Các động Từ Theo Sau Là V-ing, To_verb Hoặc V-bare
Có thể bạn quan tâm
“Theo sau tất cả trợ từ (động từ khiếm khuyết): can, could, will,shall, would, may, might, ought to, must, had better, would like to, needn’t, would rather, would sooner, be supposed to là những động từ không “”chia””, V-bare
- 20 mẫu câu thường gặp với “To Be”
- Khi nào cần gấp đôi phụ âm
1. Những động từ theo sau la “”to verb” co 2 trường hợp: 1.a- [cong thức: S+V+to V]: afford, appear, ask, bear, begin, choose, decide, expect, forget, hate, hesitate, intend, like, manage, neglect, prefer, pretend, propose, regret, seem, swear, try, wish, agree, arrange, attempt, beg, care, consent, determine, fail, happend, help, hope, learn, love, mean, offer, prepare, promise, refuse, remember, start, trouble, want, would like prefer.
1.b- [cong thức: S+V+O+to V]: advise, ask, be, command, encourage, forbid, get, help, intend, leave, mean, oblige, permit, prefer, recommend, remind, tell, allow, bear, cause, compel, expect, force, hate, instruct, invite, like, need, order, persuade, press, request, teach, tempt, trouble, warn, want, wish.
2. Theo sau bởi “”V-ing””:
admit, advise, allow, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, confess, consider, deny, delay, detest, dislike, enjoy, escape, excuse, face, fancy, finish, give up, imagine, invlolve, justify, keep on, leave off, mention, mind, miss, permit, postpone, quit, recommend, resent, resist, resume, risk, save, tolerate, suggest, recollect, stop, pardon, can’t resist, can’t stand, can’t help, understand Ngoài ra theo sau: be worth, it is no use, there is no, it is no good cũng là V-ing
3. Những động từ theo sau gồm cả “”to verb”” & “”V-ing””: advise, attempt, commence, begin, allow, cease, continue, dread, forget, hate, intend, leave, like, love, mean, permit, prefer, propose, regret, remember, start, study, try, can’t bear, recommend, need, want, require. Đa số những động từ trên khi theo sau là: “”to verb”” hoặc “”V-ing”” sẽ co nghĩa khác nhau.”
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