Confident đi Với Giới Từ Gì? Cấu Trúc Confident - Cà Phê Du Học

Confident + in oneself

Tự tin vào chính mình

Cách sử dụng Confident

Cấu trúc Confident:

  • Confident in + possessive pronoun + “ability to…” = “I think I/he/they etc. can [do that]”
  • Confident of (+ possessive pronoun) + gerund (e.g. “being able to + infinitive”, “winning”) (+ noun) = “I’m sure that I can/will [do that]”, or with a pronoun “I’m sure that he/they etc. can/will [do that]”
  • Confident about (+ pronoun) + gerund (e.g. “going”, “driving” + place, etc.) = “I’m not worried about (him/they etc.) [doing that]”
  • Confident that + subject + will/would (usually) + verb + object = “I’m sure that subj. will [do that to] obj.”

Confident có nhiều cách diễn đạt khác nhau tùy từng ngữ cảnh:

  • I am a confident woman. (strong, sure of yourself, able to express yourself, outgoing)
  • Are you confident this is the right answer? I am confident that he is lying. (sure, believe to be correct)
  • In order to be good at public speaking, one must be very confident. (outgoing, not scared of audiences)
  • He’s so confident, it’s quite annoying. (can be negative) He’s so confident, it’s very admirable. (can be a good thing)

Confident đi với các từ gì?

confident adj.

Các động từ đi với Confident

appear, be, feel, look, seem, sound | become, get, grow He’s got more confident as he’s got older. She gradually grew more confident. | remain | make sb Going to university has made her more confident.

Các trạng từ đi với Confident

extremely, really, remarkably, very | absolutely, completely, entirely, fully, perfectly, supremely, totally | increasingly | fairly, pretty, quite, reasonably | calmly, quietly, serenely He came out of the interview feeling quietly confident. She sauntered onto the set, looking serenely confident. | cautiously | socially You get young people who appear to be socially confident, but inside they are a bundle of neuroses.

Các từ liên quan đến Confident

Từ đồng nghĩa


bet on , bold , brave , cocksure , convinced , counting on , courageous , dauntless , depending on , expectant , expecting , fearless , having faith in , high * , hopeful , intrepid , positive , presuming , presumptuous , puffed up , pushy , racked , sanguine , satisfied , secure , self-assured , self-reliant , self-sufficient , sure , trusting , unafraid , undaunted , upbeat , uppity * , valiant , assured , certain , undoubting , self-confident , self-possessed , brash , cocky , constant , determined , hardy , reliant , smug , trustful , trustworthy

Từ trái nghĩa


uncertain , unsure

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