What Is Augmented Reality Training? Everything You Need To Know

Augmented Reality Training adds interactive, digital elements to a live, real-world environment through a tablet, phone, or headset. AR can be used in corporate training in the following areas:

  • Technical Skills
  • Multi-Step Tasks
  • Onboarding
  • Product Knowledge Training

Are you wondering how you can upgrade your training program? Have you considered Augmented Reality? Compared to Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality (AR) is an attainable addition to your training program that is customizable, mobile, and engaging.

In this article, we will get back to the basics of augmented reality, including, what augmented reality is, how it’s used for training and development, along with the advantages and disadvantages of augmented reality training programs.

What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented reality adds interactive, digital elements to a live, real-world environment through a phone, tablet, or headset. You can use your device to manipulate the computer-generated objects in a 3D space, seeing everything as if it were in front of you, and more because you can see inside objects or manipulate the object size.

Augmented reality technologies offer a dynamic alternative to traditional training. This immersive technology can provide risk-free, environments and, scenarios that allow employees to sharpen skills needed for the job.

Examples of AR Corporate Training uses:

  • Technical Skills – Teach employees the parts of a product or piece of equipment by allowing them to see inside and click on the elements for explanations. Prompt them to physically pick up virtual objects, rotate large objects, and more.
  • Multi-Step Tasks – Work through troubleshooting products and repair equipment by outlining the steps and guiding the employee to work through the problem step by step.
  • Onboarding – Introduce new employees by showing them the ins and outs of the business, shop floor, processes, and more from their phone or tablet
  • Product Knowledge Training – You can put products in front of your employees without even having the products on location. With AR, your employees can see existing or new products and familiarize themselves with all of the components and how it works, right on a phone, tablet, or headset.

How to Use Augmented Reality in Training

According to an ISACA survey, Augmented Reality (AR) consumers across five different countries rated AR as one of the top three technologies for training and development.

Whether your organization needs to develop technical skills like maintenance and repair or upgrade its onboarding programs and change management initiatives, AR is a solution that captivates all generations of workers.

AR Image Targeting

Employees can scan real-world 2D images and overlay 2D video, text, and pictures or 3D objects on it. AR Image Targeting can aid employees on the job, add flavor to onboarding training, or enhance current ILT/eLearning courses.

AR Ground Plane Object Breakaway

Your employees can place a 3D model of any object onto a tabletop or floor surface. They can then rotate the object, break the object apart to view internal components, and get detailed information — or even find step-by-step instructions — on how to repair or install the object.

AR Scenario Training

Users can place a 3D model of any object onto a tabletop or floor surface. They can interact with the object and interact with actors (or objects) simultaneously with branched learning.

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