VR & AR Learning: The Best Digital Method For Practical Learning

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The Future Of Learning Today

Shifting Into Turbo Gear With Virtual Training Bring your learning programs to life with immersive learning scenarios, all without writing a single line of code. Get Free Advice Book Demo VR & AR Learning Training With VR / AR & AI Learning

How VR / AR & AI Will Shape The Learning Of The Future

By enhancing your courses with Virtual and Augmented Reality as well as Artificial Intelligence, you can convey complex or potentially dangerous content anywhere in a practical way, making it more memorable, safer, and cost-efficient.


Easily Retain Learning Content

Due to practical training


Safety Training

For dangerous situations


Less Expensive Training Measure

Across locations without additional travel

VR / AR & AI Benefits

Discover New Opportunities With VR / AR & AI Training

Our powerful Virtual and Augmented Reality learning platform is designed to increase trainees' motivation to learn and reduce training costs. Read more in this PwC study.

VR Learning done_black_24dp (1)

3.75 x increased emotional connection to content

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275% more confidence applying new skills

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4 x faster training completion compared to the classroom

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4x more focused than any other eLearning student

VR is the most appealing and emotionally positive learning method compared to textbooks and videos.

– Study by Warwick University, England


The study can be found here Augmented Reality Training

Augmented Reality Training with Lufthansa

Lufthansa Cargo uses 3spin Learning and AR to reduce the exam failure rate from 36% to just 7%.

More About Lufthansa's Training The Better Reality

Long-term Embedded Learning Content

VR / AR & AI training is not only superior to other forms of digital and classroom training – it can even be better than learning in the “real world”.

Fewer Setup And Travel Costs

In reality, dangerous training situations are often not feasible or can cause significant setup and traveling costs. Also, training can often only be done once because of those restrictions.

Great Training Results

Using AR / VR & AI any situation can be practiced safely anywhere with potentially unlimited repetitions, which are one of the main drivers of training success.

VR & AR Learning

How To Use VR / AR / AIAs A Training Platform

Virtual Reality Training

Everything You Need To Know About VR Training

The key to modern training methods. I'd Like to Find Out More Augmented Reality Training

Why Every Organization Needs AR Training

Expand your reality with AR training. I'd Like to Find Out More 360 Grad Training

What's 360-Degree Training And Is It Worthwhile?

Create engaging online training with 360-degree perspective. I'd Like to Find Out More

Create, Distribute and Deploy VR / AR & AI Learning Content without Programming

We help you achieve your learning goals.

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