Nghĩa Của Từ : Bản Chất | Vietnamese Translation | English to Vietnamese Translation English-Vietnamese Online Translator Write Word or Sentence (max 1,000 chars): English to Vietnamese Vietnamese to English English to English Vietnamese to EnglishSearch Query: bản chất Best translation match:
Vietnamese English
bản chất * noun - Essence, substance, nature =phân biệt hiện tượng với bản chất của sự vật+to make a difference between the phenomenon and the essence of things =bản chất cô ta không độc ác+there is no cruelty in her nature =bản chất anh ta là bất lương, anh ta vốn bất lương+he is dishonest by nature =có bản chất hiền lành+to be good-natured
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Vietnamese English
bản chất a bit of the real ; and the nature ; born in ; character ; essence ; essential ; essentially what ; essentially ; formal ; humanity ; i return in ; identity ; inherently ; into the nature ; intrinsic ; intrinsically ; it is the nature ; it is the very nature ; itself ; kind ; nature as ; nature ; natures ; of the nature ; over the essence ; personality ; self ; that the essence ; that virtuality ; the basis ; the character ; the core ; the edge ; the essence ; the essential nature ; the fact of ; the fact ; the fundamental ; the grain ; the heart ; the integrity ; the intrinsic ; the nature of ; the nature ; the only grain ; the root ; the substance ; the very essence ; the very nature ; themselves as ; who ; your own ;
bản chất a bit of the real ; and the nature ; born in ; character ; essence ; essential ; essentially what ; formal ; fundamental ; humanity ; i return in ; identity ; inherently ; into the nature ; intrinsic ; intrinsically ; it is the nature ; it is the very nature ; itself ; kind ; nature as ; nature ; natures ; of the nature ; over the essence ; personality ; self ; that the essence ; that virtuality ; the basis ; the character ; the core ; the essence ; the essential nature ; the fact of ; the fact ; the fundamental ; the grain ; the heart ; the integrity ; the intrinsic ; the nature of ; the nature ; the only grain ; the root ; the substance ; the very essence ; the very nature ; themselves as ; who ; your own ;
English Word Index: A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .

Vietnamese Word Index:A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .

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