"Call In Sick" Nghĩa Là Gì? - Journey In Life

"Call in sick" nghĩa là gì? - Theo dõi journeyinlife.net trên Alo, em bị ốm rồi sếp ơi. Photo by Marvin Meyer "Call in sick" = Tiếng gọi trong ốm đau -> Gọi điện báo cho sếp hoặc quản lý để xin nghỉ phép/vắng mặt do bị ốm không đi làm được. Ví dụ Teachers’ associations have decided to call in sick for today (18) and tomorrow (19) to launch a two-day token strike (bãi công cảnh cáo). The pilots who fly your Amazon packages were getting paid way below industry standards. Then they started calling in sick with little notice. Other people, it seems, see sick days as their 'right'. We've all worked with people who seem happy to call in sick with even just a slight sniffle (sổ mũi nhẹ). Tennis fan Muireann O'Connell tweeted: "Can we all get a day off tomorrow because of the stress of the tennis. That should be a thing. #Wimbledon". Patrick Reid responded with: "You can call in sick with 'tennis elbow (khủyu tay) in your tongue'." Bin Kuan Bài trước: "Play silly buggers" nghĩa là gì? Tags: phrase Bài viết liên quan

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