Transmit And Receive CAN Messages - MATLAB & Simulink

Create CAN Channels

Create two MathWorks® virtual CAN channels.

canch1 = canChannel('MathWorks','Virtual 1',1) canch2 = canChannel('MathWorks','Virtual 1',2)canch1 = Channel with properties: Device Information DeviceVendor: 'MathWorks' Device: 'Virtual 1' DeviceChannelIndex: 1 DeviceSerialNumber: 0 ProtocolMode: 'CAN' Status Information Running: 0 MessagesAvailable: 0 MessagesReceived: 0 MessagesTransmitted: 0 InitializationAccess: 1 InitialTimestamp: [0×0 datetime] FilterHistory: 'Standard ID Filter: Allow All | Extended ID Filter: Allow All' Channel Information BusStatus: 'N/A' SilentMode: 0 TransceiverName: 'N/A' TransceiverState: 'N/A' ReceiveErrorCount: 0 TransmitErrorCount: 0 BusSpeed: 500000 SJW: [] TSEG1: [] TSEG2: [] NumOfSamples: [] Other Information Database: [] UserData: [] canch2 = Channel with properties: Device Information DeviceVendor: 'MathWorks' Device: 'Virtual 1' DeviceChannelIndex: 2 DeviceSerialNumber: 0 ProtocolMode: 'CAN' Status Information Running: 0 MessagesAvailable: 0 MessagesReceived: 0 MessagesTransmitted: 0 InitializationAccess: 1 InitialTimestamp: [0×0 datetime] FilterHistory: 'Standard ID Filter: Allow All | Extended ID Filter: Allow All' Channel Information BusStatus: 'N/A' SilentMode: 0 TransceiverName: 'N/A' TransceiverState: 'N/A' ReceiveErrorCount: 0 TransmitErrorCount: 0 BusSpeed: 500000 SJW: [] TSEG1: [] TSEG2: [] NumOfSamples: [] Other Information Database: [] UserData: []

For each channel, notice that its initial Running value is 0 (stopped), and its bus speed is 500000.


You cannot use the same variable to create multiple channels sequentially. Clear any channel before using the same variable to construct a new CAN channel.

You cannot create arrays of CAN channel objects. Each object you create must be assigned to its own scalar variable.

Từ khóa » Can Vn1610