TTNH - V.#2 - #114 Impulsion Of Chu Yang - LNMTL

TTNH :: Volume #2

#114: Impulsion of Chu Yang

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Impulsion of Chapter 114 Chu Yang 第114章楚阳的冲动 „Ha haha......” Mo Chengyu has smiled: „On your this small girl, knows that the men and women guard greatly...... Good, I and your Uncle Chu Yang exit to discuss. Young virtuous young woman, you, if thought that has any illness, must remember that surely shouted me.” “哈哈哈……”莫成宇笑了起来:“就你这小丫头,也知道男女大防……好吧,我和你楚阳叔叔出去谈。小淑女,你要是觉得有什么不适,千万要记得喊我。” Has turned the head to look at Chu Yang: „Does Brother Chu, exit to speak?” Sudden one startled, is similar to the discovery new continent general surprise said: „Brother Chu, is your complexion so how ugly?” 转过头看着楚阳:“楚兄,怎么出去说话?”突然一惊,如同发现新大陆一般的惊奇道:“楚兄弟,你的脸色怎地这么难看?” The flipping supercilious look of Chu Yang weakly and without strength, heart said that my complexion so is why ugly? You said that my complexion so is why ugly? Father's wife well, was turned into the niece by you stiffly...... I did not have the suicide that collapsed at the scene am the strength in meditation am very excellent...... 楚阳有气无力的翻了翻白眼,心道,我的脸色为啥这么难看?你他妈的说我的脸色为啥这么难看?老子好好的老婆,硬生生被你变成了侄女……我没当场崩溃的自杀已经算是定力很高超了…… „Is the Young Lady wound, Du Shiqing governs? How did Du Shiqing say?” Mo Chengyu is twisting the eyebrow, sits with Chu Yang on the stair before gate together. Concern heavily. “小姐的伤,是杜世情治的?杜世情怎么说?”莫成宇拧着眉毛,跟楚阳一起坐在门前的台阶上。心事重重。 Since had discovered Mo Qingwu Three Yin Meridian caused heavy losses, the body of Mo Chengyu, looked like has carried on the back a mountain, constrained heavily. The whole person is also similar to is borders on the eruption the volcano, fills sadness that mountain Yu wanted. 自从发现了莫轻舞的三阴脉被重创,莫成宇的身上,就像是背上了一座大山,沉重压抑。整个人也如同是濒临爆发的火山,充满了山雨欲来的沉闷。 „Senior Du said that even if world Nine Great Legendary Herbs gets together, is unable......” Chu Yang to protect some main King level master also very favorable impressions to this loyally. To not conceal, confident saying, then looks at the eye of Mo Chengyu: Method that „Senior Mo, the Qingwu wound, has not cured temporarily...... If makes her return to the family, perhaps, she will unable to bear...... How keeps here?” “杜先生说,就算是天下九大奇药齐聚,也无法……”楚阳对这位忠心护主的王级高手也很有些好感。是以并不隐瞒,坦然的说出,然后看着莫成宇的眼睛:“莫前辈,轻舞的伤,暂时没有治愈的方法……若是让她回到家族,恐怕,她会受不了……就留在我这里如何?” The Mo Chengyu pitch-black eyebrow closely has twisted, deeply sighed, said: „Inadequate!” 莫成宇乌黑的眉毛紧紧地拧了起来,深深地叹了口气,道:“不成!” „Why?” The Chu Yang eye stands, one hot: „You must lead her, making her bear that boundless pain? Must know that Three Yin Meridian has destroyed, the manner of family will immediately change! Regarding not having the juniors of training value, what treatment will receive, your I am clear!” “为何?”楚阳眼睛一立,一下就火了起来:“难道你非得将她带回去,让她去承受那无边的痛苦?要知道,三阴脉已毁,家族的态度立即就会改变!对于没有了培养价值的子弟,会受到什么样的待遇,你我都清楚!” „Pain, is the Mo Family person!” Mo Chengyu heavy sighing: „In aristocratic family, family benefit is heavy in all \; This point you do not know \; Also, although you were equal to saving her life, but to our Mo Family, you were a stranger.” “痛苦,也是莫家人!”莫成宇沉沉的叹了口气:“在世家之中,家族利益重于一切\;这一点你不会不知道\;再说,虽然你等于是救了她的性命,但对我们莫家来讲,你还是一个陌生人。” Mo Chengyu coldly snorted: „Brings to receive her is inferior to the original treatment, is better than keeps in a strange person hand \; Even if savior , is the same!” 莫成宇哼了一声:“就算是将她带回去要受到一些不如原来的待遇,也强似留在一个陌生人手中\;就算是救命恩人,也一样!” „Let alone, by your present strength, simply has not protected her strength! If Heimo walks, you think that depending on your strength, can preserve Young Lady?” The Mo Chengyu coldly last few words, making Chu Yang feel to be incapable. “更何况,以你现在的实力,根本没有保护她的力量!若是黑魔找上门,难道你以为凭你的力量,就能保住小姐?”莫成宇冷冷的最后一句话,让楚阳感到无力。 This is the fact! 这是事实! No matter how, oneself present strength mean is the brutal reality! Even if currently Chu Yang has the Martial Great Master strength, is relying on Nine Tribulations Sword, self-confident can also socialize with Heimo turns. 不管如何,自己现在实力低微是残酷的现实!哪怕现在楚阳有武宗的力量,凭借着九劫剑,自信也能与黑魔周旋一翻。 But he only has Martial Warrior grade nine now \; Even Martial Master is not! 但他现在却只有武士九品\;甚至连武师都不是! Once Heimo came, Mo Qingwu must die without doubt. That does not protect her, but has harmed her truly. 一旦黑魔来了,莫轻舞必死无疑。那就不是保护她,而是真正的害了她。 But if makes Mo Qingwu go back, actually must face Mo Clan ice-cold heartless, does Chu Yang give up? 但若是让莫轻舞回去,却又要面对莫氏家族的冰冷无情,楚阳又怎么舍得? „Young Lady after all is Patriarch own flesh and blood.” Mo Chengyu indifferently said: „Did not have Three Yin Meridian, will also cross in the family very well.” “小姐毕竟是家主的亲生骨肉。”莫成宇淡淡地道:“就算是没有了三阴脉,在家族也会过得很好。” „These words that you spoke, do you believe?” Chu Yang coldly visits him: „You as the King level master, if discards your cultivation base suddenly, making you be an average person \; Even if others do not bully you, yourself receive?” “你说的这句话,你信吗?”楚阳冷冷的看着他:“你身为王级高手,若是突然将你的修为废掉,让你做一个普通人\;就算别人都不来欺负你,你自己受的了吗?” „But the person must face the reality!” Mo Chengyu lowers the sound to roar: „You think that I don't love dearly? A Young Lady birth, has determined Three Yin Meridian, then assigns me to be his guide and protector! From babbling to today, Young Lady was equal to that my looks to grow up, is the same with my daughter! He was injured, father hates unable the body to treat! This sentiment, do you understand?” “但人总要面对现实!”莫成宇压低着声音咆哮:“你以为我就不心疼?小姐一出生,就确定了三阴脉,然后就指定我来做他的引路人和守护者!从牙牙学语到今天,小姐等于是我一手看着长大的,跟我自己的女儿一样!他受了伤,老子恨不得以身相待!这种感情,你懂么?” „I know to return to the family, Young Lady to decide however am destroyed authority originally, decides however does not feel better, but only has in the family, can preserve her life! Other place, is not good! I cannot achieve, you, are not better!” Mo Chengyu two become blood red, looks at Chu Yang maliciously, the depressing sentiment erupts suddenly. “我知道回到家族,小姐定然会被剥夺原本的权力,定然不好受,但唯有在家族,才能保住她的命!别的地方,不行!我都做不到,你,更不行!”莫成宇两眼变得血红,狠狠地看着楚阳,压抑的感情突然爆发。 „But after I do not permit she goes back, by you are bullied the maltreatment!” Chu Yang does not yield an inch. “但我不允许她回去之后,被你们欺负虐待!”楚阳寸步不让。 „Don't you permit? What can you make?” Mo Chengyu visits him lightly, although words are coarse, but the sound is extremely earnest, has been full of the weak grief: „Chu Yang, you have saved us, I thank you \; Therefore to the present, I and you speaks well \; But you also want the clear your component \; Mo Clan, is not you can change, is not I can change!” “你不允许?可你又能做什么?”莫成宇淡淡地看着他,话虽难听,但声音却极是认真,充满了无力的伤痛:“楚阳,你救了我们,我感激你\;所以到现在,我与你好好的说话\;但你也要清楚自己的分量\;莫氏家族,不是你能改变的,也不是我能改变的!” „If I do want to detain?” The Chu Yang pupil shrinks, deep asking. “若是我要强留呢?”楚阳瞳孔一缩,深深的问道。 „Now I am seriously injured, you detain, temporarily also can only live here \; However, consequence that detains you , to be clear. Although the old man believes that you are well-meant, but if Heimo Family knows that will only bring the catastrophe for you \; Even, Mo Clan knows, will come the important person. If the person of Yan knows, will raze your here!” Mo Chengyu coldly snorted, said: „You is a smart person, will not make such stupid decision.” “现在我受重伤,你强留,暂时也只能住在这里\;不过,强留的后果你要想清楚。虽然老夫相信你没有恶意,但若是黑魔家族知道,只会为你带来大祸\;甚至,莫氏家族知道,也会前来要人。燕家的人若是知道,也会将你这里夷为平地!”莫成宇哼了一声,道:“你是一个聪明人,不会做出这样愚蠢的决定。” The Chu Yang headache gets up. Words that detains, is only he is spur-of-the-moment, oneself also know that is not feasible. But sees Mo Qingwu with great difficulty, moreover is in such a case, how can make her go back to suffer hardships? Returns to the former life road? 楚阳头痛起来。强留的话,只是他一时冲动,自己也知道,绝不可行。但好不容易见到莫轻舞,而且又是在这样的情况下,如何能让她回去受苦?重蹈前世的覆辙? But if not make her go back...... The words that Mo Chengyu spoke are actually good \; Although Chu Yang is not willing to acknowledge, but he actually indeed has not protected the Mo Qingwu ability now. Leaves behind Mo Qingwu, can only harm her also to harm itself. 但若是不让她回去……莫成宇说的话其实是不错的\;虽然楚阳不愿意承认,但他现在却的确是没有保护莫轻舞的能力。留下莫轻舞,只能是害了她也害了自己。 Mo Chengyu arrives at Iron Cloud Citadel to look for the Du Shiqing matter, cannot hide the truth from the person with high aspirations. At this moment, pursuing troops perhaps also already on road. Momentarily will find here. 莫成宇来到铁云城找杜世情的事,瞒不过有心人。就连此刻,追兵恐怕也已经在路上。随时都会找到这里。 „This matter, we need further consideration.” Has thought is very long, Chu Yang decides to draw back slightly one step: „Senior Mo, no matter you stay behind do not stay behind, your wound, must curing as soon as possible. The if by any chance enemy pursues, strength of the war. Other matter, after and other Mo Tianji arrived here, we need further consideration again.” “此事,我们从长计议吧。”想了很久,楚阳还是决定稍退一步:“莫前辈,不管你们留下还是不留下,你的伤,都必须要尽快的治好。万一敌人追来,也有一战之力。另外的事情,就等莫天机来到这里之后,我们再从长计议。” This is also the plan of best slow soldier Chu Yang can want to come out. 这也是楚阳能够想出来的最佳的缓兵之策。 Speaking of „Mo Tianji” these three characters, Chu Yang has filled at heart bitterly and astringently. Oneself do not talk clearly, at heart is any taste \; Secret heaving a deep sigh. 说到“莫天机”这三个字,楚阳心里充满了苦涩。自己也说不清楚,心里是一股什么滋味\;不由暗暗的长叹一声。 „Also has so. My wound, perhaps within half a month, was.” In the Mo Chengyu sound filled lost with sadly, lost for oneself, was Mo Qingwu is sad. Simultaneously also has the deep compunction and remorse, oneself are the full-time employment protects Young Lady, makes Young Lady receive this life-long the unrecoverable injury! “也只好如此。我的伤,恐怕半月之内,是好不了的。”莫成宇声音中充满了失落和伤心,为自己失落,为莫轻舞伤心。同时还有深深的内疚和自责,自己乃是全职保护小姐,却让小姐受到了这等终生不可恢复的伤害! All sorts of mood press, almost presses in his heart to collapse. 种种情绪压上来,压得他心中几乎崩溃。 He knows that Chu Yang this means are the best means \; Oneself indeed need to heal from a wound, if injury good forcefully not to have brought Young Lady to leave, perhaps was dismembered by the enemy in the halfway. 他知道楚阳这个办法已经算是最好的办法\;自己的确需要养伤,若是伤势未好就强行带着小姐离开,恐怕在半路就被敌人分了尸。 „Here has the medicine, is therapy wondrous medicines that Du Shiqing Senior Du gives \; You as King level Martial Artist, naturally can know that own wound needs any raw material for medicine \; If here unprepared, may open the mouth to me at any time.” Chu Yang slowly said. “我这里有药,是杜世情杜先生给的疗伤圣药\;你身为王级武者,自然会知道自己的伤需要什么药材\;若是这里不备,可随时向我开口。”楚阳慢慢的道。 „Good.” “好。” Chu Yang walked slowly and aimlessly two steps, said: „You such live here, the if by any chance enemy walks , is also troublesome \; Might as well go to the underground secret room first \; When the injury was similar, comes out again.” 楚阳踱了两步,道:“不过你们就这么住在这里,万一敌人找上门来,也是麻烦\;不如先去地下密室\;等伤势差不多了,再出来。” He smiled, said: „Just like you said that if now the Heimo army walks, I cannot block. Also asked the senior do not blame me being careful.” 他笑了笑,道:“正如你所说,现在若是黑魔大军找上门来,我挡不住。还请前辈不要怪我过于小心。” The underground secret room, is Chu Yang specially arranges \; Moreover, digs is very deep \; This is he in preparation that to gather Second Fragment Nine Tribulations Sword makes. The position of secret room, in the second fragment Nine Tribulations Sword place above, according to the Chu Yang estimate, many again thorough 20 feet, can attain Nine Tribulations Sword second fragment! 地下密室,是楚阳特意安排的\;而且,掘的很深\;这是他在为了收取第二节九劫剑做的准备。密室的位置,就在第二截九劫剑的上方,据楚阳估计,最多再深入两丈,就能拿到九劫剑第二截! At this moment, turned into refuge. 此刻,变成了避难之所。 „This is the safe procedure, the old man is also insufficient so stodgy.” In the Mo Chengyu heart is also took a deep breath \; If no Mo Qingwu in the side, as his King level master, rather died in battle, mouse half will not hide in the tunnel, but has no alternative now...... “这是稳妥的做法,老夫还不至于如此迂腐。”莫成宇心中也是叹了一口气\;若是没有莫轻舞在身边,以他王级高手的身份,是宁可战死,也不会老鼠一半躲在地洞里的,但现在却是无可奈何…… „Wait a bit, I arrange.” “稍等,我安排一下。” In the island that Heavenly Armament Pavilion is at does not have the servant, Chu Yang only to begin. 天兵阁所在的岛上并没有下人,楚阳只能自己动手。 Made a bed, presses down the oil lamp in inside, various animal fur/superficial knowledge and cotton bedding and other things ask for money toward the small roadside shop, an hour, are not clean two rooms. 铺了床,在里面按上油灯,各种动物皮毛和棉花被褥等东西不要钱似地往里铺,足足半个时辰,才算是整理出两个房间。 The Mo Qingwu room, was made comfortably by Chu Yang warm . Moreover, four sides the wall also obstructs with the snow white cloth solid \; Even has prepared the essence in the head, makes fragrantly the entire room. 莫轻舞的房间,被楚阳弄得舒适温暖,而且,四面墙壁也都用雪白的布匹遮的严严实实\;甚至在床头准备了香精,将整个房间弄得香喷喷的。 Naturally, Mo Chengyu room compared with this, on inferior many: One throws toward inside the thing, said one to Mo Chengyu: „You make the lane, can rest the person line......” 当然,莫成宇的房间与此相比,则就逊色的多了:只是把东西往里面一扔,对莫成宇说了一声:“你自己弄弄吧,能睡人就行……” Mo Chengyu directly for it illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy. 莫成宇直接为之气结。 In Chu Yang busy these days, the eye of Mo Chengyu has stared on Chu Yang. More and more felt that this youth has filled mystically. 在楚阳忙碌的这段时间,莫成宇的眼睛一直盯在楚阳身上。越来越是感觉,这个少年充满了神秘。 Who is he? Why will recognize Young Lady? Moreover, looked like was in the meticulous situation to the loving care of Young Lady. The itself skill is not high. 他是什么人?为何会认得小姐?而且,看起来对小姐的爱护已经到了无微不至的地步。本身功力却又不高。 The promising youth of Middle Three Heavens these families, oneself recognize basically \; Even if has not seen, listens to the person to describe, inside absolutely does not have such Number One character...... 中三天那些家族的后起之秀,自己基本都认得\;就算是没有见过的,也听人描述过,里面绝对没有这样的一号人物…… Really strange. 真是奇怪。 But these matter Chu Yang were not willing saying that asking that he naturally will not take the liberty. At least the opposite party is well-meant, this is absolutely true. 但这些事情楚阳不愿说,他自然也不会冒昧的问。起码对方没有恶意,这是千真万确的。 When prepares appropriately, during Chu Yang hugs to sleep soundly Mo Qingwu, slowly walked. When Chu Yang puts out a hand to hold Mo Qingwu, Mo Chengyu also puts out a hand, swift and fierce such as of blade was actually stared by Chu Yang. 待准备妥当,楚阳才抱起熟睡之中的莫轻舞,慢慢地走了下去。在楚阳伸手去抱莫轻舞的时候,莫成宇也伸出手来,却被楚阳凌厉如刀的一眼瞪了过去。 Mo Chengyu as the King level master, unexpectedly was stared at heart by this does not send on own initiative coldly \; Then by Chu Yang one: Does you such heavy wound, what to do fall to her? 莫成宇身为王级高手,居然被他这一眼瞪得心里不自觉地发寒\;然后被楚阳一句:你这么重的伤,摔到她怎么办? Mo Chengyu was defeated, following embarrasedly walked behind Chu Yang. 莫成宇被打败,讪讪的跟在楚阳后面走了下去。 Looks that Mo Qingwu sleeps soundly in the secret room \; Chu Yang rubs hands, said: „Senior Mo, discussed a matter with you.” 看着莫轻舞在密室熟睡\;楚阳搓搓手,道:“莫前辈,跟你商量个事。” „What matter?” Mo Chengyu in depressed, was stared one by this boy a moment ago, unexpectedly also has the feeling of fear? But Fuck! father King level master! This boy what level? Will I fear him unexpectedly? Really damn...... “什么事?”莫成宇正在郁闷,刚才怎么被这小子瞪了一眼,居然还有害怕的感觉?靠!老子可是王级高手!这小子才什么水平?我居然会怕他?真是见鬼了……
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Từ khóa » Chu Yang Ttnh