Tiếng Anh 8 Tập 2 - Unit 10 COMMUNICATION - SKILLS 2

Unit 10 COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2 Page: 45 Listening

1 Look at the way this message is posted on an e-learning message board. Can you find any problems with it?


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Đóng {{note.updatedAt | date:'dd/MM/yyyy, hh:mm' }} Note Font: Arial Comic Sans MS Futura Black Bold Myriad Pro Myriad Pro Bold sans-serif Vietnam 15 20 25 30 Typing text Font: Arial Comic Sans MS Futura Black Bold Myriad Pro Myriad Pro Bold sans-serif Vietnam 15 20 25 30 ×

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1. Ask Ss to look at the message board. Ask them who posted the message and who they think the message is for. Ask them to try to identify what problems in terms of communication politeness they think the message has.





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