1. References
  2. HTML
  3. Elements
  4. <ul>
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  • Try it
  • Attributes
  • Usage notes
  • Examples
  • Technical summary
  • Specifications
  • Browser compatibility
  • See also
  1. HTML
  2. Tutorials
  3. HTML basics
  4. Introduction to HTML
    1. Introduction to HTML overview
    2. Getting started with HTML
    3. What's in the head? Metadata in HTML
    4. HTML text fundamentals
    5. Creating hyperlinks
    6. Advanced text formatting
    7. Document and website structure
    8. Debugging HTML
    9. Assessment: Marking up a letter
    10. Assessment: Structuring a page of content
  5. Multimedia and embedding
    1. Multimedia and embedding overview
    2. Images in HTML
    3. Video and audio content
    4. From object to iframe — other embedding technologies
    5. Adding vector graphics to the web
    6. Responsive images
    7. Assessment: Mozilla splash page
  6. HTML tables
    1. HTML tables overview
    2. HTML table basics
    3. HTML table advanced features and accessibility
    4. Assessment: Structuring planet data
  7. References
  8. HTML elements
    1. <a>
    2. <abbr>
    3. <acronym> Deprecated
    4. <address>
    5. <area>
    6. <article>
    7. <aside>
    8. <audio>
    9. <b>
    10. <base>
    11. <bdi>
    12. <bdo>
    13. <big> Deprecated
    14. <blockquote>
    15. <body>
    16. <br>
    17. <button>
    18. <canvas>
    19. <caption>
    20. <center> Deprecated
    21. <cite>
    22. <code>
    23. <col>
    24. <colgroup>
    25. <data>
    26. <datalist>
    27. <dd>
    28. <del>
    29. <details>
    30. <dfn>
    31. <dialog>
    32. <dir> Deprecated
    33. <div>
    34. <dl>
    35. <dt>
    36. <em>
    37. <embed>
    38. <fencedframe> Experimental
    39. <fieldset>
    40. <figcaption>
    41. <figure>
    42. <font> Deprecated
    43. <footer>
    44. <form>
    45. <frame> Deprecated
    46. <frameset> Deprecated
    47. <h1>
    48. <head>
    49. <header>
    50. <hgroup>
    51. <hr>
    52. <html>
    53. <i>
    54. <iframe>
    55. <img>
    56. <input>
    57. <ins>
    58. <kbd>
    59. <label>
    60. <legend>
    61. <li>
    62. <link>
    63. <main>
    64. <map>
    65. <mark>
    66. <marquee> Deprecated
    67. <menu>
    68. <meta>
    69. <meter>
    70. <nav>
    71. <nobr> Deprecated
    72. <noembed> Deprecated
    73. <noframes> Deprecated
    74. <noscript>
    75. <object>
    76. <ol>
    77. <optgroup>
    78. <option>
    79. <output>
    80. <p>
    81. <param> Deprecated
    82. <picture>
    83. <plaintext> Deprecated
    84. <portal> Experimental
    85. <pre>
    86. <progress>
    87. <q>
    88. <rb> Deprecated
    89. <rp>
    90. <rt>
    91. <rtc> Deprecated
    92. <ruby>
    93. <s>
    94. <samp>
    95. <script>
    96. <search>
    97. <section>
    98. <select>
    99. <slot>
    100. <small>
    101. <source>
    102. <span>
    103. <strike> Deprecated
    104. <strong>
    105. <style>
    106. <sub>
    107. <summary>
    108. <sup>
    109. <table>
    110. <tbody>
    111. <td>
    112. <template>
    113. <textarea>
    114. <tfoot>
    115. <th>
    116. <thead>
    117. <time>
    118. <title>
    119. <tr>
    120. <track>
    121. <tt> Deprecated
    122. <u>
    123. <ul>
    124. <var>
    125. <video>
    126. <wbr>
    127. <xmp> Deprecated
  9. Global attributes
    1. accesskey
    2. anchor Experimental Non-standard
    3. autocapitalize
    4. autocorrect Experimental
    5. autofocus
    6. class
    7. contenteditable
    8. data-*
    9. dir
    10. draggable
    11. enterkeyhint
    12. exportparts
    13. hidden
    14. id
    15. inert
    16. inputmode
    17. is
    18. itemid
    19. itemprop
    20. itemref
    21. itemscope
    22. itemtype
    23. lang
    24. nonce
    25. part
    26. popover
    27. slot
    28. spellcheck
    29. style
    30. tabindex
    31. title
    32. translate
    33. virtualkeyboardpolicy Experimental
    34. writingsuggestions
  10. Attributes
    1. accept
    2. autocomplete
    3. capture
    4. crossorigin
    5. dirname
    6. disabled
    7. elementtiming
    8. for
    9. max
    10. maxlength
    11. min
    12. minlength
    13. multiple
    14. pattern
    15. placeholder
    16. readonly
    17. rel
    18. required
    19. size
    20. step
  11. <input> types
    1. <input type="button">
    2. <input type="checkbox">
    3. <input type="color">
    4. <input type="date">
    5. <input type="datetime-local">
    6. <input type="email">
    7. <input type="file">
    8. <input type="hidden">
    9. <input type="image">
    10. <input type="month">
    11. <input type="number">
    12. <input type="password">
    13. <input type="radio">
    14. <input type="range">
    15. <input type="reset">
    16. <input type="search">
    17. <input type="submit">
    18. <input type="tel">
    19. <input type="text">
    20. <input type="time">
    21. <input type="url">
    22. <input type="week">
  12. Guides
    1. Content categories
    2. Block-level elements
    3. Inline elements
    4. Quirks Mode and Standards Mode
    5. Date and time formats used in HTML
    6. Constraint validation
    7. Microdata
    8. Microformats
    9. Viewport meta tag
    10. Allowing cross-origin use of images and canvas
  • Try it
  • Attributes
  • Usage notes
  • Examples
  • Technical summary
  • Specifications
  • Browser compatibility
  • See also

The <ul> HTML element represents an unordered list of items, typically rendered as a bulleted list.

Try it


This element includes the global attributes.

compact Deprecated

This Boolean attribute hints that the list should be rendered in a compact style. The interpretation of this attribute depends on the user agent, and it doesn't work in all browsers.

Warning: Do not use this attribute, as it has been deprecated: use CSS instead. To give a similar effect as the compact attribute, the CSS property line-height can be used with a value of 80%.

type Deprecated

This attribute sets the bullet style for the list. The values defined under HTML3.2 and the transitional version of HTML 4.0/4.01 are:

  • circle
  • disc
  • square

A fourth bullet type has been defined in the WebTV interface, but not all browsers support it: triangle.

If not present and if no CSS list-style-type property applies to the element, the user agent selects a bullet type depending on the nesting level of the list.

Warning: Do not use this attribute, as it has been deprecated; use the CSS list-style-type property instead.

Usage notes

  • The <ul> element is for grouping a collection of items that do not have a numerical ordering, and their order in the list is meaningless. Typically, unordered-list items are displayed with a bullet, which can be of several forms, like a dot, a circle, or a square. The bullet style is not defined in the HTML description of the page, but in its associated CSS, using the list-style-type property.
  • The <ul> and <ol> elements may be nested as deeply as desired. Moreover, the nested lists may alternate between <ol> and <ul> without restriction.
  • The <ol> and <ul> elements both represent a list of items. They differ in that, with the <ol> element, the order is meaningful. To determine which one to use, try changing the order of the list items; if the meaning is changed, the <ol> element should be used, otherwise you can use <ul>.


Basic example

html<ul> <li>first item</li> <li>second item</li> <li>third item</li> </ul>


Nesting a list

html<ul> <li>first item</li> <li> second item <!-- Look, the closing </li> tag is not placed here! --> <ul> <li>second item first subitem</li> <li> second item second subitem <!-- Same for the second nested unordered list! --> <ul> <li>second item second subitem first sub-subitem</li> <li>second item second subitem second sub-subitem</li> <li>second item second subitem third sub-subitem</li> </ul> </li> <!-- Closing </li> tag for the li that contains the third unordered list --> <li>second item third subitem</li> </ul> <!-- Here is the closing </li> tag --> </li> <li>third item</li> </ul>


Ordered list inside unordered list

html<ul> <li>first item</li> <li> second item <!-- Look, the closing </li> tag is not placed here! --> <ol> <li>second item first subitem</li> <li>second item second subitem</li> <li>second item third subitem</li> </ol> <!-- Here is the closing </li> tag --> </li> <li>third item</li> </ul>


Technical summary

Content categories Flow content, and if the <ul> element's children include at least one <li> element, palpable content.
Permitted content Zero or more <li>, <script> and <template> elements.
Tag omission None, both the starting and ending tag are mandatory.
Permitted parents Any element that accepts flow content.
Implicit ARIA role list
Permitted ARIA roles directory, group, listbox, menu, menubar, none, presentation, radiogroup, tablist, toolbar, tree
DOM Interface HTMLUListElement


HTML Standard # the-ul-element

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

  • Other list-related HTML Elements: <ol>, <li>, <menu>

  • CSS properties that may be specially useful to style the <ul> element:

    • the list-style property, to choose the way the ordinal displays.
    • CSS counters, to handle complex nested lists.
    • the line-height property, to simulate the deprecated compact attribute.
    • the margin property, to control the list indentation.

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