"Hang Him Out To Dry" Nghĩa Là Gì? - Journey In Life

"Hang him out to dry" nghĩa là gì? - Theo dõi journeyinlife.net trên Photo courtesy Ronald Saunders. 'Hang someone out to dry' nghĩa là trừng phạt ai; để ai phải rơi vào tình thế khó khăn/dễ bị tấn công; để ai phải 'giơ đầu chịu báng'. Ví dụ Will Trump Hang His Trio of Generals Out to Dry? DARYL Gibson has been given full support by the Waratahs amid calls for his sacking, with the club’s chief executive Andrew Hore saying they would not hang the coach out to dry for issues that are systemic in Australian rugby. One Beijing-based Western diplomat said that while China might be pleased to see Trump hang ally South Korea out to dry with his criticism of their free trade deal and demand that Seoul pay $1 billion to host a U.S. anti-missile system that China has strongly opposed, China should not have any illusions. In a “zero tolerance” policy, Trump had been prepared to separate children from their parents (or people claiming to be their parents, but who were frequently human traffickers) at the border, as prior Administrations, including Obama’s, had done. But under political pressure (áp lực chính trị), Trump reversed himself, in effect hanging Nielsen and Sessions out to dry. Phạm Hạnh Bài trước: "Leave her high and dry" nghĩa là gì? Tags: phrase Bài viết liên quan

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