Từ điển Anh Việt "wanting" - Là Gì?

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wanting /'wɔntiɳ/
  • tính từ
    • (+ in) thiếu, không có
      • wanting in energy: thiếu nghị lực
      • wanting in courage: thiếu can đảm
    • (thông tục) ngu, đần
    • giới từ
      • thiếu, không có
        • wanting energy, nothing can be done: thiếu nghị lực thì chẳng làm được việc gì
        • that makes two dozen eggs wanting one: như thế là thiếu một quả đầy hai tá trứng

    Xem thêm: lacking(p), missing, nonexistent, wanting(a), deficient, lacking(p), wanting(p), privation, deprivation, neediness, lack, deficiency, need, wish, wishing, desire, need, require

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    Từ điển WordNet


    • not existing; lacking(p), missing, nonexistent, wanting(a)

      innovation has been sadly lacking

      character development is missing from the book

    • inadequate in amount or degree; deficient, lacking(p), wanting(p)

      a deficient education

      deficient in common sense

      lacking in stamina

      tested and found wanting


    • a state of extreme poverty; privation, deprivation, neediness
    • the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable; lack, deficiency

      there is a serious lack of insight into the problem

      water is the critical deficiency in desert regions

      for want of a nail the shoe was lost

    • anything that is necessary but lacking; need

      he had sufficient means to meet his simple needs

      I tried to supply his wants

    • a specific feeling of desire; wish, wishing

      he got his wish

      he was above all wishing and desire


    • feel or have a desire for; want strongly; desire

      I want to go home now

      I want my own room

    • have need of; need, require

      This piano wants the attention of a competent tuner

    • wish or demand the presence of

      I want you here at noon!

    • hunt or look for; want for a particular reason

      Your former neighbor is wanted by the FBI

      Uncle Sam wants you

    • be without, lack; be deficient in

      want courtesy

      want the strength to go on living

      flood victims wanting food and shelter

    English Synonym and Antonym Dictionary

    syn.: deficient lacking(p) missing nonexistent wanting(a) wanting(p)wants|wanted|wantingsyn.: desire fancy lack like long for need require plenty

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