C4 Energy Drink Review (The Real Deal) – REIZECLUB

What can you expect when Nutrabolt decides to enter the energy drink space?

An extensive product range of pre-workouts and energy drinks under the brand name of C4, of course.

The company, based in Texas and established in 2002, is no stranger to the health and fitness market. It has developed some of America’s best-selling pre-workout brands – Cellucor, C4, and XTEND.

With regards to the C4 energy product line, it was first launched in 2011 in the form of powder-based drinks.

It was only in 2018 that On-The-Go C4 Carbonated Energy Drink was released.

This ready-to-drink version of C4 comes in four versions: Original, Smart Energy, Ultimate, and Natural Zero.

All of these four product ranges are available as 16 fl. oz cans.

However, there are also 12 fl. oz can sizes available for Natural Zero, and certain flavors of Original and Smart Energy also come in 12 fl. oz cans.

You can also get certain flavors of C4 Original and Ultimate in bottled On-The-Go versions, which have a serving size of 11.7 fl. oz.

The C4 energy drink line definitely provides options for people’s varying needs as the products provide 120-300 mg of caffeine depending on your preferred version. It’s also sugar-free and has a nice blend of vitamins and fitness-focused ingredients to boost your energy.

If you’re looking for more information about C4 energy drinks or considering buying some for yourself, you’re in the right place.

Let’s dive into my C4 energy drink review…

Table of Contents

  • What Are The Ingredients In C4 Energy Drinks?
    • C4 “Smart Energy” Carbonated
    • C4 “Ultimate” Carbonated
    • C4 “Energy Natural Zero” Carbonated
    • C4 “Smart Energy” Carbonated
    • C4 “Ultimate” Carbonated
    • C4 “Energy Natural Zero” Carbonated
  • What’s The Caffeine Content In C4 Energy Drinks?
  • How Much Sugar Is In C4 Energy Drink?
  • Is it Safe to Drink C4 Every Day?
  • C4 vs. Other Energy Drinks
  • C4 vs. Red Bull
    • Caffeine
    • Sugar
    • Price
  • C4 vs. Bang
    • Caffeine
    • Sugar
    • Price
  • C4 vs. REIZE
    • Caffeine
    • Sugar
    • Price
  • C4 Energy Drink Review
    • C4 Energy Drink Side Effects
    • Taste
    • Effect
    • Price
    • Final Roundup
  • Alternatives To C4 Energy Drink
    • REIZE Energy Drink
  • Other Articles

What Are The Ingredients In C4 Energy Drinks?

Close-up of the ingredients of one of the varieties under C4 Energy.
C4 Energy Ingredients

C4 “Smart Energy” Carbonated


Each 16 fl. oz can contain:

  • 200mg of caffeine
  • 0 calories
  • 0g total fat
  • 0g total carbohydrate
  • 0g sugar
  • 0g protein
  • 0mg sodium
  • 30mg niacin
  • 6mcg vitamin B12

Other ingredients in the drink include:

  • Carbonated water
  • Malic acid
  • Citric acid
  • Cognizin citicoline
  • Potassium benzoate
  • Sucralose
  • InnovaTea green tea leaf extract
  • Acesulfame potassium
  • Natural flavors
  • N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine
  • Sodium citrate

There is no sugar, artificial colors, or dyes in this drink.


  • Freedom Ice
  • Electric Sour
  • Cotton Candy
  • Peach Mango Nectar

C4 “Ultimate” Carbonated


Each 16 fl. oz can contain:

  • 0 calories
  • 0g total carbohydrates
  • 0g total sugars
  • 1g taurine
  • 500mcg folic acid
  • 110mg potassium
  • 70mcg vitamin B12
  • 1mg vitamin B6
  • 60mg niacin
  • 3.2g CarnoSyn Beta-Alanine
  • 2g Beta power betaine anhydrous
  • 6g citrulline malate
  • 1g Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate

This drink has 708g C4 Ultimate Energy & Focus Blend which consists of:

  • N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine
  • 300mg caffeine
  • Alphasize A-GPC (Alpha-Glyceryl Phosphoryl Choline)
  • Zembrin (Sceletium Tortuosum) aerial parts extract
  • Rauwoflia Vomitoria root extract
  • Huperzine A (from Toothed Clubmoss/Huperzia Serrata aerial parts extract)

There are also trace amounts of:

  • Potassium sorbate
  • Natural flavors
  • Artificial flavors
  • Sucralose (sweetener)
  • Acesulfame potassium (sweetener)
  • FD&C Yellow #6 (coloring)


  • Sparkling Arctic Snow Cone
  • Sour Batch Bros
  • Sparkling Tropical Blast

C4 “Energy Natural Zero” Carbonated


Each 12 fl. oz can contain:

  • 0 calories
  • 120mg of natural caffeine from CoffeeBerry
  • 0g total carbohydrates
  • 0g sugars
  • 0g total fat
  • 0g protein
  • 250mg cognizin citicoline
  • 1g taurine
  • 0.5g tyrosine

It also has trace amounts of:

  • Natural flavors
  • Malic acid
  • Citric acid
  • Stevia leaf extract
  • Coffeeberry Energy fruit extract


  • Cherry Lime
  • Strawberry Coconut
  • Blueberry Lemonade

Many of the ingredients may be unfamiliar to you, but that’s to be expected.

You might find it helpful to check out my other post about energy drink ingredients so you have a better understanding of what the different ingredients all do.

C4 “Smart Energy” Carbonated


Each 16 fl. oz can have:

  • 200mg caffeine
  • 0 calories
  • 0g total fat
  • 0g total carbohydrate
  • 0g sugar
  • 0g protein
  • 0mg sodium
  • 30mg niacin
  • 6mcg vitamin B12

Other ingredients in the drink include:

  • Carbonated water
  • Malic acid
  • Citric acid
  • Cognizin citicoline
  • Potassium benzoate
  • Sucralose
  • InnovaTea green tea leaf extract
  • Acesulfame potassium
  • Natural flavors
  • N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine
  • Sodium citrate

There is no sugar, artificial colors, or dyes in C4.


  • Freedom Ice
  • Electric Sour
  • Cotton Candy
  • Peach Mango Nectar

C4 “Ultimate” Carbonated


Each 16 fl. oz can contain:

  • 0 calories
  • 0g total carbohydrates
  • 0g sugars
  • 1g taurine
  • 500mcg folic acid
  • 110mg potassium
  • 70mcg vitamin B12
  • 1mg vitamin B6
  • 60mg niacin
  • 3.2g CarnoSyn Beta-Alanine
  • 2g Betapower betaine anhydrous
  • 6g citrulline malate
  • 1g Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate

This drink has 708g “C4 Ultimate Energy & Focus Blend” which consists of:

  • N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine
  • 300mg caffeine
  • Alphasize A-GPC (Alpha-Glyceryl Phosphoryl Choline)
  • Zembrin (Sceletium Tortuosum) aerial parts extract
  • Rauwoflia Vomitoria root extract
  • Huperzine A (from Toothed Clubmoss/Huperzia Serrata aerial parts extract)

There are also trace amounts of:

  • Potassium sorbate
  • Natural flavors
  • Artificial flavors
  • Sucralose (sweetener)
  • Acesulfame potassium (sweetener)
  • FD&C Yellow #6 (coloring)


  • Sparkling Arctic Snow Cone
  • Sour Batch Bros
  • Sparkling Tropical Blast

C4 “Energy Natural Zero” Carbonated


A 12 fl. oz can contain:

  • 0 calories
  • 120mg of natural caffeine from CoffeeBerry
  • 0g total carbohydrates
  • 0g sugars
  • 0g total fat
  • 0g protein
  • 250mg cognizin citicoline
  • 1g taurine
  • 0.5g tyrosine

It also has trace amounts of:

  • Natural flavors
  • Malic acid
  • Citric acid
  • Stevia leaf extract
  • Coffeeberry Energy fruit extract


  • Cherry Lime
  • Strawberry Coconut
  • Blueberry Lemonade
Familiarise yourself with the C4 energy drink flavors through this product video review.

What’s The Caffeine Content In C4 Energy Drinks?

The caffeine content in C4 Energy Drinks ranges from 120mg to 300mg, depending on which product variant you’re talking about.

For your reference, you can scroll up to see the caffeine content for each of the different products listed in the previous sections.

And now it’s time to address the elephant in the room.

By that, I mean the MASSIVE caffeine content of 300mg that you’ll find in a C4 Ultimate. This is one thing that the drink has in common with Bang, one of the strongest beverages in the energy drink market today.

You can definitely expect an intense kick from just one can of this drink. It’s meant to get you through the most grueling workout sessions in the gym, but I definitely wouldn’t recommend it as a light pick-me-up before chores, a pre-workout drink for occasional gym-goers, or an energizer before yoga class if you get what I mean.

Meanwhile, C4’s “Smart Energy” and “Original” variants aren’t really far behind on the scale either, with 200mg of caffeine per can each.

Personally, I think the ideal amount of caffeine is somewhere between 50 and 100mg per serve. Any more than 100mg and I think the effects can sometimes be unpleasant and a bit much.

That would appear to apply in the case of C4 energy drinks. They seem to have been designed with hardcore athletes in mind.

But what if you’re not into sports? Well, that’s not a problem. C4 can be enjoyed by anyone, as long as you can handle the big hit of caffeine that it contains.

But, I’m going to be totally honest and say that the boost it gave me left me with buzzing sensations and a much-unwanted crash by the end of the day.

For a C4 drink with 120mg of caffeine like “Natural Zero”, you might be able to skip the jitters. But the effect you’ll be getting from the caffeine might not feel that strong compared to the other C4 products.

According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the maximum daily caffeine intake for an average healthy adult should not exceed 400mg.

This includes all caffeine sources in your diet, not only energy drinks. Foods and drinks like chocolate, tea, sodas, protein bars, and many more should be taken into account when tracking your daily caffeine intake.

Plus, you need to have an idea of what your caffeine sensitivity is like too.

You can tell that you have high caffeine sensitivity if you experience the following after consuming caffeine:

  • racing heartbeat
  • headache
  • jitters
  • nervousness or anxiousness
  • restlessness
  • insomnia
  • increase in urination
  • upset stomach
  • intense adrenaline rush

The symptoms might last several hours if your body takes a longer time to metabolize caffeine.

If you go overboard with the amount of caffeine that you consume in a day, you might face some serious health risks such as:

  • muscle tremors
  • heartburn
  • cardiovascular disease
  • hypertension
  • osteoporosis
  • slower fetal growth during pregnancy
  • miscarriages
  • death due to convulsions (in rare cases)

Caffeine overdose is a serious concern. Make sure that you always consume caffeine from any source in moderation.

How Much Sugar Is In C4 Energy Drink?

C4 energy drinks don’t contain any sugar as they are sweetened with sugar substitutes, sucralose, and acesulfame potassium (also known as Ace-K). 

Compared to sugar, these artificial sweeteners are kinder to your health, although they may pose some health risks of their own.

Sucralose, which is 600 times sweeter than sugar, can increase your risk of:

  • high blood glucose and insulin levels
  • leukemia
  • cancer

As for Ace-K, which is 200 times sweeter than sugar, certain research findings have found that it has the potential to cause the following issues:

  • cancer
  • impacts the development of a baby during pregnancy

However, both of these artificial sweeteners have been approved by the FDA for use in food, so as long as you’re only drinking C4 in moderate amounts, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.

Just remember to stay within the FDA’s acceptable daily intake (ADI) for these non-nutritive sweeteners.

The ADI for sucralose is 5mg per kg of body weight per day, whereas, for Ace-K, the ADI limit is 15mg per kg of body weight per day.

So if you weigh 50kg (about 110 pounds), for example, you should only have 250mg of sucralose and 750mg of Ace-K on any given day.

Is it Safe to Drink C4 Every Day?

As long as you’re healthy and are consuming C4 Energy in moderation, it is safe to consume the beverage every day.

I’d say one can of C4 Energy every day is acceptable. Going overboard is a bad idea as it puts you at risk of developing various symptoms which can lead to serious conditions.

The key is to consume C4 Energy in moderation to keep enjoying the beverage longer and to reap its maximum benefits.

C4 vs. Other Energy Drinks

BrandVolume (fl.oz)Caffeine (mg)Sugar (g)Price ($)
C416120 – 30002.50 – 3
Red Bull8.480272
REIZE8.4 5001
A comparison of several energy drink brands.

C4 vs. Red Bull


C4 energy drinks contain 120mg to 300mg of caffeine, depending on the product variant. Red Bull contains 80mg of caffeine per 8.4 fl. oz can.

Red Bull has only around half the average amount of caffeine that there is in C4 drinks. But you could explain that at least partly by the fact that Red Bull comes in a smaller can than C4.

It takes about 4 cans of Red Bull to get the caffeine content you’d find in just one can of C4 “Ultimate” which has 300mg of caffeine in it.


C4 energy drinks contain zero sugar while a regular can of Red Bull contains 27g of sugar per 8.4 fl. oz can.

Please note, however, that Red Bull does have sugar-free varieties too (Red Bull Zero and Red Bull Sugar-Free).

While C4 drinks are light on sugar, that doesn’t mean the fluids aren’t sweet to the tastebuds. In fact, all C4 drinks still have artificial sweeteners like sucralose and acesulfame potassium, except for C4 Energy Natural Zero.

I can only imagine the dosage of sweeteners that are required to cover every fluid ounce of C4 drinks with high liquid volumes.

A regular can of Red Bull, however, has no artificial sweeteners. It only contains trace amounts of sucrose and glucose in each serving.

But if you choose a sugar-free version of Red Bull, you’ll find ace-K and sucralose used in Red Bull Zero, and aspartame and Ace-K present in Red Bull Sugar-Free.


C4 energy drinks cost between $2.50 to $3, depending on the product and serving size that you choose, and where you get them. A Red Bull costs about $2 per 8.4 fl. oz can.

Since C4 has bigger serving sizes you can say the pricing is reasonable. Nutrabolt puts out its products in larger volumes like this, making them slightly pricier than most top products in the energy drink industry.

In that sense, C4 products may have a bit of an advantage over Red Bull. At least amongst folks that prefer quantity over quality, that is.

C4 vs. Bang


C4 energy drinks have between 120mg to 300mg of caffeine per can, depending on the version of C4. Bang contains 300mg of caffeine per 16 fl. oz.

A can of C4 “Ultimate” (the strongest C4 of the lot) is equivalent to a can of Bang in terms of caffeine content. They both contain 300mg in a single can. With that much caffeine, these energy drinks are getting up there among the strongest energy drinks in the world.

As for the rest of the C4 carbonated drinks, they don’t stand a chance next to the energy kick that Bang offers with its 300mg of caffeine.


Both C4 and Bang energy drinks are sugar-free.

If the two brands of energy drinks have one thing in common, it’s the artificial sweeteners that are present in both. Sucralose and Ace-K are responsible for sweetening both of the drinks without the calories that you’d get from sugar.

A word of caution: Sweeteners have their own set of side effects too so remember to consume them in moderation.


On average, it will cost you between $2.50 to $3 for any of the C4 energy drinks. Meanwhile, a can of Bang is priced at around $2.

For a fair comparison, one can of C4 “Ultimate” is $2.50 whereas Bang is just $2.10. That’s for the same volume of 16 fl. oz.

Although you could say there isn’t really a big difference in price, Bang seems to have the upper hand in terms of popularity.

C4 vs. REIZE


C4 energy drinks have between 120mg to 300mg of caffeine per can, depending on which product you choose. In comparison, REIZE has 50mg of caffeine in each 4g sachet.

A sachet of REIZE energy powder will make you an 8.4 fl. oz drink. With just 50mg of caffeine in it, you could say it’s a sensibly-caffeinated energy drink.

However, REIZE also contains a great blend of stimulating ingredients that boost the effects of the caffeine, including ginseng, 1000mg of taurine, and a selection of healthy B Vitamins.

Hence, you’ll get to enjoy an energizing drink while not exceeding the daily caffeine limit advised by the FDA.


C4 energy drinks have zero sugar, and REIZE is also sugar-free too.

These drinks contain one sweetener in common though, and that’s Ace-K.

However, both brands also rely on a second artificial sweetener to round off their taste.

REIZE makes use of aspartame, which is the same ingredient you’ll find used in Coke Zero Sugar and many other food and drinks.

Meanwhile, C4 depends on sucralose instead.


On average, C4 energy drinks are priced within the range of $2.50 to $3 depending on which serving size you’re going for. REIZE costs only around $1 per drink inclusive of shipping right to your door.

REIZE is certainly the more affordable option.

C4 Energy Drink Review

C4 Energy Drink Side Effects

These are the side effects of drinking too much C4 Energy:

  • headaches
  • tremors
  • nausea
  • fatigue
  • rapid heartbeat


It’s not a secret that Cellucor is big on flavors. Well, that’s because it’s a good way to keep the consumers coming back to the same brand for more.

I wasn’t able to try all the flavors on the list, but I did get to experiment with two from the Original line: “Purple Frost” and “Cotton Candy”.

Purple Frost might sound posh, but it’s just a grape-flavored carbonated drink. I must say it left a pleasant aftertaste in my mouth without a strong hint of sucralose. The sweetness of the blend is just about right, in my opinion.

It might even stand a chance against Purple Haze by Bang, I think. But that could just be me.

Anyway, if you’re looking for an alternative drink with less caffeine content than what you find in a can of Bang, then this one is worth a shot.

C4 “Original” Cotton Candy gives me fun-fair vibes. True to its name, the drink hits you with its strong sweet flavor. It’s not really for me though since I’m not a big fan of super sweet stuff.

However, if you’re someone who is always keen to try new flavors, this might be a good drink to add to your wish list. 

I was reminded of Bang’s Cotton Candy drink, which in my opinion has a more intense sweetness than what I experienced here in C4.


The special blend in C4 “Original” goes by the name of “Explosive Energy Blend”. It really packs a punch, but in my opinion, all of these “special blends” are just marketing fluff.

If you’ve ever taken the C4 pre-workout powder as a dietary supplement, then you might be able to imagine the kind of effect the “Explosive Energy Blend” might have on you. In fact, I felt this energy drink was a little stronger in its impact than its powder counterpart.

It definitely gave me the energy boost I needed to kickstart my workout session with 200mg of caffeine in the formula.

So you can just imagine how much more forceful the effects would be if I had chosen a can of C4 Ultimate instead, as it has 300mg of caffeine in its “Energy & Focus Blend”.


On average, you can get a 16 fl. oz can of C4 for around $3 and it’s somewhere around $2 for a 12 fl. oz variant.

The variety of flavors and serving sizes that you’ll find C4 energy drinks in is really nifty.

These prices are roughly the same for C4 Original, Ultimate, Smart Energy, or Natural Zero products. But of course, you should expect there may be changes to how they price all of these products from time to time.

Final Roundup

Cellucor has put a lot of effort into the flavors of all the C4 drinks. That might be a great thing if you ever find yourself wanting to switch flavors on a daily basis as you’ll be able to avoid flavor fatigue.

I’ve got nothing to complain about with regard to the energy boost that I’m getting from a serving of C4 Original. If you’re the kind who likes a morning boost, you’ll be glad to know the effects of this drink will probably last you a good portion of the day.

Meanwhile, I can’t deny that C4 Ultimate has me rather concerned. It’s definitely a little too strong for anyone with caffeine sensitivities.

Price-wise, I feel the amount you’re paying for C4 is pretty reasonable, or just perhaps a tiny bit on the expensive side for what you get.

Alternatives To C4 Energy Drink

There are loads of other good energy drinks on the market which you can try out too if you’re keen. Here are some suggestions.

Ready-to-drink cans:

  • Bang
  • Coca-Cola Energy
  • Celsius
  • Rip It
  • Xyience
  • Monster Import
  • XS Energy
  • Guru
  • Bing

Powder-based energy drinks:

  • Zipfizz
  • Advocare Spark
  • G Fuel
  • REIZE Energy Drink (my personal favorite energy drink)

Vivarin caffeine pills are another alternative if you are looking for something quick and easy to take. Make It Mio water enhancer might also help fulfill your energy needs.

REIZE Energy Drink

With a sensible 50mg of caffeine, REIZE has a smart amount of caffeine to give you a nice energy boost, but not so much that you might experience some negative effects.

With other great ingredients like taurine, ginseng, and a healthy handful of B Vitamins as part of its ingredients, each 4g REIZE sachet provides you with all the power-packed energy-boosting ingredients that you’ll need for your day.

Try REIZE now!

REIZE gives you a great deal of versatility and convenience.

Simply mix it into any beverage of your choice, be it soda, tea, juice, or regular water and you’ll have a fresh energy drink ready in seconds. Sold in 4g sachets, REIZE is easy to carry with you no matter where you go.

Since REIZE is sugar-free, you won’t have to worry about calories or the after-effects of a sugar crash later in the day. In fact, you’ll only find 11 calories in each serving of REIZE.

Priced at only around $1 per sachet, you can have REIZE delivered right to your doorstep INCLUDING shipping.

That’s incredible value for money.

Try REIZE today and you might also find that you prefer it over the C4 energy drink too.

Other Articles

  • Zoa Energy Drink Caffeine & Ingredients (Facts)
  • Celsius Energy Drink Nutrition Facts (Details)
  • Bing Energy Drink – Nutrition Facts, Price, and Side Effects
  • Rogue Energy Caffeine and Ingredients (Deep Dive)

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