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plan cadastral

cadastral map

natural and applied sciences - Elle s’inspire d’un plan de 1638 réalisé en perspective cavalière et du premier plan cadastral de 1723.

It is based on a 1638 map made from a high view point and the first cadastral map of 1723.

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)Cette couche contient les contours des feuilles du plan cadastral d'origine pour le

This layer contains the contours of the map sheets of the original cadastral map for

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)C’est pour répartir de manière plus équitable la charge de l’impôt qu’est apparu le plan cadastral au XVIIIe siècle.

Cadastral maps were introduced in the 18th century in order to distribute the tax burden more equitably.

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)La perte de territoire de Patero fut prise en compte dans le plan cadastral du Grand Manille réalisé en 1978.

Pateros' decrease in territory was accounted to a cadastral mapping in Metro Manila conducted in 1978.

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)Le circuit d’initiation à l’orientation : tout en découvrant les paysages, les enfants doivent retrouver à l’aide d’un plan cadastral, 12 balises numérotées.

The orientation initiation : Whilst discovering the scenery, the children must, with the help of a cadastral map, find 12 numbered beacons.

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
La mesure de l'étalement urbain avec le plan cadastral informatisé, méthode et limites.Depuis 2002, la Direction Générale des Impôts (DGI) a lancé un grand projet de numérisation du cadastre en France qui se traduit par la réalisation d'un plan cadastral informatisé (PCI)....The modification of serial cadastral map and its applications to notification of topographical maps sung-eon hong1*Abstract This study examined the method of making high-quality serial cadastral map with field surveying, the renewal and applications of serial cadastral map which is made for the application of notification of various topographical maps, and related...general - - PDF: halshs.archives-ouvertes.frgeneral - - PDF:, belgodère, haute-corse (2b): une tour littorale génoise du xvie s. dans son environnement.... Cette tour littorale n’est pas la seule tour de l’anse de Lozari : le plan cadastral de 1873 garde la mémoire de quatre tours privées réparties dans la plaine de l’estuaire du Regino.Les...Automatic derivation and classification of houses on a cadastral mapIn this paper we describe a project for the automatic derivation and classification of houses based on the Cadastral map and Cadastral administrative information.... PDF: repository.tudelft.nlAnalysis for producing a facsimile of the cadastral map of varaždinThis paper investigates and suggests methods for producing a facsimile of the 1 860 cadastral map of Varaždin.... PDF: doaj.orgImprovement of cadastral map assembling based on ghtThere are numerous cadastral maps generated by past land surveying.�For... PDF: of digital cadastral map of new land-cadastral measurement of part of cadastral municipality leskovecThe purpose of this graduation thesis is to show the positional accuracy of digital cadastral map of new land-cadastral measurement on the range part of cadastral municipality Leskovec.... PDF:
plan cadastral

ordnance survey map

building and public works - Between two forests: the social and topographic evolution of medieval anstey 35 between two forests: the social and topographic evolution of medieval anstey... Initial examination of the 1886 Ordnance Survey map indicated that the modern plan of Anstey village held clues to its history....general - - PDF: romano-british settlement at springheadfleet, near Gravesend, has been known for many years, and One Tree Field at Springhead is marked on the Ordnance Survey Map as the site of Vagniacse,1 mentioned in the Itinerary of Antonine, Iter II.... PDF: of geomatics 2003: measuring, mapping and managing reverse engineering in construction... An integration strategy is proposed for an Ordnance Survey map of the area and 3D model created by means of the laser scanner.... PDF: engineering in construction... An integration strategy is proposed for an Ordnance Survey map of the area and 3D model created by means of the laser scanner.... PDF: of isandra (betsileo) drawn according to an ordnance survey map (scale of 1:500 000)Map of Isandra (Betsileo) drawn according to an ordnance survey map (scale of 1:500 000) ; Map representing the mission stations of the various missionary societies active in the region (catholic, british - LMS -, norwegian... PDF:
plan cadastral

cadastral plan

building and public works - """""""""""""""Collection numismatique, différentes sculptures par Armand Levéel, plan cadastral """"""""""""""""1782""""""""""""""""."""""""""""""""

Numismatic collection, various sculptures by Armand Levéel, cadastral plan «1782».

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)Plans, plan cadastral et autres informations techniques sont disponibles sur demande.

Floor plans, cadastral plan and further technical information are available on request.

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)plan cadastral du comté de Berthier, 1938, Ministère des Terres et Forêts, Québec.

Cadastral plan of the County of Berthier, 1938, Ministry of Earth and Forest, Quebec

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)Les informations disponibles sont collectées : plan du terrain, relief, hydrographie, bâtiments voisins, plan cadastral, orientation, chaînage avec l’environnement.

The available information is collected: plan of the land parcel, elevation, hydrography, neighboring buildings, cadastral plan, orientation, chaining with the environment.

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)Il avait été retiré du «Plan Cadastral» et donc n'existait plus selon la bureaucratie.

It had been taken off the 'Cadastral Plan' and hence no longer existed according to bureaucracy.

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Global positioning system on cadastral survey of nepal... Attempt has been made to give some idea on the use of Global Positioning System GPS control network extension for the production of large-scale cadastral plan of the country....general - - PDF: 3d reconstruction for urban areas an... The principle is to overlay on the scanned photograph of the area we want to deal with, the two dimensional (2D) cadastral plan displayed from the same viewpoint as the picture.... PDF: evaluation of spatial data quality... The final section provides an example of automated quality evaluation on the digital cadastral plan of Slovenia PDF: eprints.fri.uni-lj.siImplementing natural resources cadastral plan in pasargadae district of iran by using quick bird images... Therefore, in order to reach sustainable development, conservation as well as optimum utilization of natural resources, executing of natural resources cadastral plan is necessary and essential.... PDF: composition of border settlement and breakin up an estate... Handed in details, inclusion of change in digital cadastral plan PDF:
plan cadastral

cadastral survey

building and public works - Aux débuts de la mensuration officielle, les données saisies pour documenter la propriété foncière étaient représentées sur le plan cadastral (aujourd'hui: plan du registre foncier.

In the early days of cadastral surveying, the details relating to landownership were sketched on the landregistryplan (now called «plan for the land register».

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le cadastre b d'orange, la route antique au sud de montélimar, le problème de dourion et le cours inférieur de la berreIl faut rattacher au plan cadastral B le numéro 404 de la publication des Documents cadastraux de la colonie romaine d'Orange (A....... Piganiol) must be resituated within the contexte of the cadastral survey plot B: this fragment represents a section of the "Agrippan Way" south of Montélimar....Europe - -Poster presentation research masters:issues of coordinate collection technology on rural cadastral surveying in queenslandPoster Presentation- BackgroundIntroduction and PurposeWhy GPS is being considered for Cadastral Survey ApplicationsProblems in Coordinate DescriptionsRoutes for Establishing Traceability of GPS measurementsConcept of Local Controlled Areas (LCA)Measurement Based...general - - PDF: implement of parcel sea map automatic mapping algorithm... The boundary point data are basic mapping elements, which are obtained from sea cadastral survey.... PDF: www.scientific.netThe cadastral survey requirements of developing countries in the pacific region: with particular reference to fiji... cadastral survey systems introduced into many developing Pacific countries during colonial eras often do not meet the social and economic demands placed on them at the present... PDF: of increased forest value in denationalization procedures... We can established increased forest value due to anew cadastral survey.... PDF: cadastral survey requirements of developing countries in the pacific region - \\'ith particular reference to fijiThe cadastral survey systems introduced into many developing Pacific countries during colonial eras often do not meet the social and economic demands placed on them at the present... PDF:
plan cadastral

land registry map

agriculture, forestry and fisheries - Building-historical values maps. an area-oriented approach to building-historical heritage... On this map all built-up areas existing around 1830 according to the first land registry map are projected at a macro level on the most recent parcel map....general - - PDF:
Research papersL'évolution d'une commune de la grande lande : soreLa carte de la Guyenne de Belleyme, le plan cadastral de 1841, les diverses éditions de la carte d'État-Major, le cadastre actuel permettent de suivre depuis la fin du XVIIIe siècle l'évolution de l'occupation du sol......A « commune » of the Great Landes : Sore....general - -Une motte castrale du razès : couges (aude)... De même, les vestiges du chemin d'accès à la motte sont nettement conservés sur le plan cadastral....... Then, the vestiges of the track of access to the motte are clearly visible on the land registry....general - -Une histoire géo-archéologique du rapport à la loire : le cas de la boire de saint-venant à tours... Ainsi, au sud de l'actuel lit mineur du fleuve, les anciennes tresses de la Loire, qui datent de l'époque glaciaire, sont devenues des paléochenaux qui ont été utilisés comme chenaux d'inondation aux époques historiques : elles forment des « boires » qui deviennent ensuite des rues de laville de Tours, fossilisées dans le plan cadastral napoléonien......Tours.Thus, south of the current minor river-bed, the old strap-work of the Loire, which dates to the glacial period, became the paleo-canals which were used as channels of flooding in historical times : they form rivulet which can then become streets of the city of Tours, recorded by the cadastral Napoleonic map.general - - PDF: French synonyms and related terms

levé cadastral

carte cadastrale









French - English examples

plan cadastral original

field documentlaw / natural and applied sciences - iate.europa.euoriginal maplaw / natural and applied sciences - iate.europa.eufield sheetlaw / natural and applied sciences -


field documentlaw / natural and applied sciences - iate.europa.euoriginal maplaw / natural and applied sciences - iate.europa.eufield sheetlaw / natural and applied sciences -

extrait du plan cadastral

extract of property map(USA)law / natural and applied sciences - iate.europa.euextract of cadastral planlaw / natural and applied sciences -[...]

photocalque du plan parcellaire

photographic tracing of cadastral plan

calque du plan cadastral

photographic tracing of cadastral plan French - English translations in contextLorsque le plan cadastral est en vigueur après l'entrée en vigueur du plan détaillé, le visa est délivré sur le croquis combiné du plan cadastral et le plan.

Where the cadastre map has entered into force after the enforcement of the detailed development plan, the visa shall be issued on a combined outline of the cadastre map and the detailed development plan.

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)En outre, comme le plan cadastral est informatisé, le Ministère peut diffuser les données sur Internet.

In addition, since the plan is numeric, the Ministry can diffuse the information on the internet.

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)Nous lui avons envoyé un plan cadastral du château et voilà ce qu'il nous a renvoyer.

He sent us a copy of his book and we were so excited that we dove into it right away.

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)Un bien immobilier français est divisé en unités appelées lots ou parcelles, dont chacun reçoit un numéro cadastral (référence cadastrale) qui est enregistré et qui apparaît sur le plan cadastral de la propriété.

French realty is divided into units known as lots or parcels, each of which is given a cadastral number (reference cadastrale) which appear on a registered plan (plancadastral) of the property.

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)Un mandat lui est donné pour établir le plan cadastral, afin que la déclaration de copropriété puisse être publiée.

His mandate is to establish the cadastral plan, so that the declaration of co-ownership can be published.

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)De plus, les documents légaux (ex. : plan cadastral et déclaration de copropriété) doivent être signés par tous les copropriétaires.

Moreover, the legal documents (e.g. cadastral plan and co-ownership declaration) must be signed by all co-owners.

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)L’alliance du savoir technique et du savoir populaire a permis d’établir un plan cadastral précis des quartiers populaires urbains.

The alliance between technical knowledge and popular knowledge has drawn a detailed map of all urban communities.

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)Plan cadastral dont les lots sont contigus, c'est à dire qu’ils sont situés les uns à côté des autres.

Cadastral plan where the lots are contiguous, meaning that they are situated one next to another.

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)Volubilis possède aussi un numéro foncier et un plan cadastral englobant les vestiges du site et de sa zone tampon.

Volubilis also has a land number and cadastral plan covering the remains of the site and its buffer zone.

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)La description technique de l’immeuble (les plans d’architecture, d’ingénierie, le plan cadastral, les études techniques réalisées, les dérogations accordées, etc.);

The immovable’s technical description (the architectural and engineering plans, the cadastral plan, the technical reports, the exemptions granted, etc.);

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)"""""""""""""""On a amélioré la boîte de dialogue """"""""""""""""Lecture du plan cadastral du territoire et mise à jour de la carte""""""""""""""""."""""""""""""""

"""""""""""""""Mode """"""""""""""""Reading the cadastral plan of territory and updating the map"""""""""""""""" is updated."""""""""""""""

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)La mission du géomètre se termine avec l’élaboration du document d’arpentage (ou « document modificatif du parcellaire cadastral »), qui sert à identifier les nouvelles parcelles issues de la division et à mettre à jour le plan cadastral.

The surveyor’s mission ends with the preparation of a survey document (or “document modifying the cadastral parcel”), which serves to identify the new plots from the division and to update the cadastral plan.

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)Ces informations ainsi que les diagnostics de la propriété, le rapport d'assainissement et le plan cadastral seront transmis au Notaire.

This information along with the diagnostics report for the property, the drainage report and cadastral plan will be send to the Notaire.

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)Cette opération sert à modifier le plan cadastral, conservé au service du Cadastre à Québec, dans le but de corriger certaines situations.

This operation is used to modify the cadastral plan preserved in the service of the Cadastre in Québec City, with the alm of correcting certain situations.

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)Construit dans le courant de l’année 1840, l’immeuble qui n’apparut sur un plan cadastral qu’en 1846, année d’ouverture de la rue Affre.

Built sometime in the year 1840, the building which appeared on a cadastral plan in 1846, opening Affre street.

general - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
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