AR Vs. VR Training: How To Choose The Best Technology

Both AR and VR are great technologies that can elevate your learner engagement. But, if you have to choose one or the other, here’s a high-level recap on the differents of AR and VR technologies for training:

  • AR adds to reality through phones, tablets, and glasses; VR creates a new reality via headsets
  • AR is better for isolated, technical topics; VR is better for complex, soft-skill content
  • AR training and VR training are both expensive, but the long-term ROI proves worthwhile

How many times have you thought you need more engaging training? And how many times have you read or heard that augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) is your ticket to such training? We’re guessing a lot — and for a good reason!

But that knowledge alone doesn’t solve your original need. In fact, you’re still left with questions, a main one being this: Is AR training or VR training better for me?

In this article, we’ll define AR and VR, discuss the differences, and help you to feel comfortable choosing an AR or VR training solution for your program.

What Is AR?

Essentially, AR is an extended reality technology (XR), which is an umbrella term we use for technology that:

  1. Adds to reality, or
  2. Allows for the creation of an entirely new reality.

AR allows you to use your smartphone, tablet, or AR headset to superimpose text, images, video, and even 3D models onto the world. In other words, AR adds to — or augments — reality. Two popular examples include Snapchat filters (think dog ears appearing on your face) and Pokémon Go (where gamers use their phone or tablet to catch Pokémon that seemingly appear in front of them).

There are three types of AR:

  • Image Target — video, text, images, or 3D objects overlay a real-world 2D image
  • Object Recognition — a digital 3D model is fixed to a real-world 3D object that can pick up and move the digital 3D model around
  • Plane Detection — a digital 3D model is fixed to a real-world flat surface that is typically stationary, so you have to move around it

Now, let’s consider how you could use AR for training.

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