Math Problem: The Diagram - Question No. 6642, Solid Geometry

The diagram The diagram shows a cone radius of 8cm and a height of 10cm. How long is the diameter of the base?

Correct answer:

D = 16 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

r=8 cm h=10 cm  D=2 r=2 8=16 cm Try another example Did you find an error or inaccuracy? Feel free to write us. Thank you! Text - write and change what you want: The diagram shows a cone radius of 8cm and a height of 10cm. How long is the diameter of the base? Your e-mail: Thank you for submitting an example text correction or rephasing. We will review the example in a short time and work on the publish it.

You need to know the following knowledge to solve this word math problem:

  • solid geometry
  • cone

Grade of the word problem:

  • practice for 11 year olds
  • practice for 12 year olds

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Từ khóa » D=8 Cm H=8cm