for general manga in 1996 for Ron, serialized in Big Comic Original from 1991 to 2006.[1][2] In 1998, he received an Excellence Prize at the Japan Media Arts Festival for Ron.

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4.245 stars28 (44%)4 stars25 (39%)3 stars7 (11%)2 stars3 (4%)1 star0 (0%)Search review textFiltersDisplaying 1 - 16 of 16 reviewsProfile Image for Aravena.Aravena634 reviews32 followersOctober 26, 2017Komik seinen dengan campuran tema medis dan sejarah, diterbitkan khusus secara digital melalui situs Mangamon. Sudah terbit sampai tamat (20 volume), tapi buat sekarang ulasannya mencakup dua volume pertama saja .............tapi di 2 volume itu pun, sangat banyak yang sudah terjadi sih. Sesuai judulnya, tokoh utamanya adalah Jin, seorang kepala spesialis bedah yang terseret time slip ke era Bakumatsu (Jepang 1853-1869): eranya Samurai X pergolakan politik, westernisasi, menjelang Restorasi Meiji, dan juga... wabah penyakit. Premisnya mungkin setali tiga uang dengan Chef Nobunaga yang sama-sama 'profesional masa kini terjebak di masa lalu dan harus menunjukkan keahliannya untuk bertahan hidup', tapi dengan fokus dunia medis alih-alih masak-memasak. Gambarnya tidak mencolok, terkesan bersahaja ala komik seinen yang membumi. Namun, detil latar seperti arsitektur kota dan pakaian digambarkan dengan apik. Adegan-adegan penting dalam komik medis (seperti organ dalam dan alat-alat medis, maupun adegan penderitaan pasien yang muntaber tak terkendali) pun memuaskan dan cukup berhasil membuat saya agak mulas. Ah, dan ada beberapa halaman warna yang memanjakan mata pembaca di tiap awal volume:Hal-hal yang sudah terjadi di volume 1 & 2:Jin terseret ke masa lalu setelah insiden aneh yang melibatkan tumor otak berbentuk janin bayi!Jin melakukan operasi di bawah ancaman pedang samurai dan pistol pelaut!Jin dan Jun....selalu berduaaa seorang gadis anak samurai bahu membahu menolong warga yang terjangkit wabah campak dan kolera!Jin nyaris pensiun dari tugasnya sebagai tokoh utama setelah ikut terjangkit kolera!Jin berjumpa tokoh sejarah betulan macam Ryoma Sakamoto! Begitulah, komiknya sangat padat berisi. Pace-nya pun cepat, tapi entah kenapa tidak terasa terburu-buru. Menarik melihat usaha Jin mengaplikasikan pengetahuan medis modern di masa lampau, serta meyakinkan penduduk dan sesama praktisi medis yang kebingungan melihat 'si pria dari antah berantah yang menggunakan metode dan alat-alat nyentrik' ini. Pembaca pun sekaligus mendapat edukasi sejarah, baik berupa perkembangan sosial politik di masa itu maupun tentang kronologi sejarah medis. Angkat jempol juga untuk penjelasan & terjemahan bagian teknis yang mudah dipahami pembaca awam kedokteran seperti saya:Kalau ada bagian yang terasa agak mengganjal, mungkin hanya soal reaksi Jin.... yang rasanya terlalu cool dalam menghadapi time skip dan rentetan kejadian gila-gilaan yang selalu dialaminya. Ah, tapi sebenarnya ini logis juga--sebagai ahli bedah sukses, wajar kalau dia sudah terbiasa bermental baja dan berkepala dingin menghadapi situasi darurat. Saya juga suka tokoh pendampingnya, si nona Saki, yang progresif, tangguh & siap belajar keras agar bisa membantu Jin.Ada banyak komik medis Jepang yang sudah terbit di sini, tapi Jin jelas punya keunggulan dari segi latar dan plotnya yang dinamis. Soal unsur time skip-nya..... sebenarnya lebih terasa 'alasan/kendaraan' saja supaya bisa menampilkan unsur sejarah dan budaya, tapi memang masih ada misteri soal mekanismenya dan apa dampak dari sepak terjang Jin (*yang notabene berpotensi mengakselerasi perkembangan sains medis Jepang hingga, errr, 100 tahun ke depan. Sudah bukan Butterfly Effect lagi, tapi Mothra Effect hahaha). (adegan komedi dengan Ryoma Sakamoto #generationgap. Haha, anak zaman sekarang pun disodorin pager reaksinya juga akan "benda apa ini???")Intinya, ini komik berkualitas dengan tokoh dan situasi orang dewasa.... jenis seinen yang saya harap bisa lebih banyak lagi terbit di sini, walau dalam format digital (*yang bagaimanapun juga, memiliki keunggulan tersendiri).
Profile Image for Coke Fernández.Coke Fernández360 reviews6 followersNovember 2, 2021Me vi el dorama hace años y me encantó, es de mis favoritos. Tenía muchas ganas de ponerme con el manga. Este primer tomo me ha gustado mucho, la serie es fiel al cómic original.Profile Image for osoi.osoi789 reviews38 followersJanuary 4, 2019Первая глава – тот еще кошмарик. В прямом смысле. Главгерой – нейрохирург, которому по долгу службы приходится копаться в чужих головах. Во время очередной операции он обнаруживает в черепной коробке пациента нечто кошмарное (на TV Tropes для не слабонервных все очень точно расписано), что впоследствии и является триггером для путешествия в прошлое. Я настолько удивилась этой крипоте, что пришлось перепроверить, за ту ли книгу я схватилась -_- На ночь такое лучше не читать…Так как мне выпало прочитать друг за другом две истории с попаданцами (первой была Nobunaga no Chef), то я неизбежно сравнивала их в процессе. Главгерой Jin ведет себя свободнее и расправляет крылья чуть не с порога (ну, наверное потому что у него не стоит над душой Ода Нобунага :D), и на первый том приходится всего понемногу – намечающаяся романтика, драма, преступления, эпидемии, трезвое осознание в духе «невозможно спасти всех».Дальше читать я пас, совершенно не моя история. Не оставляет ощущение грядущей повторяемости сюжета с излечением -_- И как оказалось, врачи/повары-попаданцы вызывают интерес только на стадии чтения аннотации.hisashiburi
Profile Image for Sol.Sol595 reviews31 followersMarch 12, 2021Full series review:After rereading this manga with slightly more background knowledge on the late Edo period (and getting to the parts that have to do with the end of the shogunate), it's much more rewarding. The themes of the story become more explicit as the manga goes on and it all fits together very well. As I see it, one of the story's main thrusts is opposites coming together to create something new. East and West (or Old and New) are coming together to create a new Japan, traditional herbal medicine and Jin's modern surgical knowledge are coming together to create a new form of medicine, Chosa and Satsuma are allying to overthrow the Shogunate, men and women come together to create new life. Everything is in service of the "new world" that Jin, Ryoma and others are striving towards. It's difficult to choose what to write about first, since Jin has a little bit of everything, love, slices of life from every level of Edo society, political intrigue, action, humour, tragedy, some scifi elements, and of course, medicine. The medicine is the hook and premise of the manga, and it was the element that most interested me on my first read. Most of the early tension of the story comes from Jin's limited means to perform difficult surgeries, and the distrust for surgical medicine as dutch/western intrusion. While the reactions to Jin suggesting surgery are usually extreme early on, the biggest ones come when he suggests abdominal surgery, reminiscent of harakiri. The double tension of the operation itself and the distrust surrounding the operation work together very well. The operations are done as well as I can imagine. The steps and purposes of the operation are conveyed by combinations of detailed anatomical drawing and schematic diagrams, so they're very comprehensible with only basic anatomical knowledge, and they cover a wide variety of conditions. You can never guess what the next operation will be. Be warned, they can get gory.On my second reading, however, the social elements took over my interest. Due to Jin's modern ideals, he tries to treat illnesses from all levels of society. Thus we get a window into many different elements of Edo society, ranging from the top as Jin treats the royal wife of the shogun, to the very bottom as Jin tries to alleviate the suffering of prisoners and prostitutes. The many scenes of daily life in Edo, during the various seasons, during times of peace and trouble, are the most arresting in the manga. But Jin has what seems a special focus on the place of women in Edo society. Just as with society generally, Jin takes a wide view, from prostitution, to primitive obstetrics, to the wives of daimyos being kept as hostages. Saki's desire to practice medicine conflicts with her mother's desire for her to marry into a family fitting of her samurai station. The manga also makes special mention of noteworthy historical women like Kusumoto Ine, the first female western medicine doctor in Japan and Oura Kei, a female tea merchant. The social element plays into the political element. Jin arrives as the Tokugawa shogunate is on its last legs, though he is the only one who knows this as a certainty. Jin is more concerned with spreading penicillin and modern surgical techniques than trying to get involved in politics, especially as someone with no family background in a feudal society. But his championing of western medical methods is politically charged for a pre-modern state struggling with incorporating modern technologies while maintaining the existing balance of power, especially as he becomes more and more famous. Jin's struggles with navigating the politics of the shogunate are almost as fraught as his surgeries. Jin also ends up meeting and treating many famous figures of the late Edo/early Meiji era, including Sakamoto Ryoma, Okita Soji, Saigo Takamori and others. Since photography was practised in Japan at this time, the art draws on the actual appearances of these figures, with a little embellishment. The side characters recur again and again, often in surprising contexts, weaving all the various subplots into a rich tapestry.The romance ties into all the above themes as well. Jin is attracted to Saki, as is Saki, but Jin's modern ideals make him uncomfortable with his attraction to a 16 year old girl. As a samurai's daughter, Saki is expected to marry a man matching her station at a young age, but she wants to learn medicine rather than become a mother. When Ryoma jokingly warns Jin that an 11 year old courtesan is "too young, even if you like 'em young", it's clear that Jin is worried about Saki. Unsen's motivation for undergoing surgery is so that his 25 year old daughter doesn't become too old for marriage. Ine relates to Saki how she was raped by her own mentor at a young age. In the end, Saki's growth over the years and his own changed perspective in a society where marriage works very differently overcomes his resistance. I can't say I was enthralled by the romance, but it was at least tastefully done.The science fiction element is the least well integrated. It's a good time travel premise, and it had a few good hooks into the rest of the story, but the more the time travel mechanics were explored, the less sense everything. It's a mess of immutable fates, changing the future, and time looping. The ending in particular made zero sense. It wasn't bad, but there's no way I'm going to try charting out some way that it makes sense. I was reading this manga for everything except the time travel, really. Luckily it makes up a really small portion of the manga overall.==============Early 2019 review:An extremely interesting comic, in which a modern Japanese brain surgeon is suddenly sent back in time after extracting a mysterious fetus from a patient's brain. He finds himself in Japan's Edo period, and poses as a doctor who received western style medical training (which, in a sense, he is). After some tribulation he starts practicing medicine and using his knowledge of scientific medicine to improve the lives of his neighbours. There're lots of scenes of Jin having to use extremely limited tools and drugs to pull off difficult procedures and surgeries, and the later volumes have him get involved in things like treating the STDs of prostitutes, Edo-era prisons and more. There was also some sort of alternate history stuff, but it went over my head since I know shit-all about Japanese history. A highly unique story.
Profile Image for Elaine.Elaine81 reviewsMarch 18, 2020An example of manga for older, more serious people - JIN tells the story of a doctor from 2000 being sent 100 years into the past into the Edo Period right on the cusp of the Meiji Restoration. He battles, amongst other things, the Bakamatsu cholera epidemic, beriberi disease (rampant because Edo's white rice diet depleted everyone of Vitamin B), syphillis amongst the geisha population and the general lack (and then his struggle to create) penicillin. Also, he has to try to keep his clinic and his friends alive in a struggle between both the Tokugawa Shogunate and Emperor factions and the Chinese Medicine and Western medicine factions.Yeah, it is both a fascinating historical politics manga (he becomes friends with Ryoma Sakumoto, one of the architects of the Meiji Restoration - who, incidentally, was the first person ever in Japan to have a honeymoon and whose honeymoon location I stumbled across here in Osaka) and an incredible deep dive into the world of medicine. I learned so much about both Japanese Bakumatsu era history and about various diseases we've managed to get a handle on in the modern world.I highly recommend this to anyone.For whatever reason, there is only a French version on Goodreads and this manga seems to have only been localized into English on Patreon. If you want a taste, most free online manga readers have the first 20 or so chapters. Then, you can subscribe to Motoka sensei's Patreon to read the rest: https://www.patreon.com/motokamurakam...It's a really good use of $5. And especially now, it feels really good to get such an enjoyable entry into understanding infectious diseases and how people work to control them.Profile Image for Akemi G..Akemi G.Author 9 books146 followersApril 25, 2019I read the whole series in the original Japanese. It's fantastic. The plot might sound cliched; a surgeon in contemporary Japan time travels to the 1860s, against his will. He must survive the civil disturbances and infectious diseases of the time, and also, he wants to save lives. (Jin, his name, means the Confucian morality, and in Asia, there is a traditional belief that practicing medicine must be based on this morality.) As he emerges as a prominent doctor (well, of course), he gets involved in politics, and a certain doctor schemes to kill him . . . I can nitpick at some misogynist description, etc. but overall, this is highly interesting and entertaining.
Profile Image for Lê Việt Hằng.Lê Việt Hằng87 reviews2 followersReadNovember 29, 2019Không bàn về tính hư cấu của truyện tranh thì kiến thức y khoa của vị bác sĩ trong truyện rất chính thống, có lẽ vì nội dung được cố vấn bởi chính trưởng khoa ngoại thần kinh của bệnh viện ở Nhật Bản. Tranh vẽ đẹp và tỉ mỉ, nội dung lạ có vẻ kén người đọc. Đã có tới cuốn thứ 8, hi vọng sẽ theo được tới hết bộ 🙂Profile Image for VyVy.VyVy28 reviews2 followersJanuary 18, 2020Hay vãi chưởng í hic hic
Boxwood34 reviewsOctober 7, 2022A fantastic manga in every way so far. Mangamo has an official and complete English translation, for anyone interested in it.Profile Image for bakanekonomama.bakanekonomama573 reviews82 followersApril 5, 2013Apa yang kamu lakukan jika ketika sedang mengejar pasien yang terluka parah, lalu tiba-tiba saja kamu terlempar ke sebuah dunia masa lalu, hampir 150 tahun yang lalu?Itulah yang terjadi pada Minakata Jin. Seorang dokter bedah di Tokyo yang baru saja melakukan pembedahan pada seorang lelaki misterius yang terluka parah. Bukan hanya babak belur, lelaki ini ternyata juga memiliki tumor di otaknya!Ketika melakukan pembedahan itu, tim dokter, termasuk Minakata-sensei, terkejut luar biasa karena tumor di otak lelaki misterius itu berbentuk janin!! #siyok #pukeAnehnya, ketika Minakata-sensei berusaha untuk mengambil tumor itu, ada sebuah suara berdengung-dengung di kepalanya. Memintanya untuk tidak memisahkan dirinya dari tubuh si lelaki yang tak sadarkan diri itu.Sebagai dokter, tentunya ia tak menuruti permintaan dari suara misterius itu. Namun ternyata setelah itu dimulailah serangkaian kejadian aneh yang menimpanya, yang berujung pada "terlemmpar"nya dokter ini ke kota Tokyo, atau Edo, 138 tahun yang lalu.Mengapa ia bisa terlempar hingga ke masa itu? Bisakah ia kembali ke jamannya? Benarkah ia orang yang tak seharusnya ada di sana, bahkan mengubah sejarah Edo di tahun itu (ketika banyak wabah penyakit berjangkit seperti disentri ataupun cacar air)?Silakan baca sendiri ceritanya.. :)Manga ini juga ada doramanya, yang baguuss bangettt!! >v< Saya suka banget sama pemeran Minakata Jin-nya yang cool tapi nggak sok cool (nah, loh?) xDUdah gitu lagu sontreknya juga oyeh banget. Judulnya "Aitakute, Ima" dinyanyiin sama MISIA.Nih saya bagi sedikit liriknya
ima aitai anata nitsutaetai koto ga takusan arunee aitai aitaikizu keba omokage sagashite kanashikutedoko ni iruno ? dakishimeteyowatashi wa koko ni iru yo zuttoI’m missing you nowThere’s so much I want to tell youOh, I miss you, I miss youI sadly long for your presenceWhere are you? Please hold meBecause I will always be here
Profile Image for Yue.Yue2,378 reviews30 followersFebruary 24, 2016JIN is a favorite of mine. I love the story, the setting, the characters. I was so pleased to read reviews of medical students who think that the medical aspect of the story is accurate. In general, I love all stories that involved time-travel, but sometimes they do not work so well. But in JIN, it does, more so because Minakata-sensei is a doctor who is aware of maybe the danger of changing history, but since he is a doctor, saving lives presently is more important than the future.Too bad Saki is just 16-years-old, since Minakata-sensei is 34. Nothing romantic happened so far, but since I am familiar with the story, it was a bit of let-down.I was moved with Minakata-sensei saving Tae-san, just like I was when I watched it on screen. Jin-sensei is so nice, and such a good doctor.Amazing manga. And for what is worth it, the dorama is one of the best one I've seen so far. Highly recommended, both versions (manga and dorama).
    2016a-5starsall-time-favorites ...more
Profile Image for Lucie Lacoste.Lucie Lacoste338 reviews7 followersJune 9, 2015Jin est chirurgien. Suite à une intervention délicate avec un patient atteint d'une drôle de tumeur il se retrouve à Tokyo en 1838. Médecin de toujours il soigne dans ce tome toutes les personnes qu'il rencontre et notamment des pauvres atteint de la rougeole car une épidémie fait rage.Ce n'est pas mon genre de manga habituels, mais cette histoire m'intrigue et je languis de découvrir la suite.
Profile Image for Indah Threez Lestari.Indah Threez Lestari13.3k reviews263 followersMarch 7, 2013Jadi bertanya-tanya bagaimana kalau yang terlempar ke masa lalu seperti ini Gregory House, MD. Apakah dia bakal boring to death karena penyakit-penyakit mematikan di masa lalu sudah tidak menarik lagi karena mudah didiagnosa, atau dia bakal merasa tertantang karena harus menaklukkan penyakit dengan peralatan dan obat-obatan yang tidak memadai?Bikin crossover House x Jin yuk!
Profile Image for Célia.Célia435 reviews4 followersAugust 3, 2013Un manga intéressant sur le monde de la médecine. On suit avec plaisir les aventures de ce neurochirurgien projeté 138 ans dans le passé. Graphisme basique mais plutôt joli.
Profile Image for Leandro Dutra.Leandro DutraAuthor 4 books48 followersNovember 17, 2015Very interesting time-travel, historic novel on the arrival of modern medicine in XIX century Japan, with political implications.Agus Hadiwiyono1 reviewJuly 20, 2014This bokk awesome story and make me sad for both of two Jin and saki to be partThis entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewDisplaying 1 - 16 of 16 reviews

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