消愁// Xiao Chou (Drown One's Sorrows) - Falcon4ygy

消愁 // Xiao Chou (Drown One's Sorrows)

毛不易 // Mao Buyi

平凡的一天 // Pingfan De Yi Tian (An Ordinary Day)

July 2017

消愁 // Xiao Chou (Drown One's Sorrows)

毛不易 // Mao Buyi

平凡的一天 // Pingfan De Yi Tian (An Ordinary Day)

July 2017





Dāng nǐ zǒu jìn zhè huānlè chǎng

Bèi shàng suǒyǒu de mèng yǔ xiǎng

Gèsè de liǎn shàng gèsè de zhuāng

Méi rén jìdé nǐ de múyàng

As you enter this place of happiness

Carrying all your dreams and thoughts on your back

Faces of all kinds wear makeup of all colors

Nobody will remember what you look like


Dāng nǐ zǒu jìn zhè huānlè chǎng

As you enter this place of happiness


Bèi shàng suǒyǒu de mèng yǔ xiǎng

Carrying all your dreams and thoughts on your back


Gèsè de liǎn shàng gèsè de zhuāng

Faces of all kinds wear makeup of all colors


Méi rén jìdé nǐ de múyàng

Nobody will remember what you look like





Sān xún jiǔguò nǐ zài jiǎoluò

Gùzhí de chàngzhe kǔsè de gē

Tīng tā zài xuānxiāo lǐ bèi yānmò

Nǐ ná qǐ jiǔbēi duì zìjǐ shuō:

Three rounds of drinks have passed while you were in the corner

Stubbornly singing a bitter song

Hearing it drowned out by the clamor

You raise your glass and say to yourself:


Sān xún jiǔguò nǐ zài jiǎoluò

Three rounds of drinks have passed while you were in the corner


Gùzhí de chàngzhe kǔsè de gē

Stubbornly singing a bitter song


Tīng tā zài xuānxiāo lǐ bèi yānmò

Hearing it drowned out by the clamor


Nǐ ná qǐ jiǔbēi duì zìjǐ shuō:

You raise your glass and say to yourself:

一杯敬朝阳, 一杯敬月光

唤醒我的向往, 温柔了寒窗


不怕心头有雨, 眼底有霜

Yībēi jìng zhāoyáng, yībēi jìng yuèguāng

Huànxǐng wǒ de xiàngwǎng, wēnróule hánchuāng

Yúshì kěyǐ bù huítóu dì nìfēng fēixiáng

Bùpà xīntóu yǒu yǔ, yǎndǐ yǒu shuāng

A drink to the morning sun, a drink to the moonlight

Awakening my yearning, softening the hardships

So I can fly straight into the wind without turning back

Unafraid of rain in my heart or frost in my eyes

一杯敬朝阳, 一杯敬月光

Yībēi jìng zhāoyáng, yībēi jìng yuèguāng

A drink to the morning sun, a drink to the moonlight

唤醒我的向往, 温柔了寒窗

Huànxǐng wǒ de xiàngwǎng, wēnróule hánchuāng

Awakening my yearning, softening the hardships


Yúshì kěyǐ bù huítóu dì nìfēng fēixiáng

So I can fly straight into the wind without turning back

不怕心头有雨, 眼底有霜

Bùpà xīntóu yǒu yǔ, yǎndǐ yǒu shuāng

Unafraid of rain in my heart or frost in my eyes

一杯敬故乡, 一杯敬远方

守着我的善良, 催着我成长



Yībēi jìng gùxiāng, yībēi jìng yuǎnfāng

Shǒuzhe wǒ de shànliáng, cuīzhe wǒ chéngzhǎng

Suǒyǐ nánběi de lù cóngcǐ bù zài màncháng

Línghún bù zài wúchù-ānfàng

A drink to (my) hometown, a drink to lands far away

Protecting my good intentions, making me grow up quickly

So the road from south to north no longer seems endless

My soul is no longer without a place

一杯敬故乡, 一杯敬远方

Yībēi jìng gùxiāng, yībēi jìng yuǎnfāng

A drink to (my) hometown, a drink to lands far away

守着我的善良, 催着我成长

Shǒuzhe wǒ de shànliáng, cuīzhe wǒ chéngzhǎng

Protecting my good intentions, making me grow up quickly


Suǒyǐ nánběi de lù cóngcǐ bù zài màncháng

So the road from south to north no longer seems endless


Línghún bù zài wúchù-ānfàng

My soul is no longer without a place



伪装着, 舞蹈着, 疲惫着


Zàodòng-bù'ān dì zuòshàngkè

Zìyǐwéishì de biǎoyǎnzhe

Wèizhuāngzhe, wǔdǎozhe, píbèizhe

Nǐ ná qǐ jiǔbēi duì zìjǐ shuō

A restless, uneasy traveler

Acting like you can do no wrong

Dancing, pretending, tiring yourself out

You raise your glass and say to yourself

The phrase 躁动不安 (zàodòngbù'ān) translates literally as "restless movement, no peace". It is used as an adjective to describe someone who is restless or uneasy and cannot sit still. In this lyric it refers to a traveler who feels compelled to keep wandering and is unwilling to or uncomfortable with the thought of settling in one place.

The idiom 自以为是 (zìyǐwéishì) translates literally as "to consider oneself as correct". When used to describe a person, it implies that the person thinks they are always correct and cannot make mistakes, and is often used to suggest that a person is arrogant and presumptuous. In contrast, the idiom 自以为非 (zìyǐwéifēi) translates as "to consider oneself wrong" and is used to show that a person realizes or admits that they are incorrect or at fault.


Zàodòng-bù'ān dì zuòshàngkè

A restless, uneasy traveler

The phrase 躁动不安 (zàodòngbù'ān) translates literally as "restless movement, no peace". It is used as an adjective to describe someone who is restless or uneasy and cannot sit still. In this lyric it refers to a traveler who feels compelled to keep wandering and is unwilling to or uncomfortable with the thought of settling in one place.


Zìyǐwéishì de biǎoyǎnzhe

Acting like you can do no wrong

The idiom 自以为是 (zìyǐwéishì) translates literally as "to consider oneself as correct". When used to describe a person, it implies that the person thinks they are always correct and cannot make mistakes, and is often used to suggest that a person is arrogant and presumptuous. In contrast, the idiom 自以为非 (zìyǐwéifēi) translates as "to consider oneself wrong" and is used to show that a person realizes or admits that they are incorrect or at fault.

伪装着, 舞蹈着, 疲惫着

Wèizhuāngzhe, wǔdǎozhe, píbèizhe

Dancing, pretending, tiring yourself out


Nǐ ná qǐ jiǔbēi duì zìjǐ shuō

You raise your glass and say to yourself

一杯敬朝阳, 一杯敬月光

唤醒我的向往, 温柔了寒窗


不怕心头有雨, 眼底有霜

Yībēi jìng zhāoyáng, yībēi jìng yuèguāng

Huànxǐng wǒ de xiàngwǎng, wēnróule hánchuāng

Yúshì kěyǐ bù huítóu dì nìfēng fēixiáng

Bùpà xīntóu yǒu yǔ, yǎndǐ yǒu shuāng

A drink to the sun, a drink to the moonlight

Awakening my yearning, softening the hardships

So I can fly straight into the wind without turning back

Unafraid of rain in my heart or frost in my eyes

一杯敬朝阳, 一杯敬月光

Yībēi jìng zhāoyáng, yībēi jìng yuèguāng

A drink to the sun, a drink to the moonlight

唤醒我的向往, 温柔了寒窗

Huànxǐng wǒ de xiàngwǎng, wēnróule hánchuāng

Awakening my yearning, softening the hardships


Yúshì kěyǐ bù huítóu dì nìfēng fēixiáng

So I can fly straight into the wind without turning back

不怕心头有雨, 眼底有霜

Bùpà xīntóu yǒu yǔ, yǎndǐ yǒu shuāng

Unafraid of rain in my heart or frost in my eyes

一杯敬故乡, 一杯敬远方

守着我的善良, 催着我成长



Yībēi jìng gùxiāng, yībēi jìng yuǎnfāng

Shǒuzhe wǒ de shànliáng, cuīzhe wǒ chéngzhǎng

Suǒyǐ nánběi de lù cóngcǐ bù zài màncháng

Línghún bù zài wúchù-ānfàng

A drink to (my) hometown, a drink to lands far away

Protecting my good intentions, making me grow up quickly

So the road from south to north no longer seems endless

My soul is no longer without a place

一杯敬故乡, 一杯敬远方

Yībēi jìng gùxiāng, yībēi jìng yuǎnfāng

A drink to (my) hometown, a drink to lands far away

守着我的善良, 催着我成长

Shǒuzhe wǒ de shànliáng, cuīzhe wǒ chéngzhǎng

Protecting my good intentions, making me grow up quickly


Suǒyǐ nánběi de lù cóngcǐ bù zài màncháng

So the road from south to north no longer seems endless


Línghún bù zài wúchù-ānfàng

My soul is no longer without a place

一杯敬明天, 一杯敬过往

支撑我的身体, 厚重了肩膀



Yībēi jìngmíng tiān, yībēi jìng guòwǎng

Zhīchēng wǒ de shēntǐ, hòuzhòngle jiānbǎng

Suīrán cóng bù xiāngxìn suǒwèi shāngāo-shuǐcháng

Rénshēng kǔ duǎn hébì niànniànbùwàng

A drink to tomorrow, a drink to the past

Propping up my body, strengthening my shoulders

Although I never believed in the so-called “tall mountains and long rivers”

Life is bitter and brief, why bother clinging to memories?

The idiom 山高水长 (shāngāo-shuǐcháng) translates literally as "the mountains are tall and the rivers are long". It is used to express the nobility of a person's character (i.e. a person as noble as the mountains are tall and the rivers are long), and suggests that a person's "greatness" persists long after they are gone, like a legacy. In this lyric, the singer expresses that he has never believed in this idea that people can have an influence which outlasts them.

The phrase 念念不忘 (niànniànbùwàng) translates literally as "think think don't forget" and refers to the act of thinking about something constantly without forgetting about it. It can be used as a promise (i.e. to promise to never forget something) or to explain the importance or seriousness of an emotion or event (i.e. something that a person will never be able to forget).

一杯敬明天, 一杯敬过往

Yībēi jìngmíng tiān, yībēi jìng guòwǎng

A drink to tomorrow, a drink to the past

支撑我的身体, 厚重了肩膀

Zhīchēng wǒ de shēntǐ, hòuzhòngle jiānbǎng

Propping up my body, strengthening my shoulders


Suīrán cóng bù xiāngxìn suǒwèi shāngāo-shuǐcháng

Although I never believed in the so-called “tall mountains and long rivers”

The idiom 山高水长 (shāngāo-shuǐcháng) translates literally as "the mountains are tall and the rivers are long". It is used to express the nobility of a person's character (i.e. a person as noble as the mountains are tall and the rivers are long), and suggests that a person's "greatness" persists long after they are gone, like a legacy. In this lyric, the singer expresses that he has never believed in this idea that people can have an influence which outlasts them.


Rénshēng kǔ duǎn hébì niànniànbùwàng

Life is bitter and brief, why bother clinging to memories?

The phrase 念念不忘 (niànniànbùwàng) translates literally as "think think don't forget" and refers to the act of thinking about something constantly without forgetting about it. It can be used as a promise (i.e. to promise to never forget something) or to explain the importance or seriousness of an emotion or event (i.e. something that a person will never be able to forget).

一杯敬自由, 一杯敬死亡

宽恕我的平凡, 驱散了迷惘



Yībēi jìng zìyóu, yībēi jìng sǐwáng

Kuānshù wǒ de píngfán, qūsànle míwǎng

Hǎo ba tiānliàng zhīhòu zǒng shì liǎocǎo lí chǎng

Qīngxǐng de rén zuì huāngtáng

A drink to freedom, a drink to death

Forgive my mediocrity, dispel the confusion

Alright--we always stagger away after dawn

Sober people are the most absurd

一杯敬自由, 一杯敬死亡

Yībēi jìng zìyóu, yībēi jìng sǐwáng

A drink to freedom, a drink to death

宽恕我的平凡, 驱散了迷惘

Kuānshù wǒ de píngfán, qūsànle míwǎng

Forgive my mediocrity, dispel the confusion


Hǎo ba tiānliàng zhīhòu zǒng shì liǎocǎo lí chǎng

Alright--we always stagger away after dawn


Qīngxǐng de rén zuì huāngtáng

Sober people are the most absurd

Từ khóa » Xiao Chou