TTNH - V.#5 - #410 Mysterious Yang Jade Essence - LNMTL

TTNH :: Volume #5

#410: Mysterious Yang Jade Essence

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Chapter 410 Mysterious Yang Jade Essence 第410章玄阳玉髓 Chu Yang the spirit inspires immediately! It seems like will soon arrive. What Sword Spirit said is 90 feet, but now 60 feet, had this situation...... That said that this treasure very fucking awesome very fucking awesome? 楚阳顿时精神一振!看来即将到了。剑灵说的是九丈,而现在不过六丈,已经出现了这种情况……那岂不是说,这宝贝很牛叉很牛叉的? Chu Yang throws a big stone once more time, defended clearly felt in the cave entrance two shadows did not suit: Bottom of this big stone was very soft, almost a finger does not make an effort to poke . Moreover, but also has the strange thermal energy. 楚阳再次扔出来一块大石头的时候,守在洞口的两个影子分明感到了不对劲:这块大石头底部已经很软,几乎一个手指头不用力就能戳进去,而且,还带有奇异的热力。 Moreover, the base of this stone about one inch places, turned into the garnet, is this little garnet, copious thermal energy that sends. 而且,这块石头的底部约有一寸的地方,已经变成了暗红色,就是这一点点暗红色,发出来的沛然的热力。 This thermal energy, almost contacts to think that the whole body is comfortable. 这种热力,几乎接触到就觉得浑身舒泰。 Chu Yang is just about to continue to start, realized in the space suddenly a vibration, Sword Spirit has braved, sound rapid say/way: „Remaining careful, in surrounding area 30 feet, all things, take in Nine Tribulations Space!” 楚阳正要继续下手,突然间意识空间之中一阵震动,剑灵又冒了出来,声音急促的道:“剩下的小心,方圆三丈之内,所有的东西,都收进九劫空间里来!” „Eh?” Chu Yang doubts to ask. “额?”楚阳疑问道。 „Other volume, listened my!” The spirit of Sword Spirit original dispirited has roused unexpectedly very much, the sound somewhat shivers, sigh: „I have taken the luck of your boy! This is good, is really makes me speechless!” “别额了,听我的!”剑灵本来萎靡的精神竟然很振奋了起来,声音有些颤抖,叹息:“我真是服了你小子的运气!这样都行,实在是让我无语!” „Is my luck very good?” Chu Yang knits the brows, asks. “我运气很好么?”楚阳皱皱眉,问道。 „Not is only very good......” Sword Spirit to be somewhat speechless: „You come up, almost did not have any strength time, has discovered Sword Point, obtained Seven Shades Cold Energy part \; These, enough you will not be injured in some situations, then obtains Nine Tribulations Sword Second Fragment time \; You by the Martial Master strength, obtained Life Force Spring Water unexpectedly! Moreover, is a full spring, originally this spring water when takes out the Second Fragment sword blade, must vanish. But we actually took in Nine Tribulations Space it, this has become the continuous treasure house.” “岂止是很好……”剑灵有些无语:“你一上来,几乎还没什么实力的时候,就发现了剑尖,得到了七阴寒气的一部分\;这些,足够你在一些情况下不会受伤,然后得到九劫剑第二节的时候\;你居然以武师的实力,得到了生机泉水!而且,还是满满的一眼泉,本来这泉水在取出第二节剑身的时候,就要消失了。但我们却将它收进了九劫空间,这就成了绵绵不绝的宝库。” „Then, you pursue the enemy, actually obtained section Spirit Jade Ginseng, had been stolen the efficacy by Nine Tribulations Sword Sword Point, this was very subtle.” “接下来,你追击敌人,竟然得到了一小节的灵玉参,被九劫剑剑尖将药力偷了过来,这就很微妙了。” Chu Yang said: „Spirit Jade Ginseng?” 楚阳道:“灵玉参?” „Good, although Diwu Qingrou Spirit Jade Ginseng is only 3000 little thing, only then light two pieces, but do not forget, although this Spirit Jade Ginseng the age limit is very short, unqualified becomes true Spirit Jade Ginseng, but is actually among the genuine world one of the Nine Great Legendary Herbs!” “不错,第五轻柔的灵玉参虽然只是3000年的小东西,而且只有薄薄的两片,但你不要忘记,这灵玉参虽然年限很短,不够资格成为真正的灵玉参,但却是真正的天下间九大奇药之一啊!” „Like the tiger that was just born, although linked a rabbit to tidy up it, but no one can deny that was a tiger, was?” Sword Spirit simply explanation was more exhaustive. “就像一头刚出生的老虎,虽然连一只兔子都能收拾得了它,但谁也不能否认,那是一头老虎,是不是?”剑灵索性解释的更详尽了一些。 „Yes.” Chu Yang said. “明白。”楚阳道。 „But is this little Spirit Jade Ginseng efficacy, actually unifies other efficacies in Nine Tribulations Sword Sword Point, has formed the Nine Layered Pill embryonic form. Is the formation of this Nine Layered Pill embryonic form, stimulated Nine Tribulations Sword regarding the hope of Nine Great Spirit Medicines! Was equal to opening the spirit wisdom to a person. Said that you do understand?” “但就是这一点点灵玉参的药力,却在九劫剑剑尖之内结合其他药力,形成了九重丹的雏形。就是这个九重丹雏形的形成,激发了九劫剑对于九大灵药的渴望!等于是给一个人开了灵智。这么说你懂么?” „In other words, you, if could not meet these things, Nine Tribulations Sword not like this urgent, such, may occur is Nine Great Legendary Herbs in the situation that in front of you you can also miss. But now, actually inadequate......” “换句话说,你若是一直遇不到这些东西,九劫剑也不会这样的迫切,那样,就有可能发生就算是九大奇药在你面前你也会错过的情况。但现在,却不成了……” „Then you have discovered Mysterious Ice Jade Ointment! Moreover mature Mysterious Ice Jade Ointment!” Sword Spirit is almost was exclaiming in surprise: „This is 90,000 years of Mysterious Ice Jade Ointment. The value simply is...... Has no way to estimate! Moreover, is one in Nine Great Legendary Herbs.” “然后你又发现了玄冰玉膏!而且还是成熟的玄冰玉膏!”剑灵几乎是在惊叹:“这可是90000年的玄冰玉膏啊。价值简直是……没法估量的!而且,还是九大奇药之中的一种。” „Your lucky air/Qi one after another comes \; Until today! I in the deep sleep, closed right up against the Mysterious Ice Jade Ointment cold air to nourish the soul, but you come here time close, actually profound positive air/Qi flushed, Yin-Yang is well distributed, I suddenly awaken, then discovered that your boy has discovered this treasure unexpectedly!” “你的好运气接二连三的来\;直到今天!我本来在沉睡中,靠着玄冰玉膏的寒气滋养灵魂,但你接近到这里的时候,却有一股玄阳之气冲了进来,阴阳调和,我才突然惊醒,然后就发现,你小子居然发现了这个宝贝!” „What thing is this?” The Chu Yang impolite interruption talking endlessly of Sword Spirit, in the heart some have not borne very much: Didn't you say weakly? Doesn't need to recuperate? How to drill chatty? “这到底是什么东西?”楚阳很不客气的打断了剑灵的喋喋不休,心中有些不耐:你丫不是说虚弱吗?不是需要调养吗?怎么又钻出来唧唧歪歪? „Surrounding area 30 feet, downward 30 feet, is Mysterious Yang Jade! Mysterious Yang Jade fool.” Sword Spirit excited say/way. “方圆三丈,往下三丈,全是玄阳玉!玄阳玉啊笨蛋。”剑灵兴奋的道。 „Mysterious Yang Jade? Is useful?” Chu Yang asked. “玄阳玉?有什么用?”楚阳问。 „You dug to say first again.” Sword Spirit is impatient. “你先挖出来再说。”剑灵不耐烦了。 Chu Yang coldly snorted, Nine Tribulations Sword has delimited a great-circle, has not put out a hand with enough time, Sword Spirit already unbearably anxious took in Nine Tribulations Space this bulk Mysterious Yang Jade directly. Then Chu Yang saw that Mysterious Jade Crystal and Mysterious Yang Jade in Nine Tribulations Space are corresponding, was suspended a strange circular by Sword Spirit. 楚阳哼了一声,九劫剑划了一个大圈,还没有来得及伸手,剑灵已经急不可耐的直接将这一大块玄阳玉收进了九劫空间。然后楚阳就见到九劫空间之内的玄玉晶与玄阳玉对应着,被剑灵摆出来了一个奇怪的圆形。 But Sword Spirit, in this strange circular middle, sits cross-legged to sit down. 而剑灵,就在这个奇怪的圆形的中间,盘膝坐下。 As Mysterious Yang Jade were mined, Sword Spirit totally kindly accepts, received completely, the strange circular in Nine Tribulations Space is also getting bigger and bigger. 随着一块块的玄阳玉被开采出来,剑灵一概笑纳,全部收了进去,九劫空间内的奇怪圆形也越来越大。 Finally, finally Mysterious Yang Jade took in Nine Tribulations Space together. The Chu Yang intention moves, with three. 终于,最后一块玄阳玉被收进了九劫空间。楚阳心念一动,拿出来了三块。 Sword Spirit is angry, received rapidly, said: „Do you do?” Looks at such, is protecting the old mother hen of chicken son like one, nearly must go all out with Chu Yang. 剑灵大怒,迅速的收了回去,道:“你干嘛?”看那样子,就像一个护着小鸡崽的老母鸡,险些要与楚阳拼命。 „How?” Chu Yang is somewhat speechless, refers to Mysterious Yang Jade that in Nine Tribulations Space has piled up, said: „You had these many, put out to select, how also some people helped to us. Shouldn't the meaning meaning? These that , I took were not many, can't you such stingy?......” “怎么了?”楚阳有些无语,指了指九劫空间内堆积如山的玄阳玉,道:“你有这么多了,拿出点来,怎么地也还有人给咱们帮忙啊。难道不该意思意思?再说,我拿出来的这些也不多,你不会这么小气吧?……” „A drop is not good!” Sword Spirit firmly is controlling Nine Tribulations Space, looks fiercely at: „Who makes them help? Didn't we do? Really laughs!” “一滴也不行!”剑灵牢牢的控制着九劫空间,横眉立目:“谁让他们帮忙的?难道咱们自己干不了?真是笑话!” A Chu Yang headache, discovered that Sword Spirit is controlling Nine Tribulations Space, oneself anything cannot take, helpless say/way: „Only this one time!” 楚阳一阵头痛,发现剑灵控制着九劫空间,自己真的什么都拿不出来,无奈的道:“仅此一次!” „This time?” Sword Spirit doubt visits him. “就这一次?”剑灵狐疑的看着他。 „One time!” Chu Yang heavily nods. “就一次!”楚阳重重点头。 „Yeah...... What a pity...... This Mysterious Yang Jade is the true treasure.” Sword Spirit extremely does not abandon with was looking at three Mysterious Yang Jade at present, this puts down two, smallest will break off the palm of the hand size a scrap, brushed to be divided into three light scraps this scrap, has thrown: „Takes away!” “哎……可惜了……这玄阳玉可是真真正正的宝贝。”剑灵万分不舍的将三块玄阳玉拿在眼前看了看,这才放下其中两块,将其中最小的一块啪的一声掰下来巴掌大小的一小块,刷刷又将这一小块分成了三个薄薄的小块,扔了出来:“拿去!” Chu Yang almost faints! 楚阳几乎晕倒! Has seen miserly, has seen stingy, but has not really seen such stingy! 见过吝啬的,见过小气的,但实在是没有见到这么小气的! You have almost a mountain, unexpectedly gives others the palm of the hand size a stone you not to give up? Stingy can't stingily to this situation? 你自己几乎拥有一座大山,居然给别人巴掌大小的一块石头你还不舍得?抠门也不能抠门到了这种地步吧? But Sword Spirit has exhibited one to resist the person in the thousand li (500 km) appearance: „Do you want? The words that you do not want, did not have including these.” 但剑灵已经摆出一副拒人于千里的样子来:“你要不要?你不要的话,连这些也没有了。” Chu Yang forced smile: „You suppress!” 楚阳苦笑:“你狠!” „Hasn't worked quickly?” Sword Spirit roared: „Under Mysterious Yang Jade, but is Mysterious Yang Jade Essence! That is Mysterious Ice Jade Ointment a thing of scale! One of Nine Great Legendary Herbs, haven't you brought quickly, what wait for?” “还不快去干活?”剑灵一声吼叫:“玄阳玉之下,可就是玄阳玉髓!那可是与玄冰玉膏一个档次的东西!九大奇药之一啊,你还不快去拿过来,等什么?” „What?” Chu Yang is surprised immediately, almost stutters. Thinks these time obtained these many Mysterious Yang Jade, is delighted is not him to ask, has not thought that also has such a pleasant surprise. “什么?”楚阳顿时大吃一惊,几乎结巴。原本以为这一次得到了这么多的玄阳玉,就已经是喜出望外不做他求了,没想到还有这么一个惊喜。 Hurries to turn around to look that saw only Mysterious Yang Jade not to have, in the ground a very smooth piece, actually the place, sent out the pink brilliance, Chu Yang approaches, selected with the sword gently, immediately, a piece of light thing had been selected by him, after leaving ground, this flake thing rapid changed is small, then melted in airborne, below, was a small cooking starch red thing, wriggled on the ground gently, the appearance and Mysterious Ice Jade marrow was similar, actually sent out incomparably does not make people feel the burning hot aura warm. 赶紧转身看去,只见玄阳玉已经没有了,地面上很平整的一片,却有一个地方,发出粉红色的光彩,楚阳凑近去,用剑轻轻一挑,顿时,一片薄薄的东西被他挑了起来,在离开地面之后,这一小片东西迅速的变小,然后融化在空中,下面,乃是一小团粉红色的东西,在地上轻轻蠕动,模样与玄冰玉髓差不多,却发出无比温暖却又不让人感到炎热的气息。 It seems like that this was Mysterious Yang Jade Essence. 看来,这就是玄阳玉髓了。 The Chu Yang intention moves, this scrap Mysterious Yang Jade Essence entered Nine Tribulations Space, Sword Spirit pleasantly surprised yelling, Mysterious Yang Jade Essence, has admitted in Life Force Spring. Then gasped for breath, joyful say/way: „ Really good! In this Nine Tribulations Space Yin and Yang in harmony, 楚阳心念一动,这一小块玄阳玉髓就进入了九劫空间,剑灵一声惊喜的大叫,就将玄阳玉髓,也放进了生机泉里。这才喘了一口气,欣喜的道:“真好!这一次九劫空间内阴阳协调, Will not have anything. Moreover, after Yin and Yang in harmony, my Force of Soul can also rapidly grow, but can also help your some in a big way busy...... ” 再也不会有任何事情了。而且,阴阳协调之后,我的灵魂之力也能迅速的增长,还能帮你一些更大的忙……” „Eh? Yin and Yang in harmony?” Chu Yang remembers that literary reference that oneself spoke a moment ago immediately, said with amazement: „The matter of that what ninth hoodlum real?” “额?阴阳协调?”楚阳顿时想起了自己刚才讲的那个典故,惊讶道:“难道那什么九世光棍的事情是真的?” „What ninth hoodlum?” Sword Spirit unfathomable mystery visits him, said: „At sixes and sevens what were you saying?” “什么九世光棍?”剑灵莫名其妙的看着他,道:“你在说些什么乱七八糟的?” The Chu Yang forced smile, has rapid also ‚literary reference’ said that said: „Isn't so?” 楚阳苦笑,只好迅速的又将那‘典故’说了一遍,道:“难道不是如此?” „Really......” Sword Spirit speechless visits him: „Mysterious Yang Jade Essence whereabouts, there is a severe condition, that is \; One hump standing erect azure Beyond the Heaven, a body is exposed to the sun for ten thousand years to open \; On meets the Cangqiong Pure Yang air/Qi \; Next links Gathering of Nine Dragons Earth Vein! Yes? Under this mountain peak, is the places of nine Dragon Vein connection, after a considerable period of time, ten thousand years later, can have this talent treasure production slowly!” “真……”剑灵无语的看着他:“玄阳玉髓所在之处,有一个严苛的条件,那就是\;独峰矗立青天外,一体朝阳万年开\;上接苍穹纯阳气\;下连九龙聚地脉!明白么?就在这山峰之下,就是九条龙脉交汇之处,天长日久之下,万年之后,才能有这种天才地宝慢慢的产生!” „so that's how it is.” Chu Yang remembers that literary reference, haha has smiled two. “原来如此。”楚阳想起那个典故,不由哈哈笑了两声。 After smiles, suddenly thinks a matter: „That said that after here, can produce the talent treasure? After all this Nine dragons land features we have not destroyed......” 笑过后,突然想起来一件事:“那岂不是说,这里以后还能产生天才地宝?毕竟这九龙地脉我们没有破坏啊……” „That is natural, patient point is waiting, 10,000 years later will have.” Sword Spirit sneers, said: „A body is exposed to the sun for ten thousand years to open, in other words, this type of thing most little needs 10,000 years to take shape, you and others.” “那是当然,耐心点等着,10000年之后就会有了。”剑灵冷笑一声,道:“一体朝阳万年开,也就是说,这种东西最少要10000年才能成型,你等吧。” „I and others?” Chu Yang cannot smile bitterly. Mother, 10,000 years later which is father in burying? Even if father's descendants did want the ancestor worship unable to find? Unexpectedly also waits......? “我等吧?”楚阳苦笑不得。妈的,10000年后老子在哪埋着呢?就算老子的子孙想要祭祖也找不到了吧?居然还等……吧? Chu Yang leapt one from underground to jump. 楚阳腾地一声从地下跳了出来。 He fiddled in below a moment ago, a pitch-darkness, above could not see that he was doing anything, now saw him to jump, three people were one happy. 刚才他自己在下面捣鼓,一片黑洞洞,上面根本看不到他在搞什么,如今见他跳了出来,三个人都是一喜。 „Did you come out? All right?” Tie Butian asked. “你出来了?没事吧?”铁补天问道。 „All right.” Chu Yang said. “没事。”楚阳道。 „Is all right well, we walk.” Tie Butian said that turns around to go. Two shadows warm has smiled one, follows to go behind Tie Butian. “没事就好,我们走吧。”铁补天说完,率先转身而去。两个影子温暖的笑了一声,跟在铁补天后面而去。 They will not ask Chu Yang obtained anything, because asked that can only make Chu Yang awkward. This treasure is Chu Yang, what can also have to dispute? 他们决不会问楚阳得到了什么,因为一问,只能让楚阳尴尬。这宝贝本来就是楚阳的,还能有什么争议吗? „You do not ask that what treasure I did obtain??” Say/Way that Chu Yang wonders. “你们就不问问我得到了什么宝贝??”楚阳纳闷的道。 „Your, regardless of obtained anything, is your.” Shadow racket shoulder of Chu Yang, warm saying with a smile: „Therefore we did not ask.” “你的,无论得到了什么,都是你的。”影子拍拍楚阳的肩膀,温暖的笑道:“所以我们不问。” „Slow.” In the Chu Yang heart was somewhat affected, sighed, said: „Inside has jade, I have been divided into four it.” Remembers Sword Spirit stingy, in the heart is very embarrassed. “慢着。”楚阳心中有些感动,叹息了一声,道:“里面有一块玉,我将它分成了四块。”想起剑灵的小气,心中很是不好意思。 But he actually does not know that he does not understand the Mysterious Yang Jade value. If his original three take, perhaps two shadows can at the scene the cerebral hemorrhage...... 但他却不知道,他真的是不了解玄阳玉的价值。若是他原定的三块拿出来,恐怕两个影子能够当场脑溢血……
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Từ khóa » Chu Yang Ttnh