Vô - Dicionário Português-Inglês

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WordReference English-Portuguese Dictionary © 2024:

Traduções principais
sm (forma carinhosa de avô) (informal)grandpa n
(informal)granddad n
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WordReference English-Portuguese Dictionary © 2024:

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Traduções principais
grandpa n informal (parent's father)vovô sm
avô sm
(informal)vô sm
James visits his grandpa every month.
granddad, grandad n informal (father of your parent)avô sm
(informal)vovô, vô sm
My granddad is a World War II veteran.
Granddad, Grandad interj informal (Grandfather: in direct address)vovô, vô, avô sm
Granddad, can you tell me a story?
Grandpa n informal (in direct address)vovô sm
avô sm
(informal)vô sm
Don't forget to phone Grandpa today.
Granddad, Grandad interj figurative, pejorative, slang (old man: in direct address)vovô, vô, avô sm
Hey Granddad, move a little faster!
Está faltando alguma coisa importante ? Notifique-nos a respeito de erros ou sugestões para que possamos aprimorar o nosso sistema.
Formas compostas:
grandma n informal (grandmother) (informal)vó sf
(informal, carinhoso)vovó sf
Jeff's grandma is turning seventy tomorrow.
A vó de Jeff está completando setenta amanhã.
Grandma interj informal (Grandmother: in direct address) (informal)Vó interj
(informal, carinhoso)Vovó interj
Grandma, what did a car cost when you were young?
Vó, quanto custava um carro quando você era jovem?
granny, gran n informal (grandmother) (informal)vó sf
Ellie's granny lives in the next town over.
Granny, Gran n informal (in direct address) (informal)vó sf
Granny, how is your back doing today? Ask Granny if she'd like a cup of tea.
granny n as adj figurative, pejorative, slang (outdated, not stylish)de vó loc adj
Wow, look at this awful granny dress.
nan n UK, informal (grandmother) (abreviatura, familiar)vó, vovó sf
My nan makes the best chocolate chip cookies!
Nan n UK, informal (Grandmother: in direct address) (informal)vó, vovó sf
Nan, can I get you anything else to eat?
nanny n UK, informal (grandmother)avó sf
(informal)vó, vóvó sf
Sean went to stay with his nanny while his family was on vacation.
Nanny, Nannie n UK, informal (Grandmother: in direct address) (informal)vó, vóvó sf
Laura looked at her grandmother and said, "Nanny, can I have a cookie?"
Está faltando alguma coisa importante ? Notifique-nos a respeito de erros ou sugestões para que possamos aprimorar o nosso sistema.

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