Letters With Accents

HTML - Special Entity Codes

This Web page contains lists of special entity codes needed in HTML to generate special characters such as ñ, ¢, ÷ and other characters. Full instructions are in the "Using the Codes" section followed by lists organized by character type. Information on

NOTE: If you are composing Web pages in an HTML editor such as Netscape Composer or FrontPage, the programs may generate the characters based on what is typed in (check the HTML to be sure). Others like Dreamweaver <acronym>M X</acronym> require you to insert characters as symbols in order to generate the code.

This Page

  1. Letters with Accents - (e.g. ó, ò, ñ)
  2. Other Foreign Characters - (e.g. ç, ¿, ß)
  3. Currency Symbols - (e.g. ¢, £, ¥)
  4. Math Symbols - (e.g. ±, °, ÷)
  5. Other Punctuation - (e.g. &, ©, §)
  6. Using the Codes
  7. Newer Math Codes
  8. Uniciode Numeric Codes (Experimental) - New Page
  9. Links to Other References

Letters with Accents

This list is organized by Accent type. To determine the appropriate numeric code, match the accent with the vowel. The general template for each accent is in the left column in blue. For instance&Vcirc; means that all the entity codes for vowels with circumflex accents contain "circ" as part of the code.

NOTE: Numbers in parentheses refer to the numeric position of the character in the Latin-1 encoding scheme.

Example 1: To input the circumflex â (&acirc;) in HTML, type in &acirc; or &#226; Exampe 2: To input circumflex ô (&ocirc;) in HTML, type in &ocirc;.

Accent A E I O U Y
Grave &Vgrave; (Cap) À &Agrave; (192) È &Egrave; (200) Ì &Igrave; (204) Ò &Ograve; (210) Ù &Ugrave; (217)
Grave (Lower) à &agrave; (224) è &egrave; (232) ì &igrave (236) ò &ograve; (242) ù &ugrave; (249)
Acute &Vacute; (Cap) Á &Aacute; (193) É &Eacute; (201) Í &Iacute; (205) Ó &Oacute; (211) Ú &Uacute; (218) Ý &Yacute; (221)
Acute (Lower) á &aacute; (225) é &eacute; (233) í &iacute; (237) ó &oacute; (243) ú &uacute; (250) ý &yacute; (253)
Circumflex &Vcirc; (Cap) Â &Acirc;(194) Ê &Ecirc;(202) Î &Icirc;(206) Ô &Ocirc;(212) Û &Ucirc;(219)
Circumflex (Lower) â &acirc; (226) ê &ecirc; (234) î &icirc; (238) ô &ocirc; (244) û &ucirc; (251)
Tilde &Vtilde; (Cap) Ã &Atilde; (195) -- Ñ &Ntilde; (209) Õ &Otilde; (213) --
Tilde (Lower) ã &atilde; (227) -- ñ &ntilde; (241) õ &otilde; (245) --
Umlaut &Vuml; (Cap) Ä &Auml; (196) Ë &Euml; (203) Ï &Iuml; (207) Ö &Ouml; (214) Ü &Uuml; (220) Ÿ &#159; (Yuml;)*
Umlaut (Lower) ä &auml; (228) ë &euml; (235) ï &iuml; (239) ö &ouml; (246) ü &uuml; (252) Ÿ &Yuml; (255)

* The code &Yuml; exists, but is not supported in older browsers such as Netscape 4.7. See &Yuml; = Ÿ test.

If you are having problems inputting these codes, please review the instructions for using the codes on top of this Web page.

Top of Page

Other Foreign Characters

NOTE: Numbers in parentheses refer to the numeric position of the character in the Latin-1 encoding scheme.

Example 1: To generate the upside-down question mark ¿,type &iquest; into the HTML code. Example 2: To generate French oe ligature œ, type &#156; into the HTML code.

¡ Upside-down exclamation point. &iexcl; (161)
¿ Upside-down question mark. &iquest; (191)
Ç,ç French C cedille (caps/lowercase) &Ccedil; (199) &ccedil; (231)
Œ,œ French O-E ligature (caps/lowercase) &#140; &#156;

&oelig; and &OElig; have been proposed, but are not supported on older browsers such as Netscape 4.7. See Test below.

&oelig; = œ &OElig; = Œ

ß German double S &szlig; (223)
Ø,ø O slash (caps/lowercase) &Oslash; (216) &oslash; (248)
Å,å A ring, Angstrom sign (caps/lowercase) &Aring; (197) &aring; (229)
Æ,æ A-E ligature (caps/lowercase) &AElig; (198) &aelig; (230)
Þ,þ Old English thorn (caps/lowercase) &THORN; (222) &thorn; (254)
Ð,ð Old English eth (caps/lowercase) &ETH; (208) &eth; (240)
« » Spanish style double angle quote mark. &laquo; (171) &raquo; (187)

If you are having problems inputting these codes, please review the instructions for using the codes on top of this Web page.

Top of Page

Currency Symbols

NOTE: Numbers in parentheses refer to the numeric position of the character in the Latin-1 encoding scheme.

Example: To generate the cent sign ¢,type &cent; into the HTML code.

¢ cent sign &cent; (162)
£ British Pound &pound; (163)
¥ Japanese Yen &yen; (165)
Euro Symbol &euro; (--)
¤ Generic currency symbol &curren; (164)

If you are having problems inputting these codes, please review the instructions for using the codes on top of this Web page.

Top of Page

Math Symbols

NOTE: Numbers in parentheses refer to the numeric position of the character in the Latin-1 encoding scheme.

Example: To generate the division sign ÷,type &divide; into the HTML code.

> Greater than &gt; (62)
< Less than &lt; (60)
÷ Division symbol &divide; (247)
° Degree symbol &deg; (176)
¬ Not symbol &not; (172)
± Plus/minus symbol &plusmn; (177)
µ Micro &micro; (181)

If you are having problems inputting these codes, please review the instructions for using the codes on top of this Web page.

Top of Page

Other Punctuation

NOTE: Numbers in parentheses refer to the numeric position of the character in the Latin-1 encoding scheme.

Example 1: To generate the and symbol & (&amp;) type in &amp;. Example 2: To generate the string &amp; in HTML, type &amp;amp;.

(blank space) Inserts a non-breaking blank space &nbsp; (--)
& Ampersand &amp; (38)
" Regular quotes are fine, but avoid "Smart Quotes" &quot; (34)
© Copyright symbol &copy; (169)
® Registered symbol &reg; (174)
Trademark symbol &#153;(or &trade; in newer browsers)
Paragraph symbol &para; (182)
Big List Dot &#149;
· Medium List Dot &#183; (or &middot in newer browsers)
§ Section Symbol &sect; (167)
en-dash &#150; (or &ndash; in newer browsers)
em-dash &#151; (or &mdash; in newer browsers)

If you are having problems inputting these codes, please review the instructions for using the codes on top of this Web page.

Top of Page

Using the Codes

To input non-English into an Web page, HTML employs a series of entity codes enclosed with an & on the left side and a ; (semi-colon) on the right.


For example, the code for ç is "ccedil". To generate French ç in HTML, type the code &ccedil; into your HTML document as in:

HTML - fran&cecedil;ais Result - français

Here's another example using &cent; for ¢.

HTML - It cost 5&cent;. Result - It cost 5¢.

Some characters like œ (#156) are known by a number, not an entity code. For these characters the template is:


For example to input sœur, the French word for sister you use the following code:

HTML - s&#156;ur 'sister' Result - sœur 'sister'

Troubleshooting the Encoding

If one of the numeric codes (e.g. &#156; for œ) fails to display, try including the following meta tags in the header (between the <head></head>) tags.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> < meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=win 1252">

This will force the browser to switch to the Western European Latin 1 or Windows-1252 encoding system.

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Newer Math Codes (Not Supported in Netscape 4.7)

In addition to the entities mentioned above, there have been proposals to develop additional special character entities such as for Greek letters, card suits and other symbols. However, these are so new that they are implemented in only the most recent browsers such as Internet Explorer 5/6, Netscape 6/7, or Mozilla 1.0. Many do not work in Netscape 4.7.

See or Ian Graham's Mathematical Symbols for HTML or Web Developer's Virtual Reference HTML Special Characters and Browser Compatibility or for more details and a complete list.


† (single dagger) - &dagger; ‡ (double dagger) - &Dagger;


♥ (heart) - &hearts; ♦ (diamond card suit) - &diams; ♣ (club suit) - &clubs; ♠ (spade suit) - &spades; ◊ (open diamond / lozenge) - &loz; ← (left arrow) - &larr; → (right arrow) - &rarr; ↑ (up arrow) - &uarr; ↓ (down arrow) - &darr;

Some Greek Letters

α (lowercase alpha) - &alpha; Α(uppercase alpha) - &Alpha; β(lowercase beta) - &beta; Β (uppercase beta) - &Beta; and so forth...

Mathematical Symbols

∴(therefore triangle) - &there4; ≠ (not equal) - &ne; ≥ (greater than or equal to) - &ge; ≤ (less than or equal to) - &le; ≈ (approximately) - &asymp; ∫ (integral sign) - &int; ∂ (partial derivative) - &part; √ (square root / radical) - &radic; ∞ (infinity) - &infin; ℵ (Aleph number) - &alefsym; ′(single prime) - &prime; ″(double prime) - &Prime; ∑ (sigma sum sign) - &sum; ∩ (set intersection) - &cap; ≡ (equivalent to, three lines) - &equiv; ‰ (permil symbol)- &permil;

Top of Page

Links to External Reference Pages

HTML Entity Codes

  • Ian S. Graham (Wiley)
  • Alan Wood HTML 4.0 Character Entity References - Lists Unicode number and entity. Some mathematical characters not supported in Netscape 4.7
  • HTML Special Characters and Browser Compatability
  • Tip Sheet on Special Characters - Includes the HTML code and the Windows and Mac keyboard shortcuts
  • Webmonkey - The first set of entries ("left single quote" to "trademark sign") are experimental and may not be supported in Netscape 4.7
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©Penn State University, 2000-2005. This Web page maintained by Teaching and Learning with Technology, a unit of Information Technology Services. For questions or comments on this Web page, please contact Elizabeth J. Pyatt (ejp10@psu.edu).
Unicode character names and hexadecimal entity codes are taken from the public Unicode Character Charts.

This publication is available in alternate media upon request.

Last Modified: Friday, 08-Apr-2005 17:04:49 EDT

Từ khóa » Html Accent Codes