Trái Nghĩa Của Cutest - Từ đồng Nghĩa

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Đồng nghĩa Trái nghĩa Nghĩa là gì Thành ngữ, tục ngữ Nghĩa là gì: cutest cute /kju:t/
  • tính từ
    • lanh lợi, sắc sảo, tinh khôn
    • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) duyên dáng, đáng yêu, xinh xắn
Trái nghĩa của cutest

Alternative for cutest

cuter, cutest

Đồng nghĩa: clever, cunning, dainty, pretty, shrewd, smart,

Tính từ

Opposite of superlative for having endearing traits or features attributable to infants maturest oldest ancientest grayest greyest most adult most senior most aged most haggard most grizzled most grown-up most middle-aged

Tính từ

Opposite of superlative for attractive, especially in a youthful manner ugliest plainest disgustingest homeliest beastliest grossest grotesquest uncomeliest unloveliest most unattractive most hideous most unappealing most repulsive most offensive most uninviting most abominable most bestial most deformed most frightful most monstrous most revolting most unaesthetic most uncute most unalluring most unbeautiful most unhandsome most unpleasing most unpretty most unsightly most ill-favoured most ill-favored

Tính từ

Opposite of superlative for having a flippant demeanor that is not appreciated under the circumstances seriousest earnestest glummest honestest realest somberest austerest dourest gravest soberest sombrest staidest sternest sullenest most highbrowed most thoughtful most genuine most intelligent most no-nonsense most sincere most authentic most forthright most intellectual most introspective most pensive most solemn most cultured most intellective most ruminative most sedate most subdued most unaffected most cerebral most cultivated most learned most thought-provoking

Tính từ

(candidest) Opposite of superlative for clever or shrewd, typically in an underhanded manner candidest frankest honestest directest straightest justest plainest bluntest most open most forthright most scrupulous most transparent most sincere most truthful most upfront most guileless most natural most plainspoken most straightforward most plain-spoken most unprejudiced most unpretending most unpretentious most upright

Tính từ

(simplest) Opposite of superlative for clever or shrewd, typically in an underhanded manner simplest greenest most innocent most ingenuous most naive most gullible most unsophisticated most artless most guileless most unartful most undesigning most simple-minded most childlike most impressionable most simpleminded most trustful

Từ gần nghĩa

cutesy cut expenditure cutey cut flower cut from cut from the same cloth cutesily cutesiest cutesier cuter cutenesses cuteness

Đồng nghĩa của cutest

cutest Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

English Vocalbulary

Trái nghĩa của cute Trái nghĩa của cuteness Trái nghĩa của cutesy Trái nghĩa của cutely Trái nghĩa của cuter Trái nghĩa của cutenesses Trái nghĩa của cutesily An cutest antonym dictionary is a great resource for writers, students, and anyone looking to expand their vocabulary. It contains a list of words with similar meanings with cutest, allowing users to choose the best word for their specific context. Cùng học tiếng anh với từ điển Từ đồng nghĩa, cách dùng từ tương tự, Trái nghĩa của cutest

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