Học Phát âm | Phần 9: Nguyên âm /OW/ Và /AE/ | VOCA.VN

Bài học này bao gồm:
  • Nguyên âm ‘OW’
  • Nguyên âm ‘AE’
Hướng dẫn: - Bước 1: Các bạn xem video bài học ở trên và làm theo những gì thầy Paul Gruber hướng dẫn. (Có sẵn phụ đề) - Bước 2: Sau khi đã nắm vững lý thuyết, các bạn có thể ứng dụng chúng vào phần bài tập bên dưới. - Bước 3: Các bạn cài đặt ứng dụng học phát âm của VOCA để thực hành. Nguyên âm ‘O’

Chữ W ẩn


Phát âm âm ‘O’

Open Robe
Oatmeal Coach
Blown Rotate
Bold Loan
Owner Slow
Phone Road
Cold Roam

Luyện tập âm ‘O’

  • How did you know that?
  • I don’t know where the hole is on the coat.
  • Does Joe know how to drive on the road?
  • I need to blow my nose when I have a cold.
  • Has it ever snowed in Rhode Island?
  • Cold winds will slowly blow snow over most of Ohio.
  • This low is no joke. So folks, don’t go out without coats!


Woke = WOW + K Won’t = WOW + ’NT
  • I want the ball.
  • I won’t give you the ball.
  • She wants to sleep.
  • She woke up.
  • He wants to buy a car.
  • He won’t buy a car.
  • They want to speak with you.
  • He won’t speak with you.
Nguyên âm ‘AE’
Age Gain
Aid Change
Eight Gave
Able Nation
Chain Day
Date Paper
Eighteen Angel
Fake Basic
Lazy Face
Made Baby
Luyện tập âm ‘AE’
  • The ape gave the trainer a cane.
  • David began shaving when he was eighteen.
  • The rainbow appeared when daylight changed.
  • The baby snake lived in a painted cage.
  • My neighbor’s basement was changed from blue to beige.
  • Hey, take away the strain! Weigh the gains of a great break with Lazy
  • Day Vacations. Lines are open eight till late. They aim to make your day!
50 TIỂU BANG (Những âm nhấn được in đậm)
Alabama Montana
Alaska Nebraska
Arizona Nevada
Arkansas New Hampshire
California New Jersey
Colorado New Mexico
Connecticut New York
Delaware North Carolina
Florida North Dakota
Georgia Ohio
Hawaii Oklahoma
Idaho Oregon
Illinois Pennsylvania
Indiana Rhode Island
Iowa South Carolina
Kansas South Dakota
Kentucky Tennessee
Louisiana Texas
Maine Utah
Maryland Vermont
Massachusetts Virginia
Michigan Washington
Minnesota West Virginia
Mississippi Wisconsin
Missouri Wyoming

Từ khóa » Phiên âm Owe