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volume teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı


Birçok Avrupa mutfakları orada kuru malzemeler tartıldığından dolayı bir teraziye sahiptir, Amerika'da tam tersine onlar hacimle ölçülmektedir. - Many European kitchens have scales because dry ingredients are measured by weight there, unlike in America, where they are measured by volume.

Hacimi hesaplamak için uzunluğu genişlikle ve derinlikle çarp. - To calculate the volume, multiply the length by the width by the depth.

{i} cilt (kitap) {i} cilt

Babamın 500 cilt kitabı var. - Father has 500 volumes.

Bu kitap iki cilt halinde geliyor. - This book comes in two volumes.

{i} ses kuvveti {i} tutar {i} yığınalım (Ticaret) işlem hacmişiddet sayı

Hangi sayıya kadar olan Naruto çizgi romanlarına sahipsin. - Up to what volume of Naruto comics do you own?

(Bilgisayar,Dilbilim) yükseklik (Muzik) büyüklük genişlikgürlük (Ticaret) kapasite (Bilgisayar) ses yüksekliği (Bilgisayar) ses seviyesi

Ses seviyesini azaltın, lütfen. - Turn down the volume, please.

Ondan hoparlörlerindeki ses seviyesini azaltmasını rica ettim. - I asked him to turn down the volume on his speakers.

ses şiddeti (ses) güç oylum miktar

Nehir çok büyük miktarda su taşır. - The river carries a huge volume of water.


Sesi nasıl ayarlayacağımı bana söyleyebilir misiniz? - Could you tell me how to adjust the volume?

Radyonun sesi çok yüksek. Lütfen sesi kısın. - The radio is too loud. Please turn the volume down.

kitap cildi It speaks volumes sesin azlığı veya çokluğu {i} yoğunlukses/hacim/cilt {i} ses yükseltmeoylum, cilt, birim oylum, Ses Kitaplar doldurur bir cilt kitap (Askeri) cilt/ ses şiddeti {i} hacim, oylum: volume of a sphere kürenin hacmiÇok manalıdır {i} ses, ses gücü: Turn down the volume of your radio! Radyonun sesini kıs!ses gücü (Bilgisayar) ses ayarıkitap

Bu kitap iki cilt halinde geliyor. - This book comes in two volumes.

(Bilgisayar) disk bölümühaçın ses düzeyi volüm

İlgili Terimler

volume controlses kontrolü volume muted (Bilgisayar) ses kapalıvolume up (Bilgisayar) sesi yükseltvolume controlses ayarı volume controlvolüm ayarı volume labeldisk adı volume of tradeticaret hacmi volume settingses ayarı volume compressorvolüm sikistiricisi volume concentrationHacim yoğunluğu volume expansionhacim genişlemesi volume flowdebi volume incentiveSatışları artırmak için prim olarak ödenen fazladan komisyon volume indicatorvolüm göstergesi volume ionizationhacim iyonizasyonu volume limiterses şiddeti sinirlayicisi volume numbercilt numarası volume tablehacim tablosu volume testinghacim testi, oylum denemesi volume + (Bilgisayar) ses ayarı +volume attributesoylum özellikleri volume bitmapoylum ikil izdüşümü volume bitmapBirim Bit Eşlemi volume bookciltlik kitap volume buying (Ticaret) fazla miktarda satın almavolume controlSes Denetimi volume control for line in (Bilgisayar) gelen hat için ses denetimivolume cost (Ticaret) kapasite maliyetivolume cost (Ticaret) sabit maliyetvolume directoryoylum rehberi volume file (Bilgisayar) birim dosyasıvolume full (Bilgisayar) birim doluvolume infoOylum bilgisi volume integralhacim (oylum) tumlevi volume is lockedoylum kiliti volume labelbirim etiketi oylum etiketi volume labelBirim Tablosu volume listOylum listesi volume list (Bilgisayar) birim listesivolume managerBirim Yöneticisi volume nameoylum adı volume objectBirim Nesnesi volume reduction factor (Nükleer Bilimler) hacim küçültme faktörü,hacim azaltma faktörü volume source hacımsal kaynakvolume reportOylum Raporu volume serial numberBirim Seri Numarası volume serial numberbirim dizi numarası volume summaryOylum özeti volume type (Bilgisayar) birim türüvolume unit (Askeri) hacim birimivoid volume (Biyokimya) ölü oylumvoid volume (Tıp) boş hacimspanned volume (Antika) Yayılmış birimabsolute volume (İnşaat) mutlak hacimblood volume (Tıp) volemibulk volume (Gıda) yığın hacmicenter volume (Bilgisayar) orta sesdevice volume (Bilgisayar) aygıt ses ayarıemployment volumeistihdam hacmi extend volume (Bilgisayar) bölüm uzatflood volumefeyezan hacmi flood volume (Coğrafya,Tarım) taşkın hacmiflood volume (Coğrafya) taşkın oylumumaster volume (Bilgisayar) ana sesreduce the volumehacmini küçültmek scope volumealan hacmi solid volumeboşluksuz hacim solid volumekatı hacim sound volume (Bilgisayar) ses seviyesisound volume (Bilgisayar) ses düzeyispeaker volume (Bilgisayar) hoparlör sesispecific volumeözgül oylum stroke volumestrok veya kurs hacmi swept volume (Otomotiv) süpürme hacmitrading volume (Ticaret) işlem miktarıtraffic volumetrafik oylumu volumes (Bilgisayar) birimleradjust the volumesesini ayarla atomic volumeatom hacmi automatic volume controlotomatik ses kontrolü automatic volume expansionotomatik volüm genişlemesi change in volumehacim değişmesi critical volumekritik hacim cylinder volumesilindir hacmi increase in volumehacim büyümesi sound volumeses volümü specific volumeözgül hacim traffic volumetrafik hacmi tree volumeağaç hacmi unit volumebirim hacim bound volumebağlı hacim companion volumearkadaşı hacmi delayed automatic volume controlgecikmiş otomatik ses kontrolü equilibrium trade volumedenge ticaret hacmi final volumeson hacim finite volume (Mühendislik) Sonlu hacimfree volumeücretsiz hacmi gram molecular volumegram molekül hacmi half volumeyarım ses high-volumeyüksek miktarda in volumeciltlerce investment volumeyatırım hacmi odd volumetek ses omnibus volumeotobüs hacmi public volumegenel kullanım hacmi, genel oylum sound volumeses volümü, ses gürlüğü tidal volume (Tıp, İlaç) Soluk hacmitree volume tableağaç hacim cetveli volume ofhaçın volumesciltlik wet volumeıslak hacim actual volume of batchkarışımın tam hacmi atomic volume (Tekstil) atom hacmi, atom oylumuautomatic volume control(AVC) Özdevimli Ses Düzeyi Kontrolü beep volume (Bilgisayar) bip ses ayarıbilateral trade volumeikili ticaret hacmi clearance volumeboşluk hacmi coefficient of volume changehacimsel değişim katsayısı combustion chamber volume (Otomotiv) yanma odası hacmicombustion volumeyanma hacmi compare of volume (Bilgisayar) karşılaştırılan birimcompression volume (Otomotiv) yanma odası hacmicylinder volume (Otomotiv) süpürme oylumudisplacement volumestrok hacmi drive/volume (Bilgisayar) sürücü/birimearthquake volume (Çevre) deprem hacmienclosed volumekapalı hacim export volume (Avrupa Birliği) ihracat hacmifinite volume method (Askeri) sonlu hacim yöntemiformat volume (Bilgisayar) birimi biçimlendirhumid volume (Gıda) nemli hacimincompressible volume (Kimya) sıkıştırılmaz hacimincrease in volumehacim artması increase in volumehacimce büyüme initial volumebaşlangıç hacmi injector injection volume (Otomotiv) enjektör enjeksiyon hacmiink volume (Bilgisayar) mürekkep oranıintake air volume (Otomotiv) emme havası hacmiknown volumebelirli hacim line in volume (Bilgisayar) giriş hattı sesilocked volumekilitli oylum media volume (Bilgisayar) ortam sesimicrophone volume level (Bilgisayar) mikrofon ses düzeyimidi in volume (Bilgisayar) mıdı girişi sesimidi volume (Bilgisayar) mıdı sesiminimum critical volume (Nükleer Bilimler) minimum kritik hacimmirrored volumeYansılı Birim mirrored volumeYansıtılmış Birim modulus of volume changehacimsel sıkışma modülü monitor volume (Bilgisayar) monitör sesimonitor volume (Bilgisayar) monitor sesmono mix volume (Bilgisayar) mono kar sesimono out volume (Bilgisayar) mono çıkış sesimono volume (Bilgisayar) mono ses ayarımono volume (Bilgisayar) mono sesmounted volume (Bilgisayar) takılan birimmovie volume (Bilgisayar) film sesino such volumeböyle bir oylum yok open another volumeBaşka oylum aç open volumeOylumu Aç outflow volumeakma miktarı outflow volumeakma hacmi outflow volumeboşaltma miktarı percentage by volume (Madencilik) oylumsal oranpercentage by volume (Madencilik) hacimsel oranpercentage by volumehacimce yüzde percentage by volume (Madencilik) hacimce oranphone volume (Bilgisayar) telefon ses ayarıphone volume (Bilgisayar) telefon ses düzeyiphonein volume (Bilgisayar) telefon giriş ses düzeyiplease name this volumeBu oyluma bir ad vein please name this volume (Bilgisayar) bu oyluma bir ad verinprivate volume (Bilgisayar,Teknik) özel oylumprivate volumeözel hacım private volume (Bilgisayar) özel hacimproject volumeprojenin hacmi proportioning by volumehacimsel oranlama reduced volumeindirgenmiş oylum reduced volumeindirgenmiş hacim reservoir volumebaraj göl hacmi İngilizce - İngilizce

volume teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

Strength of sound. Measured in decibels. (Please turn down the volume on the stereo.) A synonym for quantity. (The volume of ticket sales decreased this week.) The total supply of money in circulation or, less frequently, total amount of credit extended, within a specified national market or worldwide An accessible storage area with a single file system, typically resident on a single partition of a hard disk A single book of a publication issued in multi-book format, such as an encyclopedia. (The letter "G" was found in volume 4.) The issues of a periodical over a period of one year. (I looked at this week's copy of the magazine. It was volume 23, issue 45.) A unit of three dimensional measure of space that comprises a length, a width and a height. It is measured in units of cubic centimeters in metric, cubic inches or cubic feet in English measurement. (The room is 9x12x8, so its volume is 864 cubic feet.) {n} a book, any compact matter, dimensionA single physical unit of any printed, typewritten, handwritten, mimeographed, or processed work, distinguished from other units by a separate binding, encasement, portfolio, or other clear distinction, which has been cataloged, classified, and made ready for use, and which is typically the unit used to charge circulation transactions Either a serial volume is bound, or it comprises the serial issues that would be bound together if the library bound all serials Volume is the measurement of the space enclosed by a solid The theories or practice of Voltaire The number of purchases or sales of a commodity futures contract made during a specific period of time, often the total transactions for one trading day the magnitude of sound (usually in a specified direction); "the kids played their music at full volume" a publication that is one of a set of several similar publications; "the third volume was missing"; "he asked for the 1989 volume of the Annual Review" the amount of 3-dimensional space occupied by an object; "the gas expanded to twice its original volume" a relative amount; "mix one volume of the solution with ten volumes of water" Of or pertaining to voltaism, or voltaic electricity; as, voltaic induction; the voltaic arc If something such as an action speaks volumes about a person or thing, it gives you a lot of information about them. What you wear speaks volumes about you Total volume in each stock reported to The American Stock Exchange from Member Firms and exchanges trading Amex securities between the hours of 8: 00 A M and 5: 15 P M EST A single book of a publication issued in multi-book format, such as an encyclopedia. (The letter "G" was found in volume 4.)" Amount of trading activity, expressed in shares or dollars, experienced by a single security or the entire market within a specified period, usually daily, monthly, or annually The number of purchases and sales of futures or options on futures contracts made during a specified period of time Anything of a rounded or swelling form resembling a roll; a turn; a convolution; a coil a relative amount; "mix one volume of the solution with ten volumes of water" Of or pertaining to voltaism, or voltaic electricity; as, voltaic induction; the voltaic arc The volume of a radio, television, or sound system is the loudness of the sound it produces. He turned down the volume He came to complain about the volume of the music a single book (nearly always), which may or may not be part of a larger group We often hear this misused as a term for a set of books The usage " a volume of books " is wrong, as volume is singular and books is plural A set of books is refered to as a "Multi-volume set" or, for example, a "three volume set" A "volume" refers to a member of the set However, while it is usual to bind each volume as a single book, it is not always done that way We sometimes see the notation: three volumes bound as one, or the opposite: three volumes bound as six In the latter case, it would be normal practice to label them as Volume 1, part 1; Volume 1, part 2; Volume 2 part 1 etc The last volume in such a set would be Volume 3 part 2 Amount, fullness, quantity, or caliber of voice or tone A number of issues of a periodical, usually a year A volume is a book. a 125-page volume The name used to refer to a media cartridge and more specifically a single side of an optical disk Each side of each disk is treated as a discreet volume, and requires a unique name These volumes appear and are accessed as the first level sub-directory at the root of the assigned drive letter All data is contained within the directory tree structure of these volumes {i} book, book forming one of a series of books; capacity, bulk, displacement; degree of loudness; quantity, amountA volume is a collection of several issues of a magazine, for example all the issues for one year. bound volumes of the magazine A generic term describing the level of activity in a market but referring specifically to the number of shares traded in a market or of a particular stock I use the term in the general sense to indicate either volume of shares or the value of turnover for a trading period A storage device or a portion of that device that is formatted to contain folders and files of a particular file system A hard disk, for example, may be divided into several volumes (also known as partitions) a publication that is one of a set of several similar publications; "the third volume was missing"; "he asked for the 1989 volume of the Annual Review" That form of electricity which is developed by the chemical action between metals and different liquids; voltaic electricity; also, the science which treats of this form of electricity; called also galvanism, from Galvani, on account of his experiments showing the remarkable influence of this agent on animals The number of shares changing hands during the trading day In America, this figure is calculated by adding shares bought to shares sold – in other words, it is effectively double the volume traded, as it would be shown on the J S E In London the volume traded is not disclosed, so that the various indicators which rely on volume cannot be used You should keep a careful lookout for exceptional volumes on a share, because they can give a clue about insider trading and special situations 1 In the bibliographic sense, a major division of a work, regardless of its designation by the publisher, distinguished from other major divisions of the same work by having its own inclusive title page, half title, cover title, or portfolio title, and usually independent pagination, foliation, or signatures This major bibliographic unit may include various title pages and/or pagination 2 In the material sense, all that is contained in one binding, portfolio, etc , whether as originally issued or as bound after issue The volume as a material unit may not coincide with the volume as a bibliographic unit mass; bulk; as, the volume of an elephant's body; a volume of gas An instrument for m the amount of 3-dimensional space occupied by an object; "the gas expanded to twice its original volume" A volume is one book in a series of books. the first volume of his autobiography The number of shares traded for a particular stock or exchange Total volume in each stock reported to The Nasdaq Stock Market from NASD members and exchanges trading Nasdaq securities between the hours of 8: 00 A M and 5: 15 P M EST The issues of a periodical over a period of one year. (I looked at this weeks copy of the magazine. It was volume 23, issue 45.) The amount of each security traded in a given period of time For example, if the volume of XYZ stock was 10,000 yesterday, that means that 10,000 shares of XYZ stock were traded Broader volumes, such as the volume of all the stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange, can be used to indicate overall market activity Number of shares traded in a company or an entire market during a given period Unusually high volume days typically correspond with the announcement of company news, either positive or negative In the absence of news, high volume can indicate institutional (or professional) buying and selling Technical analysis places a great emphasis on the amount of volume that occurs in the trading of a security A sharp rise in volume is believed to signify future sharp rises or falls in price because it reflects increased investor interest in a security or a market BACK TO TOP Physically, a volume is a gathering of pages bound together in the form of a book Numerically, a volume is a full set of issues (numbers) which comprises a SERIAL volume bound together CITATIONS to periodicals use the term in the numerical sense to indicate issues published during a given year The number of shares or contracts traded in a security or an entire market during a given period Volume is usually considered on a daily basis and a daily average is computed for longer periods A measure of the number of cubic units needed to fill the space inside an object (cf Surface Area and Volume Discussion) the magnitude of sound (usually in a specified direction); "the kids played their music at full volume" The daily number of shares traded in a security represents the number of shares traded during a specified period scaled in thousands This is the daily number of shares of a security that changes hands between a buyer and a seller This is the daily number of shares of a security that change hands between a buyer and a seller The volume of an object is the amount of space that it contains or occupies. When egg whites are beaten they can rise to seven or eight times their original volume Hence, a collection of printed sheets bound together, whether containing a single work, or a part of a work, or more than one work; a book; a tome; especially, that part of an extended work which is bound up together in one cover; as, a work in four volumes A roll; a scroll; a written document rolled up for keeping or for use, after the manner of the ancients or Volume number - In relation to periodicals, a volume number refers to all the issues of a specific journal or magazine for a specific time period (usually one year) For books, a volume indicates the order of a book in a series or set Of or relating to Voltaire, the French author physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together; "he used a large book as a doorstop" the property of something that is great in magnitude; "it is cheaper to buy it in bulk"; "he received a mass of correspondence"; "the volume of exports" The volume of something is the amount of it that there is. Senior officials will be discussing how the volume of sales might be reduced. the sheer volume of traffic and accidents Dimensions; compass; space occupied, as measured by cubic units, that is, cubic inches, feet, yards, etc vol

İlgili Terimler

volume CTA medical-imaging modality similar to a traditional computed tomography imaging, which acquires data via a two-dimensional detector array and reconstructs the images directly into a volume representation of the patient volume diagonalIn a rectangular box or a magic cube, the four space diagonals (also called triagonals or volume diagonals) are the lines that go from a corner of the box or cube, through the center of the box or cube, to the opposite corner volume incentiveAn extra commission or other inducement offered by a supplier to a travel agency to increase sales volume controlapparatus that regulates the level of electrical power volume detectoralarm system that is activated by a change in volume volume flexibility (Ticaret) The ability of a process to handle large variations in volume without significant changes in time or facility requirementsvolume labellogical name given to each disk at the time of startup (Computers) volume of fireamount of shots fired from various firearms during a given period of time volume test (Ticaret) The verification that a new system or program will adequately process expected transaction volumes while providing acceptable response time. Volume tests of batch programs are required to estimate nightly and weekend runs and determine system availabilityvolume unita unit of measurement of volume or capacity specific volumeThe volume of unit mass of a substance; the reciprocal of its density tidal volumeThe amount of air breathed in or out during normal respiration spanned volumeA formatted partition which data is stored on more than one hard disk, yet appears as one volume stroke volume (Tıp, İlaç) Stroke volume is the amount of blood pumped by the left ventricle of the heart in one contractionCompressed Volume Fileread-only file that contains all of the information of a hard drive in compressed form, CVF High volume manufacturing {i} H.V.M., mass production, techniques used for making larger numbers of productsarea and volume lengthDimensional measures of one-, two-, and three-dimensional geometric objects. All three are magnitudes, representing the "size" of an object. Length is the size of a line segment (see distance formulas), area is the size of a closed region in a plane, and volume is the size of a solid. Formulas for area and volume are based on lengths. For example, the area of a circle equals times the square of the length of its radius, and the volume of a rectangular box is the product of its three linear dimensions: length, width, and height blood volumethe amount of blood circulating throughout the body in the vascular system Normal adult blood volume is about 5 liters Blood volume must be maintained to ensure the proper functioning of the heart, kidneys and other organs blood volumeThe total amount of blood in a person's body blood volumeBlood volume is the total amount of circulating blood in the body, normally about 5 5 liters blood volumeThe total volume of liquid - both red blood cells and plasma - within the circulatory system Approximately 5 litres with 40% red blood cells and 60% plasma blood volumethe amount of blood circulating throughout the body in the vascular system bound volumeA book or periodical with its pages fastened together inside a cover Usually the issues for a single year or volume are bound together bound volumeFormed when issues of a periodical title are gathered to form a hardback volume bound volumeFormed when issues of a periodical title are gathered together into a hardback volume bound volumeseveral issues of a periodical (journal, magazine, newspaper) bound together under one cover bound volumeA book that contains the paper issues of magazines and/or journals bound volumeAnnual reprints of {The Watchtower} and {Awake!}, issued in hard cover for {library} storage <<My library has all the bound volumes back to 1960 except for Awake! from 1961 >> companion volumebook complementing or supplementing another book credit volumeamount of credit available to be allocated dollar volumethe volume measured in dollars; "the store's dollar volume continues to rise full volumemaximal sound intensity memorial volumebook created to honor the memory of a person or event sales volume(AKA Business Volume, BV, PSV, SV, Volume) sales volumeThe sum of sales prices for a given group of buildings in a given time period sales volumeThe number of units of product sold sales volumeThe amount of invoiced sales generated upon which the broker earns commission stroke volumeStroke volume is the volume of blood - normally about 70 ml - ejected from the heart into the aorta during the contraction of the ventricles (systole) stroke volumevolume of blood (physiologically = 70 cc) expelled from the left ventricle with each contraction (systole) stroke volumeThe amount of blood pushed into the aorta with each beat of the heart Press the "back" button to return to where you came from stroke volumeThe volume of blood ejected from either the left or the right ventricle per cardiac cycle stroke volumethe amount of blood ejected by either ventricle during one contraction tidal volumeThe volume of air inhaled and exhaled at each breath unit of volumeunit for measuring capacity volumes5th ed (1976)- volumesRegarding books, a volume refers to a particular book in a larger set of books Regarding periodicals, a volume is made up of individual issues of a periodical that are bound together and usually represents one year of publication volumesPlural of volume volumes14th ed 1990- volumes1980- Türkçe - İngilizce

volume teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı


İlgili Terimler

line-ın volume level (Bilgisayar) line-in volume level volume



    Türkçe nasıl söylenir


    Eş anlamlılar

    aggregate, amount, body, bulk, compass, content, contents, cubic measure, dimensions, extent, figure, mass, number, object, quantity


    /ˈvälyo͞om/ /ˈvɑːljuːm/


    [ 'väl-y&m, -(")yü ] (noun.) 14th century. From Old French volume, from Latin volūmen (“book, roll”), from volvō (“roll, turn about”).


    voluming, volumed

    Ortak Eşdizimliler

    volume up, volume of


    Google ResimlerBing Resimler


    ... will never reach the same volume as advertising revenues ...... working with these new devices. So Anand, let's turn up the volume on one of them. ...
  • volume
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