Trái Nghĩa Của Creative - Từ đồng Nghĩa

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Đồng nghĩa Trái nghĩa Nghĩa là gì Thành ngữ, tục ngữ Nghĩa là gì: creative creative /kri:'eitiv/
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Trái nghĩa của creative

Alternative for creative

Trái nghĩa: incredible, unbelievable,

Tính từ

Opposite of involving the use of innovation or imagination during the process of creation unimaginative uninspired derivative uncreative uninspiring common conservative imitative mundane ordinary prosaic routine uninventive unoriginal banal bland boring commonplace dull hackneyed humdrum lackluster lacklustre old hat pedestrian predictable stale sterile stock tame tedious trite unexciting uninteresting vanilla assembly-line canned cookie-cutter old unresourceful conventional bromidic reasonable realistic unartistic clichéd usual insipid familiar unromantic worn tired warmed-over time-honored derived monotonous unadventurous customary cliched flat old-fashioned outdated vapid worn-out well-worn practical noninnovative traditional inept stolen typical overused standard literal unpoetical real normal threadbare truistic overdone platitudinous used passé time-worn stereotyped worn out antiquated out-of-date dated played-out out of style outmoded unfashionable obsolete stereotypical has-been retro moth-eaten old-hat unstylish outworn superseded extinct old-chestnut shopworn

Tính từ

Opposite of involving the use of one's wits foolish harebrained inane silly stupid asinine idiotic impractical nonsensical ridiculous witless absurd ill-considered illogical imbecilic ludicrous mindless preposterous brainless daft fatuous feebleminded half-baked half-witted moronic unintelligent unreasonable dense dumb dim dull simple slow obtuse ignorant oafish dopey vacuous unsmart imbecile clueless doltish dull-witted empty-headed simple-minded slow-witted soft ordinary knuckleheaded unaccomplished mediocre dopy thick gormless crackbrained stolid boneheaded softheaded untalented inept chuckleheaded opaque pinheaded dorky unexceptional unbrilliant birdbrained senseless bubbleheaded lamebrain scatterbrained dulled vapid thickheaded deficient dunderheaded unthinking normal gullible unaware airheaded lamebrained lunkheaded naive dunce-like brain-dead dim-witted thick-witted weak-minded run-of-the-mill unintellectual illiterate unlearned nonintellectual philistine addle-brained lowbrow non-intellectual anti-intellectual

Tính từ

Opposite of talented in skills involving creation inept incompetent talentless ungifted unskilled unskillful unpolished untalented amateurish dim inadept incapable inexpert slow-witted unaccomplished undeveloped unproductive unproficient unresourceful useless

Tính từ

Opposite of deviating from the norm conventional orthodox conservative ordinary traditional plain regular standard stereotypical typical conformist everyday mainstream normal predictable run-of-the-mill traditionalistic unadventurous unoriginal commonplace conforming customary old-school routine stereotyped straight usual old old-fashioned trivial common classic mature widespread clichéd antiquated time-honored dated established familiar ancient classical obsolete timeworn prevailing staple recognized outmoded outdated stock vanilla widely used garden variety vintage basic hackneyed general old-style tired regulation well-worn worn long-established out-of-date recognised imitative tried-and-true warmed-over trite derivative boring

Tính từ

Opposite of technologically advanced backward backwards outdated out of date ancient dated obsolete old antiquated archaic old-fashioned outmoded primitive antediluvian antique behind the times bygone parachronistic passé stodgy underdeveloped undeveloped unprogressive prehistoric stone-age

Tính từ

Opposite of involving the use of innovation or imagination during the process of creation unimaginative uninventive unoriginal uncreative clumsy unresourceful unskilful awkward dull dumb foolish honest ignorant incompetent inept open stupid untalented

Tính từ

Opposite of displaying a creative streak for a given activity mediocre poor depressed deterred discouraged disheartened dissuaded uninspired

Tính từ

Opposite of strongly influencing later developments unimportant irrelevant

Tính từ

Opposite of built or designed with a high level of creativity or knowledge unimaginative uninspired unoriginal uncreative assembly-line canned cookie-cutter derivative hackneyed imitative impractical passé pedantic pedestrian stodgy uninventive unproductive useless basic dated outdated antiquated crude oldfangled old-fangled old-fashioned old-school outmoded out-of-date out of style out-of-style primitive unevolved unfashionable

Tính từ

Opposite of having or showing initiative and resourcefulness unadventurous unenterprising unimaginative feckless cowardly inactive lazy lethargic meek passive timid unenthused unresourceful

Tính từ

Opposite of willing to consider new ideas conservative unambitious denied vetoed

Tính từ

Opposite of aesthetically pleasing displeasing inaesthetic ugly unaesthetic unattractive inelegant tasteless inartistic uncreative distasteful horrible scientific

Tính từ

Opposite of relating to or used in poetry prosaic prose unlyrical unpoetic

Tính từ

Opposite of producing or capable of producing an abundance of offspring or new growth barren dead infertile sterile unfertile unfruitful unproductive impotent

Tính từ

Opposite of having the power of generating, propagating, originating, or producing annihilative

Tính từ

Opposite of full of meaning or significance unexpressive insignificant trivial

Tính từ

Opposite of having an imaginative or sensitively emotional style of expression insensitive

Tính từ

Opposite of deft, dexterous, or skillful, especially with one's hands clumsy uncoordinated butterfingered unskilled unskillful incapable undexterous ungraceful maladroit unadept unskilful fumbled fumbling graceless inept awkward blunderous cloddish incompetent lumbering blundering bungling gangling inexpert klutzy ungainly unhandy amateurish bumbling gauche gawkish gawky handless accident-prone amateur cack-handed ham-fisted ham-handed heavy-handed left-handed

Từ gần nghĩa

creatively creativeness creativenesses creative person creative power creative skill creations creationistic creationist creationisms creationism creationary

Đồng nghĩa của creative

creative Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

English Vocalbulary

Trái nghĩa của created Trái nghĩa của create Trái nghĩa của creation Trái nghĩa của creativity Trái nghĩa của creationism Trái nghĩa của creationist Trái nghĩa của creator Trái nghĩa của creational Trái nghĩa của creativeness Trái nghĩa của creating Trái nghĩa của creationary Trái nghĩa của creationistic Trái nghĩa của creations Trái nghĩa của creates Trái nghĩa của creatively Trái nghĩa của creators Trái nghĩa của creativities Trái nghĩa của creationisms Trái nghĩa của creativenesses An creative antonym dictionary is a great resource for writers, students, and anyone looking to expand their vocabulary. It contains a list of words with similar meanings with creative, allowing users to choose the best word for their specific context. Cùng học tiếng anh với từ điển Từ đồng nghĩa, cách dùng từ tương tự, Trái nghĩa của creative

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